Under the theme of fishing and aquaculture, discover both the active and completed projects our researchers in the
Marine Conservation Research Group are working on.
Active projects
Preventing a LIONfish invasion in the MEDiterranean through early response and targeted REmoval (RELIONMED)
The application of autonomous underwater vehicles to challenges in marine habitat mapping and predictive species distribution modelling
Use of predictive habitat modelling to assess the distribution and extent of selected Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems in the South Atlantic deep sea
Identifying juvenile fish habitats for sustainable fisheries
Assessing and enhancing ecosystem services provided by diadromous fish in a climate change context (DiadES)
South West Partnership for Environment and Economic Prosperity (SWEEP)
A Natural Capital Plan for the North Devon Marine Pioneer
RETURN: Reserve Effects Tested and Understood to validate ReturN
Offshore mussel farm ecology
Response Of predators to Protection and Enhancement (ROPE)
The SCILL-E Project (Site Classification to Inform Sustainable Lives and Livelihoods for Fisheries and Ecosystems)
One Ocean Hub
FISH INTEL Interreg France (Channel) England
Lundy; studying the ecological effects of a No Take Zone 19 years after designation
Establishing a socio-economic baseline to monitor the impact of the Nearshore Trawling Byelaw 2019 on Sussex inshore fishermen
Ropes to Reefs FISP
Pollack FISP
Angling for Sustainability