Urban Dialogues sub pages

On this page you will discover the range of diverse projects that are currently taking place across the city. For more information on individual projects, please visit our interactive map.

If you would like to send us information on your projects, please complete our online form.

The Urban Dialogues Projects interactive map provides a one-of-a-kind reference for current and past projects carried out by participants of the Urban Dialogues Network.

View current projects carried out by participants of the Urban Dialogues Network

Navigating the map

There are several ways to navigate your way through the map.

If you have a certain project in mind:

  • Select the search icon in the red strip above the project list and type in the project name of the project.
  • Click on the project icon to find out more about the project or the ‘who’s involved’ icon to see the network people engaging with the project.
  • It is recommended that once you know the category/categories the project(s) you are interested in, turn off the other layers of project mapping by unticking the red box next to the category name.
  • Another way to find the project is to simply scroll through the project lists.

If you have a contact/person in mind who you know is involved:

  • Select the search icon in the red strip above the project list and type in the name of the person.
  • Click on the listed name or icon to find out more about the person.
  • In order to clear some of the information on the map, take note of the category the person falls within and turn off the other categories.
  • Now, just a list of projects within that category and people involved with those projects will be visible. People are connected to projects through network lines.
3. If you want to look at a particular area

  • As per any Google map, you can zoom into any neighbourhood across Plymouth and see what projects are taking place.

4. If you want to browse

  • Turn off all category tabs and turn them on one at a time for clearest display of projects and people.

If you would like to send us information on your projects, please complete our online form.

Current projects

Riverside Outdoor Learning Space 

A cross-disciplinary project between the BA (Hons) Architecture programme and the Education Institute’s BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies programme, in which students are working together with the Riverside Community Primary School Nursery to generate ideas for, design and build a new outdoor learning and plays space on the nursery’s grounds in Barne Barton, Plymouth.

Riverside Outdoor Learning Space

Regeneration of Iao Hon, Macau

A cross-university (and cross-national project) involving the Master of Architecture programme is also underway. This builds on a successful visit to Macau, China this past Autumn, during which M Arch students worked together with City University of Macau PhD students exploring possibilities for the regeneration of a long-overlooked and marginalised neighbourhood in Macau. Invited to work there by a Senator of the Macau government, their work has involved consultation with the Government’s Economic Policy and Regeneration Office and Cultural Institute, developers, and the local community.

Regeneration of Iao Hon, Macau

Union Street Hub

A cross-sector project between the Master of Architecture programme and various external partners, including KARST, Nudge, Our Plymouth and the Plymouth Octopus Project, to generate and develop ideas for regeneration of the Union Street area in Plymouth. One of the ideas currently being is for a community-based University hub, which will bring in discussions with the University’s Medical School and Nursing and Midwifery School.