Press office news tagged news,penctu
Study explores whether dietary supplement could provide first effective treatment for cirrhosis
University of Plymouth news: The University is leading the BOOST trial, which will assess whether the HMB supplement can benefit some of the 60,000 people living with the liver condition in the UK
Donations support a brighter future for people with MS
University of Plymouth news: Donations support a brighter future for people with MS. More than £80,000 has been donated to benefit University research.
£2.78m study to explore nutrition in older care home residents
University of Plymouth news: £2.78m study to explore nutrition in older care home residents. New research is exploring whether oral nutritional supplements (ONS) meet the nutritional needs of older people in care homes, compared with a fortified diet.
£2.4 million project aims to help people with multiple long-term conditions stay well
University of Plymouth news: Researchers from the University are part of a major new project aiming to establish some of the common issues that exist for people living with more than one health condition.
Trial explores whether HIV and AIDS drugs could be used to treat brain tumours
University of Plymouth news: Scientists at our Brain Tumour Research Centre of Excellence are conducting a clinical trial to see whether using anti-retroviral medications could help people with Neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2)
Physical activity and tailored support fails to deliver lasting benefits for smokers not ready to quit
University of Plymouth news: A major study shows that promoting physical activity and other behavioural support delivers no noticeable benefits – compared with offering no additional support – in the rates of people stopping smoking
Research explores if artificial intelligence can support safer prescribing for people with intellectual disabilities and epilepsy
University of Plymouth - Research explores if artificial intelligence can support safer prescribing for people with intellectual disabilities and epilepsy
£2.5 million to study group treatment programme for people with severe obesity
A team of researchers based in the West Country has been awarded nearly £2.5 million from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).
Study to explore whether new therapy can help address problem drinking
A psychological therapy found to be effective in helping people achieve and maintain weight loss is being trialled to see if it can support patients with chronic liver disease to stop drinking.
Standing frame intervention improves life for people with MS, research shows
Study participant John Kendrick was able to walk his daughter down the aisle thanks to using the standing frame. Full results of the research are now available to view in The Lancet Neurology.
Mantle cell lymphoma patients living longer thanks to specialist clinic
Plymouth patients are shown to be living, on average, twice as long as the general population in new work by University researchers Professor Simon Rule and Dr Rory McCulloch - clinicians in the Haematology team at University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
Why get involved in clinical trials? Read Michael’s story
Michael Broad has Parkinson's, and explains his involvement in a pioneering trial currently being run by the University of Plymouth.