Press office news tagged sustainability
Dissertation could benefit world-leading sustainability agenda
Plymouth University News: A Plymouth University student could have a direct influence on the institution’s future sustainability performance as he helps develop its waste management tender as part of his dissertation
University commissions video to help visualise carbon footprint and Sustainability Report
Plymouth University news:
Double success for sustainable design graduate
Plymouth University News: A Plymouth University graduate has earned national acclaim for the quality of work assessing the actual and potential impacts of two construction projects in the South West
Green is the colour as University of Plymouth claims three national sustainability awards
News: University of Plymouth wins three Green Gown Awards on a night of success in Manchester
Tackling the issue of sustainability in health
Plymouth University news: Following its nomination for a Green Gown Award, the School of Nursing and Midwifery has revealed how it is tackling issues of sustainability by bringing together health and design students.
Food for thought as University earns its sustainable 'Michelin stars'
Plymouth University news: Hospitality experts have awarded Plymouth University the highest rating for ethical food sourcing and community engagement in its campus restaurants.
Bigger fish to fry for the winner of University of Plymouth's Tectona Business Challenge
University of Plymouth news: Social Entrepreneur Andrew Jinman has reeled in a big catch after winning the top prize in the 2014 Tectona Business Challenge.
Fisherman scraping the bottom of the barrel in the English Channel
Plymouth University news: Decades of overfishing in the English Channel has resulted in the removal of many top predators from the sea and left fishermen ‘scraping the barrel’.
Supermarket of marine rubbish in new exhibition
Plymouth University news: A remarkable ‘supermarket’ stocked entirely from marine litter is set to feature in a new exhibition dedicated to raising public awareness of the problem of pollution in our seas.
Sustainability pioneer awarded prestigious National Teaching Fellowship
Plymouth University news: A world-renowned academic has been awarded a National Teaching Fellowship by the Higher Education Academy in recognition of his pioneering work to promote sustainability in education.