South West Doctoral Training Partnership (SWDTP)
Applications for 2025/26 are now open.
The closing date for applications is Tuesday 14 January 2025 at 12:00 (noon) GMT UK time.
The South West Doctoral Training Partnership (SWDTP) is accredited by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) to provide postgraduate research training in the social sciences. The SWDTP is one of the UK’s largest centres of postgraduate research training for social scientists and comprises of staff and students from the Universities of Plymouth, Bath, Bristol, Exeter and the University of the West of England.

Pathways available at Plymouth

The University of Plymouth joined the SWDTP in 2016. We provide research expertise in Interdisciplinary Pathways – Advance Quantitative Methods; Sociotechnical Futures & Digital Methods and Disciplinary Pathways – Human Geography; Management and Business; Psychology; Social Policy. We have a wide range of opportunities for research study in these pathways based in relevant research centres and groups. Plymouth’s research is characterised by its partnerships with external organisations and provides excellent opportunities for placements during study and for research with impact. The ESRC SWDTP encourages collaboration across the universities of the partnership and with external organisations.

Initial enquiries

We strongly encourage you to discuss your proposed research topic with an academic staff member in your field. You can explore the member lists of Plymouth's research groups and centres or search staff profiles using subject-area search terms (e.g. citizenship) or an individual's name.
If you would like advice on potential supervisors, please contact the Pathway Lead’s listed below.
We encourage applications from candidates who share research interests with any of our staff as detailed in the links below.
The ESRC SWDTP encourages collaboration across the universities of the partnership and with external organisations.
Colourful brain illustration - Getty Images

Funding from the South West Doctoral Training Partnership

The University of Plymouth provides research expertise for the SWDTP in the human geography and psychology discipline pathways. We have a wide range of opportunities for study in these pathways based within the relevant research centres and groups.

SWDTP staff

Hand holding mobile phone