Enquiry Form
How to apply
Apprentices do not pay any course fees – costs are covered by the government and/or employer
Funding models for employers
- Fully-funded: Levy paying organisations
- Co-funded: Non-levy organisations and levy who have exceeded their levy contribution.
If the annual pay bill of your organisation exceeds £3 million you will pay for your apprenticeship training through your levy account. If you have exceeded your levy contribution you will fund apprenticeship training through the co-funded model – to better understand how this will work please contact us.
Employer contribution: Employee salary only
Apprentices contribution: £0
If you are a non-levy paying organisation (the annual pay bill of your organisation is less than £3 million) or you are a levy organisation who has exceeded their pot, the government will financially co-support your apprenticeship training – they will contribute 95 per cent of the costs and the employer will contribute 5 per cent.
Government contribution £22,800
Employer contribution £1200
Apprentice contribution £0
Modules Overview
DAPOD402 An introduction to podiatric clinical practice: Focuses on disorders of the skin including wounds. Assessment of neurological and vascular impairment will be introduced
DAPOD403 Human anatomy and physiology: Introduces the fundamentals of human anatomy and physiology
DAPOD404 Lower limb studies 1: Concentrates on lower limb anatomy and how normal gait and movement is enabled. The theory underpinning assessment of the lower limb is explored
DAPOD405 Person centred care: Explores enabling patient choice by shared decision making, personal health budgets, supported self-management and community based support
DAPOD406 Professional and inter-professional working: Develops understanding of professional practice and the inherent standards expected of health care professionals. The value of inter-professional working is introduced
DAPOD501 Research methods: Concentrates on the development of a research project, combining skills relating to evidence based practice.
DAPOD502 Special patient groups: Focusses on development of the lower limb from birth to adulthood and how this influences function. Recognition of conditions relating to the lower limb, which impact on mobility and stability through the life cycle will be explored.
DAPOD503 Systemic disorders of the lower limb: Theory is developed associated with patients presenting with common systemic or acquired disorders that may cause lower limb pathologies.
DAPOD504 Musculoskeletal conditions and applied biomechanics in the foot and lower limb: Develops knowledge of the aetiology and pathology of musculoskeletal conditions of the foot and lower limb.
DAPOD505 Gait, footwear and orthoses: Explores assessment and management of foot and ankle disorders responsive to footwear / orthotic therapy.
DAPOD506 Lower limb studies 2: Develop knowledge of pathological conditions including malignancies pertaining to skin and nail units.
DAPOD601 Research project: The research project initiated in DAPOD501 will be carried out, under supervision, using an ethically approved protocol.
DAPOD602 Pharmacology: Focusses on the pharmacological approach to patient management. On successful completion of this module, the student will achieve the Prescription Only Medicines (POM) annotation on the HCPC register.
DAPOD603 Minor surgery: Develops skills and knowledge in the formation of assessment and management options to carry out minor surgical techniques in suitable patients.
DAPOD604 Complex podiatric medicine: Skills in diagnosis and podiatric management of patients presenting with complex conditions and comorbidities will be developed.
DAPOD605 Leadership and clinical education: Focusses on theories of leadership, communication in difficult circumstances, and clinical governance.
Assessment Methods
- Coursework
- Essays
- Reports
- Reflective writing/blogs
- Clinical Logs
- Professional Development Profile
- Peer Observation of Practice
- Direct Observation of Procedural Skills (DOPS)
- Portfolio
- Case-Based Discussion (CBD)
- Graphic visual representations of knowledge, information and data
- An observation including viva and professional presentation which form the End Point Assessment (EPA).
Areas of specialisms
@Private sector
@Ministry of Defence
Course facts
- GCSE minimum grade C/4 (or accepted equivalent) in mathematics and English
- GCSE minimum grade C/4 in a science subject
- Evidence of Level 3 qualifications
- Satisfactory Enhanced DBS check
- Students must be 18 years old or over at the start date of this programme.
Core skills
- Specialist knowledge in the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of lower limb pathologies.
- Leadership and teamwork.
- Analytical skills, problem solving and effective communication.
- Research literacy.
Health Education England says...
@"By far the most comprehensive bid submitted. There is real clarity and detail in the scope and capacity to meet the requirements of national delivery."
@"There is a strong sense of confidence in the provider to deliver their ambitions within this bid and the panel have no hesitation in recommending this bid to be accepted for national delivery subject to regulatory and professional body approval."
Podiatry Degree Apprenticeship staff
Dr Sally Abey
Head of School of Health Professions
Mr Philip Hendy
Lecturer in Podiatry (Education)
Academic Lead and Programme Lead
Dr Joanne Paton
Associate Professor of Podiatry
Dr Keith Walker
Lecturer / Academic CPD Co-ordinator
Mrs Karen Reed
Lecturer in Podiatry
Mrs Joanna Bower
Lecturer in Podiatry
Mrs Emma Lewis
Lecturer in Podiatry
Mrs Sarah Michael
Lecturer in Podiatry