P.h.D. Candidate researching the evolution of trade-offs in mating behaviour and physiology, in a biologically relevant context.


2014-2015: MSc by Research, University of Exeter
2011-2014- BSc (Hons) Zoology, University of Exeter

Professional membership

Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour


Research interests

My research uses Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism to explore plasticity and trade-offs in sexual traits, such as courtship and copulation behaviour and physiology, and how this ultimately impacts upon an individuals reproductive success. As resources (time, energy etc.) are limited, and reproductive and life processes are costly, it is not possible for an individual to maximise all traits simultaneously. Therefore, an individual must adjust traits accordingly via plastic mechanisms in response to it's environmental stimuli. I am interested in how flexible male behaviour is, and when and why the level of flexibility (ability to adjust these plastic traits) vary between individuals.

My research aims to assess these factors in a more biologically plausible and relevant environment than has been done historically using this laboratory model organism.