In an emergency please call the emergency services on 999 for immediate assistance or if you have an urgent concern about the welfare of a student or member of staff you can contact security on 01752 588400 or email them on
Out of hours help
Information and services available to you outside of university hours
If you are struggling and need some support then you can get in touch with the following services:
Student Hub - Here to help pages
- TogetherAll for 24/7 online peer-to-peer mental health support
- Samaritans for 24/7 supportive chat via phone 116 123 or email
- SHOUT 85258 for 24/7 free, confidential, anonymous support via text
- NHS 111 if it is not an emergency but you need help from the NHS
- Police 101 if it is not an emergency but you want to report a crime
- Plymouth Domestic Abuse Service if you are the victim of domestic abuse or concerned about somebody else
- First response for 24/7 immediate support for adults in Plymouth experiencing a mental health crisis call 01752 434922
- Switchboard if you are LGBT+ and need support, advice, and understanding
- Wellbeing for Students at the University
- Wellbeing for Staff at the University
Link to Safeguarding – student regulations, policies and procedures - COVID-19 – Information for Students
- Student information portal for general support and advice