This included evidence of his contribution and discussion at the PPG meetings.
Student B also contributed to a patient survey activity with other PPG members.
This resulted in changes being made to improve the patient experience of accessing GP Practice appointments. Student B also attended a local meeting to find out how health and social care organisations were communicating with the local population regarding the NHS Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP).
He contributed to some of the discussions with representatives from the Clinical Commissioning Group to find out more about potential proposals to save millions of pounds by 2020–21.
Student B wrote up the main issues raised by public and patients at the meeting and the responses made. He was able to reflect on this experience of gaining greater insight in to how patients and the public voice is communicated and how health and social care organisations respond to their concerns.
• Student C wanted to find out more about patient experiences and support after experiencing bowel cancer surgery in the county when she was on a surgical placement at the beginning of year two.
She undertook web searching to find out more about patient support groups in the county. Student C had also contacted the colorectal specialist nurse in her local NHS Trust and arranged to meet to discuss finding out more about the patient and carer experience following discharge from hospital.
She had read a few ‘patient stories’ online from patients and their family members who had felt isolated and unsupported after hospital discharge.
The specialist nurse recommended to Student C that she might find it useful to request attending the local Bowel Cancer Support Group as a student nurse volunteer. The specialist nurses are part of this support group.
This group has meetings every two months but also has virtual meetings.
Becoming active with this group enabled Student C to develop a very good understanding of how patients and their families cope with the disabling effects of having cancer, the treatment regimes, challenges of role changes, and how these individuals cope with living with cancer after surgery.
The group also takes part in health promotion activities to raise awareness of bowel cancer. Student C was also able to evidence her contribution to developing awareness posters for local GP Practice waiting rooms.
She linked the activities to the ePAD requirements document and evidenced these within her ePortfolio.