Graphic created for criminology podcast Doing Time On...
The podcast is hosted by Dr Katie McBride and Dr Iain Channing, criminologists who have both engaged in research helping to connect the past with the present. 
In each episode the hosts explore contemporary issues in relation to their history and heritage. Together with academic guests, they investigate distinct themes, using their research to debunk myths and reflect on the development of the issue over time.
While the podcast is aimed at a public audience, it's also suitable as a teaching aid in academic institutions as it highlights current academic research and ideas. Each podcast is accompanied with a ‘further reading’ section to allow for independent study. 
This podcast series was created with assistance from our student interns:
  • Researcher: Hollie Jones, BA (Hons) History 
  • Researcher: Alexandra Lugg, BSc (Hons) Criminology and Criminal Justice
  • Copywriter: Anniina Burgermeister, BA (Hons) English and Creative Writing
  • Music: George B Charles, BA (Hons) Music
  • Sound engineer: Samuel Oakes, BSc (Hons) Computing, Audio and Music Technology
  • Artwork and Illustrations: Joe Buchan, BA (Hons) Illustration
  • Social media and marketing: Janina Smietanka
Criminology Podcast Team.Dr Iain Channing and Dr Katie McBride
The Doing Time On criminology podcast team
Criminology Podcast Team.Dr Iain Channing and Dr Katie McBride

Episode summaries

Episode 1: Doing Time on… An Introduction (working title)

In this introductory episode of Doing Time on…, hosts Katie and Iain discuss the value of looking to the past to help understand the present. This podcast helps establish why social scientists should not neglect historical perspectives while analysing present phenomena. Discussions highlight issues such as the suffragettes and changes in punishments through time.
Suggested reading list 
Channing, I., Churchill, D. and Yeomans, H. (2023) Renewing Historical Criminology: Scope, Significance, and Future Directions, Annual Review of Criminology, 6:339-361.
Churchill, D., Yeomans, H. and Channing, I. (2021), Historical Criminology, Routledge: Abingdon.
Coverley, M. (2020) Hauntology: Ghosts of Futures Past, Harpenden: Oldcastle Books Ltd.
Foucault, M. (1991 [1977]) Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, London: Penguin.
Jenkins, K. (1991) Re-thinking History, London: Routledge.

Episode 2: Doing Time on… Policing Protest (with Dr Iain Channing)

In this episode of Doing Time, Dr Katie McBride and Dr Iain Channing talk about the role of criminology in policing protests and activism. Which traditions are protected, and which should be changed to achieve equality? And how do laws impact who the police should take action against? To delve into this, they discuss a history of policing ranging from 18th century all the way through to significant events in the 1930s and today. 
Suggested reading list 
Channing, Iain. (2015) The Police and the Expansion of Public Order Law in Britain, 1829-2014, Abingdon: Routledge.
Channing, I. (2021) ‘Policing extreme political protest: A historical evaluation of police prejudice’ in Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 14:4, 900-915.
Clement, Matt. (2016) A People’s History of Riots, Protest and the Law: The Sound of the Crowd, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Mead, David. (2010) The New Law of Peaceful Protest: Rights and Regulation in the Human Rights Act Era, Oxford: Hart Publishing.
White, R. J. (1957) Waterloo to Peterloo, London: William Heinemann Ltd.

Episode 3: Doing Time on… The Marginalisation of Trans Identities (with Dr Katie McBride)

Throughout history, trans people have experienced a pervasive pattern of discrimination and prejudice, which is what Dr Iain Channing and Dr Katie McBride discuss in this episode of Doing Time. By going through the historical evolution of the trans experience in society and by delving into McBride’s research, they show how biology and science aren’t always as clear cut as people are led to believe.
Suggested reading list 
Billings, D. B. and Urban, T. (1996) 'The Socio-Medical Construction of Transsexualism', Blending Genders: Social Aspects of Cross-Dressing and Sex-Changing, pp. 99-117.
Califia, P. (1997) Sex Changes: The politics of transgenderism. San Francisco: Cleis Press.
Drescher, J. (2010) 'Queer diagnoses: Parallels and contrasts in the history of homosexuality, gender variance, and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual', Archives of sexual behavior, 39(2), pp. 427-460.
Lombardi, E. L.; Wilchins, R. A.; Priesing, D.; Malouf, D. (2001) ‘Gender Violence: Transgender Experiences with Violence and Discrimination’, Journal of Homosexuality, Vol. 42(1), p. 89-101.
McBride, K. (2019) A Critical Analysis of Harms Experienced by Transgender Individuals (PhD Thesis, University of Plymouth) Available at: (Accessed: 27.06.2023).
McBride, K. (2020) ‘Redressing the balance: Lived experiences of the harms of visually mediated transgender identity’, International Review of Victimology, Vol. 26(2), p. 163-180.
Socarides, C. W. (1969) 'The desire for sexual transformation: A psychiatric evaluation of transsexualism', American Journal of Psychiatry, 125(10), pp. 1419-1425.

Episode 4: Doing Time on… The Control of Gypsies and Travellers (with Professor Zoë James)

Professor Zoe James joins Dr Iain Channing and Dr Katie McBride to talk about her research on Gypsies, Travellers and Roma, especially the role of legislation and multi-agency policing in how these communities are controlled. They explore historical and contemporary evidence, shedding light on experiences of racism and exclusion, and busting myths of harmful stereotypes and tropes associated with Gypsies and Travellers.
Suggested reading list 
Cemlyn S, Greenfields M, Burnett S, Matthews Z and Whitwell C (2009) Inequalities experienced by Gypsy and Traveller Communities: A review, London: EHRC.
Clark, C. and Greenfields, M., (Eds.) (2006) Here to Stay: The Gypsies and Travellers of Britain. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press.
James, Z. (2020) The Harms of Hate for Gypsies and Travellers: A Critical Hate Studies Perspective, Cham: Springer International Publishing.
James, Z.; McBride, K. (2022) ‘Critical hate studies: A new perspective’, International Review of Victimology, Vol. 28(1), p. 92-108.
James, Z. (2022) ‘Roma, Gypsies, and Travellers As a Community of Difference: Challenging Inclusivity As an Anti-racist Approach’, Critical Romani Studies, Vol. 4(2), p. 142-162.
Marcus, G. (2019) Gypsy and Traveller Girls: Silence, Agency and Power. Palgrave Macmillan.
Okely, J. (1983) The Traveller-Gypsies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Taylor, B. (2014) Another Darkness, Another Dawn: A History of Gypsies, Roma and Travellers. London: Reaktion Books.
Willers, M. and Johnson, C. (Eds.) (2020) Gypsy and Traveller Law, London: Legal Action Group. 

Episode 5: Doing Time on… Women and the use of Public Space (With Dr Sian Lewis)

For this episode of Doing Time, Dr Iain Channing and Dr Katie McBride are joined by Dr Sian Lewis to discuss her research about sexual harassment against women on public transport. The liminality of the space, behavioural rules and intersectionality all play important roles in understanding women’s experiences with these incidents. Dr Lewis highlights this in using her data on sexual harassment on the London Underground, the role of the British Transport Police and the importance of sharing one’s story.
Suggested reading list 
APPG for UN Women (2021) Prevalence and reporting of sexual harassment in UK public spaces. Available at: (Accessed: 30.05.2023).
PA Media (2019) ‘Reports of sexual assaults on London Underground soar’, The Guardian, Available at: (Accessed 30.05.2023).
Sian, Lewis (2018) Sexual harassment on the London Underground: Mobilities, temporalities and knowledge’s of gendered violence in public transport, (PhD Thesis, University of Plymouth) Available at: (Accessed: 30.05.2023).
Sian, Lewis (2022) ‘’We Call it Getting Your Eye in’: Policing Sexual Harassment on the London Underground Through the Lens of Haraway’s Situated Knowledge’s and Cyborgs’, The British Journal of Criminology. Available at : (Accessed: 30.05.2023).
Sian, Lewis (2020) ‘What not to say when women talk to you about sexual harassment’, The Conversation, Available at: (Accessed: 30.05.2023).

Episode 6: Doing Time on… Police Corruption (With Dr Brendan Brookshaw)

In light of recent media coverage, former Detective Chief Inspector Brendan Brookshaw shares his experience and research in the police force, exploring institutional corruption and improper conduct. What is police corruption and how does it persist in society? Together with Dr Iain Channing and Dr Katie McBride, they pick apart the complexities of legislation, hierarchy of rank and ethics when it comes to police culture.
Suggested reading list 
Brookshaw, B. P. (2023) What Happened Within the Police Service when the Government Created the Offence of “Corrupt or Improper Practice” in Section 26 of the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015? (PhD Thesis, University of Plymouth) Available at: (Accessed: 31.05.2023).
Chan, J. (1999) ‘Police Culture’ in Dixon, D. (ed.) A Culture of Corruption, Hawkins: Australia, pp. 98–138.
Montana Innocence Project (2023) ‘The Blue Wall of Silence Perpetuates Racist Policing, Wrongful Convictions’ Available at: (Accessed: 31.05.2023).
Moran, J. (2005) ‘’Blue walls’, ‘grey areas’ and ’cleanups’: Issues in the control of police corruption in England and Wales’, Crime, Law and Social Change, 43, pp. 57-79.
Dodd, V. (2023) ‘Met Police found to be institutionally racist, misogynistic and homophobic’, The Guardian. Available at: (Accessed: 31.05.2023).

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