Marine Physics Research Group
Studying fundamental physical processes occurring within marine systems, from microscopic to oceanic scale, across a wide range of research themes.

A compact group with high impact, we study fundamental physical processes occurring within marine systems, from microscopic to oceanic scale, across a wide range of research themes.
We develop and deploy new instrumentation to collect in-situ field measurements and utilise state-of-the-art numerical modelling to examine the different component physical processes.
We have particular specialisms in dynamical physical oceanography, flocculation dynamics of cohesive sediments, particle imaging methods, turbulence microstructure measurements and visualisation, as well as in non-linear internal waves.
Our group comprises seven academic staff, four research fellows and seven research students. Since 2007, we have published over 50 papers in international refereed journals, 10 books and chapters, and attracted research funding to the University in excess of £5 million. We collaborate nationally and internationally, and with colleagues in our sister research groups throughout the University of Plymouth Marine Institute and School of Biological and Marine Sciences.