Hosted by the
Justice and Imagination in Global Displacement research collective and the
Displacement Studies Research Network as part of Refugee Week 2021, Made in Migration is a digital exhibition created by a specialist team of displaced people, mixed-media artists, and academics who worked together for over a year, using non-hierarchical and prefigurative methods of research and practice.
Drawing on participatory cultural heritage methods rooted in archaeology, anthropology, ethnography, architecture and spatial practice, film and photography, and creative writing, we co-interpreted data on contemporary experiences of forced displacement in Europe. Data collected in the UK, Greece and Sweden between 2017 and 2020 comprises photographs, drawings, maps, objects, and film/audio recordings. The aim of the exhibition is to identify themes and types of objects which feature in experiences of forced displacement and to creatively reflect on relationships between ‘things’, memories and narratives of human freedom.
The Made in Migration exhibition is part of the British Academy funded project Migrant Materialities led by Dr Rachael Kiddey, University of Oxford, in collaboration with a research collective of a group of people with lived experiences of forced displacement and research consultants including Caleb Parkin (Bristol City Poet 2020–22), Owain Astles (Visual Activist), and Dr Sana Murrani (Associate Professor of Spatial Practice, University of Plymouth).
Exhibition launch event
The launch event took place on 15 June 2021, during Refugee Week, and attendees celebrated with the group this living archive of heroic experiences through creative storytelling.
Dr Sana Murrani for further information.