Press office news tagged
New research underlines need to be aware of loot box risks
University of Plymouth news: Now research led by the University has shown that at-risk individuals, such as those with known gaming and gambling problems, are more likely to engage with loot boxes
Concessionary bus travel has fallen by a third following COVID-19 pandemic
University of Plymouth news: New research shows the total number of concessionary bus journeys fell from 95million in 2019 to 61.2million in 2022, in spite of the number of active passholders falling by just 2.6%
Donation in memory of lecturer funds ‘life-changing’ research
University of Plymouth news: A donation in memory of a former lecturer is enabling a PhD student to carry out research into the development of a vaccine against Group B strep – a bacteria that can be passed from mothers to babies during birth
University launches Sustainability Solutions to secure a greener, cleaner future
University of Plymouth news: The University of Plymouth’s systems thinking approach to tackling global issues, Sustainability Solutions, has been launched in London.
Nursing and midwifery students celebrate sustainability prize
University of Plymouth news: Nursing and midwifery students have shared their innovative sustainability ideas at a special awards ceremony run by the University’s Sustainability Health and Wellbeing Interest Group (SHWIG).
Annual Report 2022/23
University of Plymouth news: The University's Annual Report and Financial Statements for 2022/23 have been published.
University livestreams Royal Institution Christmas Lectures
University of Plymouth news: World-famous Christmas Lectures were livestreamed to the University direct from the Royal Institution theatre in London, last week.
Carbon-busting connections between researchers and businesses
University of Plymouth news: The University of Plymouth is leading a two-year project to reduce carbon emissions in South West England.
Study furthers aim of offering new insights into pollack populations
University of Plymouth news: New measures to restrict pollack fishing highlight the urgent need for more data about the species, according to the team working on the Pollack Fisheries Industry Science Partnership (Pollack FISP) project.
Future of Celtic Sea wind energy moves closer
Floating Offshore Wind (FLOW) in the Celtic Sea, which sits off the coasts of South West England and South Wales is set create up to 4.5GW of energy capacity by 2035, together with social, economic and environmental opportunities for the regions.
University wins Outstanding Contribution to the Local Community category at Times Higher Education Awards 2023
University of Plymouth news: The pioneering work of the Peninsula Dental School and the Peninsula Dental Social Enterprise won the Outstanding Contribution to the Local Community category at the Times Higher Education Awards 2023.
Dental clinic’s blood pressure check enables patient to receive life-saving heart treatment
University of Plymouth news: A new study highlights the benefits of blood pressure case-finding clinics, run by the Peninsula Dental School, which alerted a patient to the need for urgent medical treatment