Exam timetables

Your University of Plymouth timetable is available online and provides you with a detailed plan to show when module activities or events will take place throughout the academic year.

Academic Timetabling at the University

Timetabling at the University of Plymouth sits at the heart of the student experience and the central timetabling team work closely with schools, the estates team and other colleagues across the University to support the delivery of quality teaching whilst also optimising staff schedules and ensuring efficient use of the University’s teaching space.
As part of academic registry, the University timetabling team are responsible for the scheduling, maintenance and publication of the University’s timetable and the allocation of bookable rooms for staff.
How to access your timetable
There are a number of ways to access your timetable:
  • by selecting the 'UoP MyTimetable' button at the top of this page
  • navigating directly to http://timetables.plymouth.ac.uk
  • by downloading the mobile app. Instructions for downloading the app can be found by selecting the ‘UoP app’ button at the top of this page
  • by logging into the DLE and selecting ‘MyTimetable’ from the ‘Tools & Resources’ drop down menu.
MyTimetable allows you to sync your online timetable to your Outlook calendar. You can find instructions on how to do this on the help section of the MyTimetable site
Note: for medical and dental students your timetable will be situated on the DLE or Outlook as explained at your induction.
Information contained on the University app is downloaded directly from the Central MyTimetable webpage so please ensure your module and programme enrolment selection are recorded correctly.
Viewing your programme timetable via the UoP MyTimetable webpage
  • Log in to MyTimetable using your username and password (please see how to access your timetable above).
  • Select the ‘+ Add Timetable’ button to the right hand side of the screen.
  • From here you can select programme of study from the drop down menu.
  • In the pop up box you can then search for your programme of study by typing your programme name in the search field e.g. Biomedical Science. As you type you will see a list of the programmes start to appear that matches the title of the programme that you are studying.
  • Select the box next to your specific programme and ensure that you have selected your correct stage of study.
    E.g. BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science Stage 2 (3628/2/21/AU/S)
  • Once the programme has been selected, choose the ‘Add timetables’ button at the bottom of the pop up box. This will now add your programme timetable and its corresponding modules to the main MyTimetable screen as shown below. 
MyTimetable Programme overview
  • Where programmes have optional modules, please remove the tick for any modules that you have not chosen to study.
  • You can now view your timetable by day/week/month or as an activity list. Sessions in different weeks can be viewed by amending the calendar in the bottom right hand corner of the screen to your required dates.

Timetable codes explained

Module Code e.g. ABC100* 
Your modules will show the teaching sessions on your programme.
Session Type e.g. Assessment
The majority of your timetabled sessions will show as the module code only for simplicity. Session type will only be denoted for Assessments, Fieldtrips, Placements and Student Led sessions so that you may prepare for these accordingly. All other sessions will be conventionally taught.
Module Groupings e.g. Group 6
The group number denoted after the module code will indicate that this is a group activity and not all students will be required to attend. The group that you have been assigned to will be shown on the University mobile app.

Examples of group codes
  • ABC100 group 1
  • ABC100 group 2
  • ABC100 Assessment group 6
  • ABC100 Fieldtrip group 5
The group that you have been assigned to will be shown on the UoP app timetable. Where there is more than one iteration of a session e.g. group sessions, you or your module lead may choose to change your grouping if this does not present a timetabling clash or have implications on overcrowding to the room allocated. Please note where groupings have been changed externally this will not be shown on the timetabling system. Please check with your module lead for exact details of groupings.

*Please note ABC100 is not a genuine module code.

Frequently asked questions

What are the core University teaching hours?

Where possible teaching will take place between the following times:
Undergraduate students
  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 9:00–18:00
  • Wednesday: 9:00–13:00
  • Friday: 9:00–17:00
Postgraduate students
  • Monday to Thursday: 9:00–18:00
  • Friday: 9:00–17:00
Please note: teaching may occur outside of these core teaching hours in exceptional circumstances.

When will my timetable be made available?

The timetable will be released by semester and will be available:
  • Semester one: 23 August 2024, 17:00
  • Semester two: 25 October 2024, 17:00
Note: timetables will only be accessible once you have completed online enrolment . Please allow 24 hours for your status update to take effect on the MyTimetable webpage.

How do I know where a room is located and what do the building codes on MyTimetable mean?

Detailed maps of all campus locations can be found on our getting here page. 
Maps for any off main campus locations can also be found here but if you have any problems in locating these buildings please do contact your School Office or Programme Leader for further details.
All building codes follow the same basic naming convention, a building code followed by a room identifier:
e.g. CKY237
  • The letters relate to the building the session will take place in. View list of building codes (log-in required).
  • The remaining numbers tell you the floor number and room location.
On your timetable, you may see some sessions that indicate that they are Online Delivery only. These can be attended virtually and you can log on to these at the scheduled time using the Zoom links provided on the MyTimetable site.

Do classes start and finish on the hour?

Although sessions show as booked on the hour; teaching will begin at five minutes past the hour and finish at five minutes to the hour, to assist with the safe flow of staff and students between rooms.

Where buildings are off campus, will travel time be factored in on the timetable?

Where off campus locations are far enough away from the main campus that walking for a considerable period of time or where public transport is required, travel time of one hour will be factored in on the timetable between locations.
Travel to Cookworthy or Emdeck buildings will be in the usual ten-minute crossover period i.e. classes finish five to the hour and start five past the hour, however, teaching sessions between Cookworthy Building and Emdeck will not be scheduled back to back.
Additional checks will be carried out to ensure provisions for staff and students with mobility concerns are taken into account.
Sessions on the timetable that require a short walk between locations will be denoted on the timetable by a walking figure in a yellow box.

What are the semester dates?

For information on semester dates please visit the important dates in the academic year page.

How do I check the timetable of other modules I am thinking of taking that don’t show on my timetable?

You can add additional module level timetables to your timetables view. For information on how to achieve this, login to timetables, choose the ‘Help’ link and select ‘consulting timetables'.

Will I get any days free so I can work/arrange childcare?

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee you will have any free days in your timetable. The timetable is published as early as possible to allow for any personal planning requirements.

Will my timetable change?

In many cases, changes to the timetable are unavoidable however we will always endeavour to limit change to your timetable where feasibly possible. 
We recommend that you check your timetable daily for any changes that have occurred. Details of these changes should be directly communicated to you by the Module Leader or School Office that has requested the timetable change. 

How are we notified of timetable changes?

This practice can vary between Faculties and Schools so please check with your Programme/Module Leader or School Office. Any changes made to the timetable will be reflected 15 minutes after the change has been actioned on the timetabling system.

When and how will I be notified that I can access my timetable?

Returning students will be notified via email at least one month before the start of semester. New students will be informed during induction week.

How can I find out about my exams?

From timetables and regulations to the help and support available to you, all the information you need for a successful exam period can be found via Exams, Awards and Graduation.  

How can I make a room booking?



What shall I do if I am having problems accessing my timetable?
If you are unable to log into the MyTimetable site please contact support by emailing Library and IT enquiries or calling +44 1752 588588.
I have the wrong modules on my timetable, what should I do?
When viewing your programme timetable, all the modules you can see should be your own – ensure modules that have been ticked on the MyTimetable site are the ones that you are registered for.
Please get in touch with your School Office so that they can look into this further for you.
What should I do if I think I have a timetabling clash?
  • Are you sure that the apparently conflicting sessions occur in the same week?
  • Have you changed groupings outside of your scheduled timetabled sessions and not checked the timetable before changing group?
  • Are you registered for the correct modules?
The timetable is planned and built to cater for the majority of students, but it is not possible (for example) to always allow for those who have chosen to take elective modules outside of their core programme, or who may be trailing failing modules in to the next academic year.
If you still feel that there is a timetabling clash please raise this with your School Office in the first instance.