Marine Physics Research Group

Howell, K.L., Huvenne, V., Piechaud, N., Robert, K. & Ross, R.E., 2014. Analysis of biological data from the JC060 survey of areas of conservation interest in deep waters off north and west Scotland, JNCC Report 528, ISSN 0963 8091
Thain, R.H., G. Shapiro. and Zanacchi, M. A research study investigating oceanographic model resolution to meet the operational requirements of the Royal Navy. Ministry of Defence Contract No: CTLBC/1831
Schindler, R.J.,, Benson, T., Manning, A.J.,, Soulsby, R.L., Spearman, J.R., Whitehouse, R.J.S., 2011. Correction of Numerical Mesh for Telemac3D Modelling of the Upper-Tamar Estuary (SiTE P57). HR Wallingford Technical Report, DDK2092-01.
Schindler, R.J.,, Benson, T., Manning, A.J.,, Soulsby, R.L., Spearman, J.R., Whitehouse, R.J.S., 2011. Testing of formulae for the settling flux estimation of natural estuarine cohesive sediment (SiTE P56). HR Wallingford Technical Report, DDK2092-02.
Thain, R.H. et al., 2011, Capability of Remote Sensing and Ocean Modelling to Provide the Underwater Recognised Environmental Picture (REP). Report prepared for the Osprey Consortium, Task 27, MUWE/05/22/42/261, Thain R.H. and A.D. Priestley (eds.) 63pp.
Manning, A.J., Schindler, R.J., Benson, T., Soulsby, R.L., Spearman, J.R., Whitehouse, R.J.S. 2011. Seed funding LabSFLOC - Paving the way for a strategic alliance with industry - C1 Tamar Estuary COSINUS Floc data (SiTE P51 & D1). HR Wallingford Technical Note, DDK2092-03
Manning, A.J., Schindler, R.J., Benson, T., Soulsby, R.L., Spearman, J.R., Whitehouse, R.J.S. 2011. Seed funding LabSFLOC - Paving the way for a strategic alliance with industry - C2 Tamar Estuary COSINUS Floc data (SiTE P52 & D2). HR Wallingford Technical Note, DDK2092-04.
Sherwin, T., Hosegood, P. J. , 2010. A review of the spatial and seasonal distribution of velocity in the Faroe-Shetland Channel, SAMS Internal Report 268, Scottish Marine Institute, Oban, pp.80.
Manning, A.J., Whitehouse, R.J.S., 2009. An overview of the deposition and erosion of estuarine sediments. HR Wallingford Internal Report, IT 590.
Manning, A.J., Whitehouse, R.J.S., 2009. UoP mini-annular flume – operation and hydrodynamic calibration. HR Wallingford Technical Report, TR169.
Manning, A.J., 2009. In-situ observations of suspended floc properties in Lake Apopka, Florida. Resuspension dynamics in Lake Apopka, Florida, submitted to St. Johns River Water Management District, Palatka, Florida, June 2009. Appendix D of Final Report No. UFL/COEL-2009/00.
Mehta, A.J., Jaeger, J.M., Valle-Levinson, A., Hayter, E.J., Wolanski, E., Manning, A.J., 2009. Resuspension Dynamics in Lake Apopka, Florida. Final Synopsis Report, submitted to St. Johns River Water Management District, Palatka, Florida, June 2009. Report No. UFL/COEL-2009/00.
Manning, A.J., Baugh, J.V., Spearman, J., Whitehouse, R.J.S., 2008. Mud:sand transport – flocculation and settling dynamics within turbulent flows: the development of new algorithms to parameterise the mass settling flux of flocculated mixed estuarine sediments. HR Wallingford Internal Report, IT 552.