London hospital - image courtesy of Shutterstock

We wish to welcome you to our organisation as a host for your placements, we are keen to support your clinical development through mentoring plus support from the workforce development directorate, clinical development facilitators and Placement Development Team Lead.

1. We are an integrated organisation, meaning you will have the opportunity to work across all sectors of nursing, from acute including the emergency department and medical assessment unit to community hospitals and community nursing teams.

2. We offer a ‘hub and spoke’ style of learning meaning your hub will offer you relevant experience within that field but also link into other departments. This means that if you have a placement on a surgical ward you will may be offered the opportunity to work with the pain team or the colorectal specialist nurses

3. Library access - we encourage all students to register with our Health Library, this gives you access to a wide variety of resources in the South West area. There is a wide selection of books and periodicals, access to computers and a photocopier. It is available to access 24 hours a day. The team are a very useful resource and will help you with research enquiries if needed.

4. IT access for all learners – we can set this up for you to access the Trust Intranet which has a wide variety of resources.

5. Journal club – we have a virtual journal club that runs every month on a certain date and time, there is a ‘phone-in number’ to take part in this session. A research article is discussed with other health professionals on a variety of topics which is advertised in advance.

6. We promote health and well-being messages and activities to staff. We support national health and well-being campaigns such as no smoking day and world mental health day via our staff intranet pages. At some sites we also provide physical activity classes for staff such as dance, pilates, yoga and tai chi. We also deliver staff health and well-being events at Trust locations where staff are able to have their blood pressure taken, chat to the Occupational Health Team and Dietitians and access health and well-being information.

7. Simulation suite – you will have the opportunity to take part using the Simulation Suite with other health students during your training.

8. We are an organisation that supports education and career development, we offer Preceptorship and CPD Courses in conjunction with the University of Plymouth as our educational partner organisation.

9. We offer flexible rotational 18 month substantive posts for newly qualified nurses as well as those in specific clinical areas.

10. The Trust is involved in a variety of pilot topics such as the electronic OARS pilot with the University of Plymouth which started in January 2017.