Getty image Jurassic coast

Be bold, and seek out experience as soon as you can. There are plenty of opportunities out there, from museums to local groups. If you are keen to see our natural environment protected and love communicating your passion for science with the public, then the world needs you

Sam Scriven

Tell us about your career path since graduation.

After graduation I moved back home and began volunteering in the county museum. Within a couple of months a vacancy popped up for an assistant warden at the Charmouth Heritage Coast Centre. My volunteering helped me to get that job. From there, I moved to the Jurassic Coast team as an Earth Science Adviser. A few years later, I was then promoted to Earth Science Manager. Experience in public engagement has been at the core of my entire career.
How has your degree influenced your career path?
I couldn’t have pursued my career without it. I think staying on to do the undergraduate masters (I wasn’t interested in specialising or doing research) was helpful as it gave me a slight edge over a bachelor’s degree, whilst expanding my knowledge of the subject and testing myself academically.

Career highlights?

There is a lot to choose from, but probably getting to write a book which, as I answer these questions, is going to print. Right now, I am feeling both excited and nervous to find out what people think of it. Our remit as a team involves a great deal of public engagement and communication, and this new book is an official guide to the fossils of the Jurassic Coast and intended for a general audience.

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Research student stood on Mount Etna, on a geology field trip.