Press office news tagged
Research breakthrough could see HIV drugs used to treat low-grade brain tumours
New research shows that drugs developed to treat AIDS and HIV could offer hope to patients diagnosed with the most common form of primary brain tumour.
New research sheds light on how ultrasound could be used to treat psychiatric disorders
A new study has shed light on which parts of the brain support credit assignment processes and, for the first time, how low-intensity transcranial ultrasound stimulation (TUS) can modulate both brain activity and behaviours related to these processes.
Night lights: new global atlas maps out artificial light at night under the sea
A study co-led by the University has shown up to 1.9 million sq km of the world’s coastal waters are being exposed to biologically significant levels of artificial light at night
University joins British Academy network for early career researchers
The University of Plymouth is part of a new consortium that aims to establish an inclusive, UK-wide Network for ECRs in the humanities and social sciences
University and Babcock launch Project Management degree apprenticeships
The University of Plymouth has worked in partnership with Babcock to launch a new Project Management Degree Apprenticeship programme
First real-world study shows the potential of gait authentication to enhance smartphone security
A study led by the University of Plymouth asked smartphone users to go about their daily activities while motion sensors within their mobile devices captured data about their stride patterns
Top ten ranking for the University of Plymouth in national green league
The University of Plymouth is ranked ninth in the 2021 People and Planet University League.
Burrowing snakes have far worse eyesight than their ancestors
An international team of scientists – led by the Natural History Museum and the University of Plymouth – has demonstrated that burrowing snakes have undergone extensive vision gene loss over tens of millions of years of evolutionary history
Primary pupils meet astronaut as part of University outreach competition
Four lucky primary school pupils have met British astronaut Tim Peake.
Innovative plankton monitoring tool holds key to assessing health of ocean life
Researchers from the University of Plymouth have helped to create the Plankton Lifeform Extraction Tool, a free, online tool to make complex plankton datasets easier and more accessible for all
Blue Carbon Artist in Residence aims to strengthen links between city and sea
University of Plymouth news: The University is leading a new project through which the UK’s first Blue Carbon Artist in Residence will aim to engage local residents and visitors with the wonders of the marine environment.
Volcanic eruptions drove severe mass extinction, say scientists
New research involving the University of Plymouth examined the effects of volcanism on ocean chemistry during a period of extreme environmental change around 450 million years ago.