Genetic Toxicology and Ecotoxicology research projects
Discover more about the projects being undertaken by our researchers

TITANS endeavours to find a solution to tritium permeation, release into the environment, health effects during dismantling activities as well as a method of capturing, storing, and recycling tritium.
The goal of the SPHERTOX project is to investigate whether hepatic 3D spheroids from rainbow trout fish are a suitable bioassay for cell-based (in vitro) bioconcentration assessment and chronic toxicity testing, alone and when in co-cultures, respectively.
Elucidating the potential interaction of manufactured nanoparticles with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: An integrated toxicogenomics approach.
The overall objective of the TREE project is to reduce uncertainty in estimating the risk to humans and wildlife associated with exposure to radioactivity and to reduce unnecessary conservatism in risk calculations.
Moving up a dimension: 3D in vitro models as effective alternatives to live fish studies.
Relative sensitivity of ovarian cancer cells (OVCAR 4,5 and IGROV1) following treatment with auranofin, an anti-rheumatic drug
Spheroids from fish gut cell
Detection of genetic damage following exposure to copper in undifferentiated and differentiated neuronal cells using immunocytochemistry techniques
Screening water samples from Kuwait for determining antimicrobial resistance
Determining DNA damage using comet assay in mussels
Cells being exposed to lasers