Social work students
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Aim of the workshops:
  • to enable new and existing Supervisors and Practice Educators to explore their roles and responsibilities in relation to the supervision of Student Social Workers
  • to share experiences in supervising students, learning from each other to develop their confidence and proficiency
  • to discuss issues that may have arisen from supervising students
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2nd year students

If  you will be working with students in their second year, we are offering the following workshops for the 2023/2024 academic year:
Complete the booking form
Supervisor Induction Session 
This is the Practice Learning Supervisor Induction session. This is for those who are supervising a BA Social Work 70 day placement student in their agency. This induction session will give you an overview of the placement module, a timeline of the placement module, and support systems in place for the student and for you as supervisors. We will explore the roles and responsibilities of each individual involved in the student placement as well as ideas for supervision topics, key contacts, and processes for any issues.
  • Monday 25 September 10:00–11:30 
  • Tuesday 26 September 10:00–11:30
Beginnings Catch Up 
This session is to have a catch up with the module lead for placements at the beginning of the student placement. Here you will have a chance to get a brief overview of the placement module as a reminder and discuss any teething type issues early on.
  • Monday 23 October 10:00–11:30
Interim Meeting Preparation and catch up
This session is to discuss and prepare for the interim meeting – this is a verbal (often online) meeting for the middle period of the placement where supervisors are asked to give feedback on the student. This is also an opportunity to discuss anything else, any placement issues or changes within the placement itself as well.
  • Monday 18 December 10:00–12:00
Supervisor Report Session
This session is to give an overview of the Practice Learning Supervisor written report. We will go through each area of the report and discuss ideas of what you may wish to add into this report as evidence.
  • Monday 4 March 10:00–11:30
  • Monday 11 March 10:00–11:30

3rd year students

If you will be working with students in their third year, we are offering the following workshops for the 2023/2024 academic year:
Complete the booking form
Supervisor and Practice Educator Induction Session
  • Thursday 5 October 10:00–12:00
Catch up on beginnings
  • Tuesday 5 December 10:00–12:00
Focus on interim meetings
  • Thursday 25 January 10:00–12:00
Catch up on progress
  • Tuesday 5 March 10:00–12:00
Focus on Supervisor Feedback report
  • Thursday 11 April 10:00–12:00
Practice Educators
Focus on first observation
  • Thursday 7 December 10:00–12:00
Focus on interim meetings
  • Tuesday 30 January 10:00–12:00
Planning of second and third observations
  • Tuesday 12 March 10:00–12:00
Focus on final assessment report
  • Tuesday 9 April 10:00–12:00 

Postgraduate students

If you will be working with postgraduate students, we are offering the following workshops for the 2023/2024 academic year:
Complete the booking form
Supervisor Induction Session
This is the Practice Learning Supervisor Induction session. This is for those who are supervising a PG Social Work 70 day placement student in their agency. This induction session will give you an overview of the placement module, a timeline of the placement module, and support systems in place for the student and for you as supervisors. We will explore the roles and responsibilities of each individual involved in the student placement as well as ideas for supervision topics, key contacts, and processes for any issues.
  • Friday 15 March 2024, 10:00-11:00
Beginnings Catch Up
This session is to have a catch up with the module lead for placements at the beginning of the student placement. Here you will have a chance to get a brief overview of the placement module as a reminder and discuss any teething type issues early on.
  • Monday 8 April 2024, 10:00-11:00
Interim Meeting Preparation and catch up
This session is to discuss and prepare for the interim meeting - this is a verbal (often online) meeting for the middle period of the placement where supervisors are asked to give feedback on the student. This is also an opportunity to discuss anything else, any placement issues or changes within the placement itself as well.
  • Wednesday 8 May 2024, 10:00-11:00
Supervisor Report Session
This session is to give an overview of the Practice Learning Supervisor written report. We will go through each area of the report and discuss ideas of what you may wish to add into this report as evidence.  
  • Monday 8 July 2024, 10:00-11:00

Event photography and video

Please be aware that some of the University of Plymouth's public events (both online and offline) may be attended by University staff, photographers and videographers, for capturing content to be used in University online and offline marketing and promotional materials, for example webpages, brochures or leaflets. If you, or a member of your group, do not wish to be photographed or recorded, please let a member of staff know.