A celebration of research partnership with patients, service users and the public
Fostering a climate of creative co-production with the University of Plymouth

Animation still - credit: Jake Rowlinson
This interactive and creative event celebrated the many valuable patient and public research partnerships with the University of Plymouth.
Our marketplace offered a Co-production In-Action Zone in a series of over 20 interactive research stalls. A Patient, Service User and Carer Community Café offered visitors the opportunity to engage with current and future research in a ‘recruitment fair’ for PPI - patient and public involvement - research where visitors can explore and sign-up to be involved in future ventures.
The event also included a panel discussion around the importance and future of co-production, involving speakers from the University, Plymouth City Council, Derriford Hospital, Plymouth Primary Care and Patient Groups.
Importantly, as the first event to bring together stakeholders from these groups, it provided a unique opportunity for all those attending to make connections, and become involved on various levels with future research, teaching and outreach at the University and in local and regional communities.
Join the conversation on social media with #Plymresfest.
Email any event queries to events@plymouth.ac.uk
“Working in partnership with community leaders allowed us to tailor the event to the health needs of the local population in a way that would have been impossible had we simply parachuted in with pre-existing ideas.” (University of Plymouth researcher)
“These activities have been enormously beneficial to our residents, giving them the opportunity to contribute as experts in their own right and to have their voice heard on matters of medical practice impacting on their lives.” (Homeless Community Group)
“Patient representatives play a meaningful role in the health service. This trend will continue and become more widespread with more representatives becoming involved.” (Member of the public - lay representative)
Celebrating the very best of Plymouth's rich and varied research, creating an impact – from local to global.