Professor Rohit Shankar


Professor Rohit Shankar

Professor of Neuropsychiatry

Peninsula Medical School (Faculty of Health)

Rohit is a professor in Neuropsychiatry with University of Plymouth Medical School and director of its Cornwall Intellectual Disability Equitable Research (CIDER) unit He is the Associate Dean for academic training for the Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPsych).
Awarded a MBE (2018) for services to the learning disability community he has national/international awards including the RCPsych team of the year for digital innovation (2023) and intellectual disability (2021),  BMJ awards for mental health (2020), Education (2019) Neurology (2016), Innovation (highly commended-2017), ILAE Epileptic Disorders best paper (2017) and Epilepsy Foundation America SUDEP Challenge (2016). He has over 300 index-linked publications/ book-chapters and led/contributed to various national reports. Publications are on He is a consultant in developmental Neuropsychiatry & Clinical Director at Cornwall Partnership NHS FT,  Chair of the SW RCPsych division and deputy chair of the Royal College of Psychiatrists faculty for Intellectual disability. His interests are in co-producing translational clinical research in neurodevelopmental/neuropsychiatric disorders, clinical risk management, and use of implementation science for health technology. 



Professional membership

Royal College of Psychiatrists
British Medical Association 
British Neuro-psychiatric association
International League against Epilepsy 

Roles on external bodies

Current positions and ongoing contributions of influence:

Consultant in Adult Developmental Neuropsychiatry – Cornwall Partnership Foundation NHS Trust (2009 – current)
Professor in Neuropsychiatry (Tenured) – Peninsula Medical School University of Plymouth (2021 - onwards)
 Associate Dean for Academics - Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPsych) 
Chair – RCPsych South West Division (2020 – current)
Deputy Chair – RCPsych Intellectual Disability faculty (2022-current)
Chair -Cochrane review for pharmaceutical treatments in people with ID (2021- current),Deputy Research and governance Director – CFT (2010 – current), Project management expert - UK Epilepsy Deaths Register – SUDEP Action (2013 –current),Hon. Clinical Associate Professor – Exeter Medical School (2013 - current), Clinical Director – ID services CFT (2016- current), Hon. Fellow Falmouth University (2019 –current),RCPsych international HONOS-LD update committee (2020 – current, ILAE Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Task Force (2021- current),James Lindt Epilepsy Research UK - Priority Setting Partnership project (2021 – current)

Previous positions & experience: 

NICE committee for update on Epilepsy guidance (2019 -22), Royal Society of Medicine (ID division) (2020 –2023) RCPsych expert cannabis reference committee (2019-20), Advisory committee National Confidential Enquiry into epilepsy Death (2020-22). Academic Secretary, RCPsych ID faculty (2018-20),Senior Clinical Lecturer-Exeter Medical School (2017-20), LD expert NHS RightCare Epilepsy Toolkit development group (2018-19), RCPsych Neuroscience implementation executive (2016-19),ILAE UK Working group for ID & Epilepsy (2016-17) Health Service Research Board member– NIHR (R&D initiative) (2012-16),Training Programme Director for LD – SW Deanery (2010-13).


Research interests

I have 124 index referenced papers in the last three years (2020-2023)(career total: 261 - with over 90% being first, last and/or corresponding author), and 10 book chapters. I have chaired 3 Royal College of Psychiatrists College Reports CR203, 206 & 226 and Step Together – national report on integrating care for people with LD and epilepsy - Named contribution to NICE epilepsy, NHS England & NHS RightCare epilepsy strategy reports. All publications listed in ORCID -, & 
Relevant Career Achievements and evidence of impact:
·       Working with experts by experience I have significantly contributed to improving lives of PwID/autism and reducing deaths. In Cornwall UK the service I set up for epilepsy and ID resulted in over 50% reduction in polypharmacy, ED admissions, rescue medication administration and 100% risk awareness. There has been a national recognition of the service model and adoption to good practice guidance by NHS RightCare (epilepsy), Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPsych) and International League against Epilepsy (ILAE) and won the RCPsych best team for ID award 2021. I also chaired the Royal College of Psychiatrists College Reports 203 and 206 and have been the ID expert to national reports including NICE epilepsy 2022.  I co-ordinated the production of Step Together (2020), the first report of its kind inter/nationally acclaimed and focused on improving epilepsy care in people with ID as a joint venture between the Royal Society of medicine, RCPsych, ILAE, National professional LD senate, NHS England. This was selected to be part of the international seminar series to address Learning Objective 6.1.4 of the International League against Epilepsy Curriculum. The Step Together toolkit which I led development is now being implemented in 11 different Integrated Care Systems via NHSE and Epilepsy Action.
·       He has set up the UK NIHR Ep-ID research register. The goal of the register is to explore newer ASMs in PwID as compared to general population. This register over the last 8 years has collected over 1300 participants and explored six molecules including Epidyolex. There have been 5 papers published related to the Register. The register provides the strongest evidence available on the use of new molecules for PwID and epilepsy
·       The Seizure Safety Checklist project I lead started in 2010 and is now used by clinicians inter/nationally and is available as a self- empowerment mobile application (EpSMon) and is available to over 70% GP practices via SystemOne/Emis patient record systems.  A Cochrane (CD011792) and NIHR technology review single out EpSMon. A paper on SUDEP risk was awarded the ILAE epileptic disorders best paper award (2018). A study of mine led to evidence for NICE epilepsy guidelines 2022 to make make recommendations 10.1.5 and 10.2.1 in identifying and mitigating SUDEP risk factors. NHS England have funded a project to make EpSMon digitally accessible for PwID. The project has won two BMJ awards for neurology 2016 and education 2019. Similarly, the developed epilepsy training I led on is world reputed and led to the national guidance on safe rescue medication prescribing for epilepsy. Most recently EpSMon’s outputs are the largest study on risk characteristics of child bearing women with epilepsy. 
·       The paper Overprescribing/polypharmacy has been recognised to be a significant UK wide problem in PwID. Our recent British Journal of Psychiatry publication highlighting the excessive use of antidepressants in England for PwID was selected as the article of the month for RCPsych for August 2022. Similar papers on ASM overprescribing and off licence prescribing showcase ongoing concerns of the national STOMP delivery program. 
·       An evidence-based systemic approach led by me to de-prescribing is being adopted nationally and internationally and includes an e-register to improve prescribing/rationalising polypharmacy as an output of previous Cornwall STOMP QI initiatives was set up. There has been development of formulation tools for complex care which was presented at the RCPsych international Congress 2022. 
·       These initiatives were modified to provide safety for PwID particularly those with epilepsy during the 2020 -22 pandemic. This contributed to our winning the RCPsych psychiatry team of the year for ID.
·       As chair for the RCPsych College report 226 in 2020 I delivered the report and guidance for improving access for to mental health services for PwID
·       A four year study looking at repeat seizure related ED admissions identified risk factors of social deprivation, mental health concerns, homelessness and substance misuse along with higher levels of premature mortality in the study cohort.
·       Along with a colleague I initiated, implemented and co-ordinate a monthly mental health phone in with BBC radio Cornwall from 2010. The average reach is 300,000 people. It has run continuously for over 10 years, delivered 150+ episodes. The significant impact on local community is evidenced - It won the BMJ award for mental health 2020.
·       I am heavily involved in researching new technology and it’s use in complex care using the NICE digital framework. This includes Brain in Hand, NeuronosticsNeuroevent Labs, Wysa, Syndi, UnEEG etc. 

Grants & contracts

Successful grants for research, innovation and educational activities (2019-2023) as CI/co-applicant: 

·        2014- current- £393,489/- UK NIHR adopted Ep-ID Register
 ·        2024-2025 - £500,000/- SBRI Phase 2 grant for UnEEG impalantation in people with intellectual disabilities 
·        2024-2025- £350,000/- Innovate biocatalyst - Determining the clinical utility of BioEP: a multisite, prospective, study
·        2024-2030 - £2,457,224/- NIHR PGfR - Improving quality of life and behaviour that challenges in people with mild to moderate intellectual disability through person-centred solution focused communication (ICONIC)
·        2023-24 - £555,000/- Innovate UK bio-medical Catalyst award – Examine Syndi health technology
·        2023-24 - £65,683/- Baily Thomas Charitable Fund – A novel way to understand and communicate the burden of Antipsychotic Prescribing for Adults across Specialist Intellectual Disability Services in England & Wales 
·        2023 - £98,405/- SBRI Healthcare Competition 20 Phase 1
·        2023-27 -£2,578,347/- NIHR program grant Optimising cultural expeRIences for mental health in underrepresented younG people onlINe 
·        2023-24 - £89,978/- Baily Thomas Charitable Fund – Anticholinergic burden in older PwID and epilepsy 
·        2023-24 -£307,423/- Neuropsychiatric Research Register for PwID and Epilepsy
·        2022-25 - £1,250,000/- EPSRC Network+: Neurotechnology for enabling community-based diagnosis and care 
·        2022 -25 - £2,800,000/- NHIR AI grant - DECODE: mapping the challenges and requirements for Data-driven, machinE learning aided stratification and management of multiple long-term COnditions in adults with intellectual DisabilitiE
·        2023 -24 £43,000/- Angelini grant – co-production of neuropsychiatric register 
·        2022-25 - £913,894/- ESRC – humanising Healthcare in People with ID 
·        2018-25 - £167,000/- LivaNova: factors influencing PWE attendance to ED
·        2021 - £30,000/ - NHS England (SW) rapid review for inpatient commissioning for ID
·        2021- £56,000/- Peninsula CRN integrating research into social care for PwID
·        2021 – £50,000/- NHS England: testbed work to modify EpSMon for PwID
·        2021 - £18,000/- NIHR bridging funds: Brain in Hand 
·        2021 - £10,000/- Peninsula CRN – study into equality in research 
·        2021 - £25,000/- NHS England: CPRD analysis of autism premature mortality 
·        2020 - £150,000/- ERUK: SUDEP & Seizure Checklist pilot 
·        2020 – £764,000/- SBRI phase 2: “Brain in Hand”   
·        2020 – £865,000/- NIHR AI: Bio-Ep: mathematical marker for seizure diagnosis 
·        2020 - £22,153/- Captain Tom Charity: COVID risk stratification in people with ID 
·        2020 - £85,000/- GW Pharma: extension of UK Ep-ID Register to 2-18 years 
·        2019 –£151,199/- NIHR RfPB: Person centred risk communications - what works best for people with epilepsy and their clinicians 
·        2019 - £20,000/- Health Education England: Stress wellbeing app for junior doctors 

Other grants pre-2019
January 2019 - £20,000/- Health Education England – Stress wellbeing app for junior doctors
October 2018 - £5,000/- Feasibility grant from EPIC to develop a game for neurotic conditions
February 2018 - £45,000/- NHS England - factors influencing admission of people with ID
September 2018 - £344,138 – Innovate UK (co-applicant) BioEP: Proof of Concept
October 2017 - £101,000/- LivaNova to develop study looking at ED admission factors
September 2017 - £12,000/- Eisai study perception of challenging behaviour and mental health among different groups of epilepsy professionals
May 2017 – £20,000/- for PIXIE study – University of Exeter Medical School
March 2016 - £20,200/- Bilal to look at neuropsychiatric impact of Eslicarbazepine
February 2016 - $30,000/- (co-applicant) SUDEP Challenge Epilepsy Foundation America
August 2014/15 - £9000/- (Co-applicant) Peninsula Deanery improved teaching techniques


Key publications

Key publications are highlighted

Tait L, Staniaszek LE, Galizia E, Martin-Lopez D, Walker MC, Azeez AAA, Meiklejohn K, Allen D, Price C & Georgiou S (2024) 'Estimating the likelihood of epilepsy from clinically noncontributory electroencephalograms using computational analysis: A retrospective, multisite case–control study' Epilepsia Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Allard J, Sellers A, Henley W, McLean B, Parrett M, Rajakulendran S, Watkins L, Maguire M, Ellawela S & Tittensor P (2024) 'Efficacy and tolerability of levetiracetam in people with and without intellectual disabilities: a naturalistic case control study' Seizure: European Journal of Epilepsy Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Badger S, Watkins LV, Bassett P, Roy A, Eyeoyibo M, Sawhney I, Purandare K, Wood L, Pugh A & Hammett J (2024) 'The relationship between clinical presentation and the nature of care in adults with intellectual disability and epilepsy – national comparative cohort study' BJPsych Open 10, (3) Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Pace A, Watkins L, Fiott D, Bassett P, Laugharne R, James C & Shankar R (2024) 'Identifying co-morbidities and risk in people with epilepsy: The Maltese experience' Epilepsy & Behavior 155, Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Tromans S, Rybczynska-Bunt S, Mitchell S, Cummins S, Cox D, Downing J, Lee PH, Teece L, Marson T & Shankar R (2024) 'Acceptability of virtual psychiatric consultations for routine follow-ups post COVID-19 pandemic for people with intellectual disabilities: cross-sectional study' BJPsych Open 10, (3) Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Allard J, Pollard A, Laugharne R, Coates J, Wildfire-Roberts J, Millward M & Shankar R (2024) 'Evaluating the impact of a UK recovery college on mental well-being: pre- and post-intervention study' BJPsych Open 10, (3) Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Bishop R, Laugharne R, Burrows L, Ward S, Eustice S, Branford D, Wilcock M, Lamb K, Tavare A & Annesley C (2024) 'Laxative use in adults with intellectual disabilities: development of prescribing guidelines' BJPsych Open 10, (3) Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Watkins L, Kulkarni A, Webber E, Bassett P, Lamb K, Sawhney I, Laugharne R, Heslop P, Jones A & Napier G (2024) 'People with Intellectual Disabilities, Dysphagia and Post-Covid Syndrome' Dysphagia Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Bottomley M, Bradley J, Clark L, Collis B, Srdanovic BD, Farnsworth V, Ferguson A, Goodley D, Fox A & Hayden NK (2024) 'Co‐producing ethics guidelines together with people with learning disabilities' British Journal of Learning Disabilities Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Kanner AM, Shankar R, Margraf NG, Schmitz B, Ben-Menachem E & Sander JW (2024) 'Mood disorders in adults with epilepsy: a review of unrecognized facts and common misconceptions' Annals of General Psychiatry 23, (1) Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Delanty N, Mohanraj R, Shankar R, Wehner T, Stephen LJ, D’Souza W, Cappucci S, McMurray R, Sainz-Fuertes R & Villanueva V (2024) 'Perampanel for the treatment of epilepsy with genetic aetiology: Real-world evidence from the PERMIT Extension study' Epilepsy Research 202, 107339-107339 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Laugharne R, Sawhney I, Perera B, Wainwright D, Bassett P, Caffrey B, O'Dwyer M, Lamb K, Wilcock M & Roy A (2024) 'Chronic constipation in people with intellectual disabilities in the community: cross-sectional study' BJPsych Open 10, (2) Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Watkins LV, Moon S, Burrows L, Tromans S, Barwell J & Shankar R (2024) 'Pharmacological management of fragile X syndrome: a systematic review and narrative summary of the current evidence' Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Odalovic M, Gorman A, Paul A, McCallion P, Burke É, MacLachlan M, McCarron M, Henman MC, Moran M & O'Connell J (2024) 'Psychotropic medicines’ prevalence, patterns and effects on cognitive and physical function in older adults with intellectual disability in Ireland: longitudinal cohort study, 2009–2020' BJPsych Open 10, (2) Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Shankar R, Marston XL, Danielson V, Do Rego B, Lasagne R, Williams O & Groves L (2024) 'Real-world evidence of epidemiology, patient characteristics, and mortality in people with drug-resistant epilepsy in the United Kingdom, 2011–2021' Journal of Neurology 271, (5) 2473-2483 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Laugharne R, Wilcock M, Rees J, Wainwright D, Newton N, Sterritt J, Badger S, Bishop R, Bassett P & Shankar R (2023) 'Clinical characteristics of people with intellectual disability admitted to hospital with constipation: identifying possible specific high‐risk factors' Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 68, (3) 277-284 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Laugharne R, Farid M, James C, Dutta A, Mould C, Molten N, Laugharne J & Shankar R (2023) 'Neurotechnological solutions for post‐traumatic stress disorder: A perspective review and concept proposal' Healthcare Technology Letters 10, (6) 133-138 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Tromans S, Robinson G, Gabrielsson A, Bassett P, Sawhney I, Triantafyllopoulou P, Hassiotis A & Shankar R (2023) 'The views of psychiatrists on proposed changes to the England and Wales Mental Health Act 1983 legislation for people with intellectual disability: A national study' International Journal of Social Psychiatry 70, (2) 388-401 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Gorman A, Odalovic M, McCallion P, Burke É, MacLachlan M, McCarron M, Henman M, Moran M, O'Connell J & Walsh M (2023) 'Examining Quality, Use and Impact of Psychotropic (Use) in older adults with intellectual disabilities (EQUIP): study protocol' HRB Open Research 5, 71-71 Publisher Site , DOI
Marlow S, Laugharne R, Allard J, Bassett P, Priebe S, Ledger J, Kerr J, Priest D, Vanhoorn A & Boland C (2023) 'A pragmatic randomized controlled exploratory trial of the effectiveness of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy for psychotic disorder' Journal of Psychiatric Research 169, 257-263 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Korb L, Tromans S, Perera B, Khan N, Burrows L, Laugharne R, Hassiotis A, Allgar V, Efron D & Maidment I (2023) 'The potential for medicinal cannabis to help manage challenging behaviour in people with intellectual disability: A perspective review' Journal of Psychopharmacology , DOI Open access
Bishop R, Laugharne R, Shaw N, Russell AM, Goodley D, Banerjee S, Clack E & Shankar R (2023) 'The inclusion of adults with intellectual disabilities in health research – challenges, barriers and opportunities: a mixed‐method study among stakeholders in England' Journal of Intellectual Disability Research , DOI Open access
Watkins LV, Dunstall H, Musicha C, Lawthom C, John K, Bright C, Richings C, Harding K, Moon S & Pape SE (2023) 'Rapid switching from levetiracetam to brivaracetam in pharmaco-resistant epilepsy in people with and without intellectual disabilities: a naturalistic case control study' Journal of Neurology , DOI Open access
Lennard S, Henley W, McLean B, Thompson T, Jadav M, Laugharne R & Shankar R (2023) 'Risk characteristics of alcohol and/or drug misuse in repeat emergency department attendees for seizures: a case–control study' Journal of Neurology 270, (10) 4914-4921 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Shankar R (2023) 'Commentary on “Why am I still in hospital? Evaluation of delayed discharges from two learning disability assessment and treatment units in England”' Tizard Learning Disability Review: Practice, management, research and innovation 28, (1/2) 54-59 , DOI Open access
Gabrielsson A, Tromans S, Newman H, Triantafyllopoulou P, Hassiotis A, Bassett P, Watkins L, Sawhney I, Cooper M & Griffiths L (2023) 'Awareness of social care needs in people with epilepsy and intellectual disability' Epilepsy and Behavior 145, , DOI Open access
Tromans S, Henley W, Summers I, Bilkey D, Datson J, Doherty N, Morpeth L, Benbow S, Jelbert R & Roy A (2023) 'The psychological and social impact of the digital self-support system ‘Brain in Hand’ on autistic people: prospective cohort study in England and Wales' BJPsych Open 9, (3) , DOI Open access
Milne-Ives M, Dunn-Henriksen J, Blaabjerg L, Mclean B, Shankar R & Meinert E (2023) 'At home EEG monitoring technologies for people with epilepsy and intellectual disabilities: A scoping review' Seizure , DOI Open access
Painter J, Adams N, Ingham B, James M, Majid M, Roy A, Shankar R & Smith M (2023) 'Review and update of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for People with Learning Disabilities (HoNOS-LD)' International Journal of Social Psychiatry , DOI Open access
Gabrielsson A, Moghaddassian M, Sawhney I, Shardlow S, Tromans S, Bassett P & Shankar R (2023) 'The long-term psycho-social impact of the pandemic on people with intellectual disability and their carers' International Journal of Social Psychiatry , DOI Open access
Dikoff B, Hassan R, Shankar R, Katona C, Chaplin L, Forrester A & Sen P (2023) 'Supporting people with immigration issues in the context of the Mental Health Act 1983 and Mental Capacity Act 2005' Medicine, Science and the Law 63, (3) 183-186 , DOI Open access
Branford D, Sun JJ, Burrows L & Shankar R (2023) 'Patterns of antiseizure medications prescribing in people with intellectual disability and epilepsy: A narrative review and analysis' British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 89, (7) 1-11 , DOI Open access
Shankar R (2023) 'Managing epilepsy in people with intellectual disabilities – creating capable communities' BJPsych Advances 1-3 , DOI Open access
Lennard S, Newman R, McLean B, Jory C, Cox D, Young C, Corson E & Shankar R (2023) 'Improving nocturnal event monitoring in people with intellectual disability in community using an artificial intelligence camera' Epilepsy & Behavior Reports 22, , DOI Open access
Zhou S-M, McLean B, Roberts E, Baines R, Hannon P, Ashby S, Newman C, Sen A, Wilkinson E & Laugharne R (2023) 'Analysing patient-generated data to understand behaviours and characteristics of women with epilepsy of childbearing years: A prospective cohort study' Seizure , DOI Open access
Sun JJ, Watkins L, Henley W, Laugharne R, Angus-Leppan H, Sawhney I, Shahidi MM, Purandare K, Eyeoyibo M & Scheepers M (2023) 'Mortality risk in adults with intellectual disabilities and epilepsy: an England and Wales case–control study' Journal of Neurology 270, (7) 3527-3536 , DOI Open access
Gabrielsson A, Tromans S, Watkins L, Burrows L, Laugharne R & Shankar R (2023) 'Poo Matters! A scoping review of the impact of constipation on epilepsy' Seizure 108, 127-136 , DOI Open access
Liguori C, Santamarina E, Strzelczyk A, Rodríguez-Uranga JJ, Shankar R, Rodríguez-Osorio X, Auvin S, Bonanni P, Trinka E & McMurray R (2023) 'Perampanel outcomes at different stages of treatment in people with focal and generalized epilepsy treated in clinical practice: Evidence from the PERMIT study' Frontiers in Neurology 14, , DOI Open access
Rooney J, Hodge R, Smith J, Vanstone K, Laugharne R & Shankar R (2023) 'Survey of parents of children with intellectual disabilities and/or autism who experience chronic constipation' Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 36, (4) 830-846 , DOI Open access
Newman H, Rudra S, Burrows L, Tromans S, Watkins L, Triantafyllopoulou P, Hassiotis A, Gabrielsson A & Shankar R (2023) 'Who cares? A scoping review on intellectual disability, epilepsy and social care' Seizure: European Journal of Epilepsy 107, 35-42 Publisher Site , DOI
(Shoumi) Deb S, Limbu B, Nancarrow T, Gerrard D & Shankar R (2023) 'The <scp>UK</scp> psychiatrists' experience of rationalising antipsychotics in adults with intellectual disabilities: A qualitative data analysis of free‐text questionnaire responses' Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 36, (3) 594-603 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Branford D, Sun JJ & Shankar R (2023) 'Antiseizure medications prescribing for behavioural and psychiatric concerns in adults with an intellectual disability living in England' The British Journal of Psychiatry 222, (5) 191-195 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Tromans S, Bhui K, Sawhney I, Odiyoor M, Courtenay K, Roy A, Boer H, Alexander R, Biswas A & McCarthy J (2023) 'The potential unintended consequences of Mental Health Act reforms in England and Wales on people with intellectual disability and/or autism' The British Journal of Psychiatry 222, (5) 188-190 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Watkins LV, Ashby S, Hanna J, Henley W, Laugharne R & Shankar R (2023) 'An evidence-based approach to provide essential and desirable components to develop surveys on Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) for doctors: A focused review' Seizure 106, 14-21 , DOI Open access
Eichenberg C, Strobl L, Jaeger T, Kirsha A, Laugharne R & Shankar R (2022) 'Comparison of attitudes to media representation of mental illness between journalists and mental health professionals in Russia with German-speaking countries of Switzerland, Germany, and Austria' International Journal of Social Psychiatry 69, (5) 1113-1120 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
de Kuijper G, de Haan J, Deb S & Shankar R (2022) 'Withdrawing Antipsychotics for Challenging Behaviours in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: Experiences and Views of Prescribers' International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, (24) 17095-17095 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Burrows L, Page G, Plugaru E, Kent B, Odiyoor M, Jaydeokar S, Williams J, Elliot K, Laugharne R & Shankar R (2022) 'Ideal models of good inpatient care for adults with intellectual disability: Lessons from England' International Journal of Social Psychiatry , DOI Open access
de Kuijper G, de Haan J, Deb S & Shankar R (2022) 'Withdrawing Antipsychotics for Challenging Behaviours in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: Experiences and Views of Experts by Experience' International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, (23) 15637-15637 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Gorman A, Odalovic M, McCallion P, Burke É, MacLachlan M, McCarron M, Henman M, Moran M, O'Connell J & Walsh M (2022) 'Examining Quality, Use and Impact of Psychotropic (Use) in older adults with intellectual disabilities (EQUIP): study protocol' HRB Open Research 5, 71-71 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Hanson P, Lange M, Oduro-Donkor D, Shuttlewood E, Weickert MO, Randeva HS, Menon V, Alexander RT, Basset P & Shankar R (2022) 'The role of mindfulness training in sustaining weight reduction: retrospective cohort analysis' BJPsych Open 8, (6) Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Sellers A, Hudson S, Ledger J, Moorehouse C, Young C, Groeber I, Knight B, Mill J, Allard J & Shankar R (2022) 'Designing genetic studies for people with intellectual disabilities: Practical lessons from a pilot study' Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 20, (2) 158-163 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Perera B, Steward C, Courtenay K, Andrews T & Shankar R (2022) 'Pharmacogenomics: an opportunity for personalised psychotropic prescribing in adults with intellectual disabilities' BJPsych Open 8, (5) Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Maslen C, Hodge R, Tie K, Laugharne R, Lamb K & Shankar R (2022) 'Constipation in autistic people and people with learning disabilities' British Journal of General Practice 72, (720) 348-351 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Shankar R, Perera B, Roy A, Courtenay K, Laugharne R & Sivan M (2022) 'Post-COVID syndrome and adults with intellectual disability: another vulnerable population forgotten?' The British Journal of Psychiatry 222, (1) 1-3 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Khan N, Rogers A, Melville C, Shankar R, Gilliar W, Byrne P, Serafimov A, Sira Mahalingappa S, Sehdev S & Sri A (2022) 'Using medical education as a tool to train doctors as social innovators' BMJ Innovations 8, (3) 190-198 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Watkins LV, Henley W, Sun JJ, Perera B, Angus-Leppan H, Sawhney I, Purandare K, Eyeoyibo M, Scheepers M & Lines G (2022) 'Tackling increased risks in older adults with intellectual disability and epilepsy: Data from a national multicentre cohort study' Seizure - European Journal of Epilepsy 101, 15-21 , DOI Open access
Milne-Ives M, Shankar R, Goodley D, Lamb K, Laugharne R, Harding T & Meinert E (2022) 'Humanising health and social care support for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities: Protocol for a scoping review' JMIR Research Protocols 11, (5) , DOI Open access
Howkins J, Hassiotis A, Bradley E, Levitas A, Sappok T, Sinai A, Thakur A & Shankar R (2022) 'International clinician perspectives on pandemic-associated stress in supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities' BJPsych Open 8, (3) Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Watkins LV, O’Dwyer M & Shankar R (2022) 'A review of the pharmacotherapeutic considerations for managing epilepsy in people with autism' Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 23, (7) 841-851 , DOI Open access
Winterhalder R, McCabe J, Young C, Lamb K, Sawhney I, Jory C, O'Dwyer M & Shankar R (2022) 'Bone health, intellectual disability and epilepsy: An observational community‐based study' Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 145, (6) 753-761 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Branford D & Shankar R (2022) 'Antidepressant prescribing for adult people with an intellectual disability living in England' The British Journal of Psychiatry 221, (2) 488-493 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Sun JJ, Perera B, Henley W, Angus-Leppan H, Sawhney I, Watkins L, Purandare KN, Eyeoyibo M, Scheepers M & Lines G (2022) 'Correction to: Epilepsy related multimorbidity, polypharmacy and risks in adults with intellectual disabilities: a national study' Journal of Neurology 269, (5) 2761-2761 Publisher Site , DOI
Winterhalder R & Shankar R (2022) 'Bone health in adults with epilepsy and intellectual disability' British Journal of General Practice 72, (716) 100-101 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Sparasci O, Bhui K, Biswas A, Chamberlain S, Dubicka B, Dudas R, Farooq S, Ford T, Husain N & Jones I (2022) 'Impact of COVID-19 on mental health research: is this the breaking point?' The British Journal of Psychiatry 220, (5) 254-256 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Watkins L, Linehan C, Brandt C, Snoeijen-Schouwenaars F, McGowan P & Shankar R (2022) 'Epilepsy in adults with neurodevelopmental disability - what every neurologist should know' Epileptic Disorders: international epilepsy journal with videotape , DOI Open access
Lennard S, Henley W, McLean B, Allard J, Parrett M, Jadav M, Laugharne R & Shankar R (2022) 'Seizures and emergency department: characteristics and factors of repeat adult attendees' Journal of Neurology 269, (7) 3770-3778 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Goeldner C, Kishnani PS, Skotko BG, Casero JL, Hipp JF, Derks M, Hernandez M-C, Khwaja O, Lennon-Chrimes S & Noeldeke J (2022) 'A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase II trial to explore the effects of a GABAA-α5 NAM (basmisanil) on intellectual disability associated with Down syndrome' Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 14, (1) Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Dewhirst A, Laugharne R & Shankar R (2022) 'Therapeutic use of serious games in mental health: scoping review' BJPsych Open 8, (2) Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Sun JJ, Perera B, Henley W, Angus-Leppan H, Sawhney I, Watkins L, Purandare KN, Eyeoyibo M, Scheepers M & Lines G (2022) 'Epilepsy related multimorbidity, polypharmacy and risks in adults with intellectual disabilities: a national study' Journal of Neurology 269, (5) 2750-2760 , DOI Open access
Batson S, Shankar R, Conry J, Boggs J, Radtke R, Mitchell S, Barion F, Murphy J & Danielson V (2022) 'Efficacy and safety of VNS therapy or continued medication management for treatment of adults with drug-resistant epilepsy: systematic review and meta-analysis' Journal of Neurology 269, (6) 2874-2891 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Gilkinson C, Kinney M, Olaniyan T, Murtala B, Sipilon M, Malunga A, Joof SM & Shankar R (2021) 'Perceptions about mental healthcare for people with epilepsy in Africa' Epilepsy &amp; Behavior 127, 108504-108504 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Abraham J, Purandare K, McCabe J, Wijeratne A, Eggleston E, Oak K, Laugharne R, Roy A & Shankar R (2021) 'An 8‐year study of admissions and discharges to a specialist intellectual disability inpatient unit' Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 35, (2) 569-576 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Walton C, Medhurst D, Madhavan G & Shankar R (2021) 'The Current Provision of Mental Health Services for Individuals with Mild Intellectual Disability: A Scoping Review' Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities 15, (1) 49-75 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Naqvi D, Perera B, Mitchell S, Sheehan R & Shankar R (2021) 'COVID-19 pandemic impact on psychotropic prescribing for adults with intellectual disability: an observational study in English specialist community services' BJPsych Open 8, (1) Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Snoeijen-Schouwenaars FM, Young C, Rowe C, van Ool JS, Schelhaas HJ & Shankar R (2021) 'People with epilepsy and intellectual disability: More than a sum of two conditions' Epilepsy &amp; Behavior 124, 108355-108355 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Sawhney I, Perera B, Bassett P, Zia A, Alexander RT & Shankar R (2021) 'Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in people with intellectual disability: statistical approach to developing a bespoke screening tool' BJPsych Open 7, (6) Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Shankar R, Goodwin M, Toland J, Boyle A, Grant A, Pearson J, Storer A, Higgins R, Hudson S & Reuber M (2021) 'Oro-mucosal midazolam maleate: Use and effectiveness in adults with epilepsy in the UK' Epilepsy &amp; Behavior 123, 108242-108242 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Smith AN, Abraham J & Shankar R (2021) 'Oxygen for seizures, more questions than answers: A scoping review' Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 144, (6) 719-729 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Tittensor P, Tittensor S, Chisanga E, Bagary M, Jory C & Shankar R (2021) 'UK framework for basic epilepsy training and oromucosal midazolam administration' Epilepsy &amp; Behavior 122, 108180-108180 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Trinka E, Lattanzi S, Carpenter K, Corradetti T, Nucera B, Rinaldi F, Shankar R & Brigo F (2021) 'Exploring the Evidence for Broad-Spectrum Effectiveness of Perampanel: A Systematic Review of Clinical Data in Generalised Seizures' CNS Drugs 35, (8) 821-837 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Gupta A, Varma S, Gulati R, Rishi N, Khan N, Shankar R & Dave S (2021) 'Differential attainment in undergraduate medical education: a systematic review' BJPsych open 7, (Suppl 1) S27-S28
Smith AN, Laugharne R, Oak K & Shankar R (2021) 'Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing Therapy for People with Intellectual Disability in the Treatment of Emotional Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Scoping Review' Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities 14, (3) 237-284 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Jones K, Gangadharan S, Brigham P, Smith E & Shankar R (2021) 'Current practice and adaptations being made for people with autism admitted to in-patient psychiatric services across the UK' BJPsych Open 7, (3) Publisher Site , DOI Open access
West C, Woldman W, Oak K, McLean B & Shankar R (2021) 'A Review of Network and Computer Analysis of Epileptiform Discharge Free EEG to Characterize and Detect Epilepsy' Clinical EEG and Neuroscience 53, (1) 74-78 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Shankar R, Salpekar J, Patten A, Malhotra M & Ngo LY (2021) 'Long-Term (1-Year) Evaluation of Adjunctive Perampanel on Mental Health in Pediatric Patients (Aged 4–&lt;12 Years) with Partial-Onset Seizures (POS) or Primary Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures (PGTCS) in Study 311 (1304)' Neurology 96, (15_supplement) Publisher Site , DOI
Howkins J, Wilcock M & Shankar R (2021) 'Community Monitoring of Health Parameters in People with Intellectual Disabilities Prescribed Lithium' Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities 14, (2) 159-173 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Davis Jones G, Stavropoulos I, Ibrahim K, Tristram M, Neale M, Jory C, Adcock J, Esposito M, Hamandi K & Shankar R (2021) 'An evaluation of the effectiveness of perampanel in people with epilepsy who have previously undergone resective surgery and/or implantation of a vagal nerve stimulator' Epilepsy &amp; Behavior 116, 107738-107738 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Perera B, Chen J, Korb L, Borakati A, Courtenay K, Henley W, Tromans S & Shankar R (2021) 'Patterns of comorbidity and psychopharmacology in adults with intellectual disability and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: an UK national cross-sectional audit' Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 22, (8) 1071-1078 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Raspin C, Shankar R, Barion F, Pollit V, Murphy J, Sawyer L & Danielson V (2021) 'An economic evaluation of vagus nerve stimulation as an adjunctive treatment to anti-seizure medications for the treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy in England' Journal of Medical Economics 24, (1) 1037-1051 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
O’Dwyer M, Watkins L, McCallion P, McCarron M, Henman M & Shankar R (2021) 'Optimising medicines use in older adults with intellectual disability who have epilepsy: challenges and perspectives' Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety 12, 204209862110251-204209862110251 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Alexander RT, Langdon PE, O'Hara J, Howell A, Lane T, Tharian R & Shankar R (2020) 'Psychiatry and neurodevelopmental disorders: experts by experience, clinical care and research' The British Journal of Psychiatry 218, (1) 1-3 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
McCabe J, McLean B, Henley W, Harris C, Cheatle K, Ashby S & Shankar R (2020) 'Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) and seizure safety: Modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors differences between primary and secondary care' Epilepsy &amp; Behavior 115, 107637-107637 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Allard J, Lawthom C, Henley W, Mclean B, Hudson S, Tittensor P, Rajakulendran S, Ellawela S, Pace A & Shankar R (2020) 'Eslicarbazepine acetate response in intellectual disability population versus general population' Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 143, (3) 256-260 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Dave S, Gupta A, Rishi N, Gulati R, Verma S, Shankar R, Khan N & Chakravorty I (2020) 'A Scoping Review of Differential Attainment in Undergraduate Medicine' Sushruta Journal of Health Policy &amp; Opinion 13, (3) 1-10 Publisher Site , DOI
Tromans S, Kinney M, Chester V, Alexander R, Roy A, Sander JW, Dudson H & Shankar R (2020) 'Priority concerns for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic' BJPsych Open 6, (6) Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Perera B, Laugharne R, Henley W, Zabel A, Lamb K, Branford D, Courtanay K, Alexander R, Purandare K & Wijeratne A (2020) 'COVID-19 deaths in people with intellectual disability in the UK and Ireland: descriptive study' BJPsych Open 6, (6) Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Anderson M, Oak K, Goodey R, Dodd K & Shankar R (2020) 'Do the severity of Intellectual Disability and /or the presence of neurodevelopmental disorders influence the onset of dementia in people with Down syndrome?' Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities 13, (4) 322-342 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Shankar R, Perera B & Thomas RH (2020) 'Epilepsy, an orphan disorder within the neurodevelopmental family' Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery &amp; Psychiatry 91, (12) 1245-1247 , DOI Open access
Watkins L, Reuber M, Perera B, Courtenay K, Banks R, Murphy E, Angus-Leppan H & Shankar R (2020) 'Valproate prescribing practices for women with intellectual disability across Europe' Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 143, (1) 56-61 , DOI Open access
Deb S, Nancarrow T, Limbu B, Sheehan R, Wilcock M, Branford D, Courtenay K, Perera B & Shankar R (2020) 'UK psychiatrists’ experience of withdrawal of antipsychotics prescribed for challenging behaviours in adults with intellectual disabilities and/or autism' BJPsych Open 6, (5) Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Kinney MO, Chester V, Tromans S, Alexander RT, Angus-Leppan H, Bagary M, Cock H, Devapriam J, Hassiotis A & Mula M (2020) 'Epilepsy, anti-seizure medication, intellectual disability and challenging behaviour – Everyone’s business, no one’s priority' Seizure 81, 111-116 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Miller J, Perera B & Shankar R (2020) 'Clinical guidance on pharmacotherapy for the treatment of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) for people with intellectual disability' Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 21, (15) 1897-1913 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Boland C, Jalihal V, Organ C, Oak K, McLean B, Laugharne R, Woldman W, Beck R & Shankar R (2020) 'EEG Markers in Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder—A Possible Outcome Measure for Neurofeedback: A Narrative Review' Clinical EEG and Neuroscience 52, (4) 254-273 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Lennard S, Sharpe R, Goodey R, Hudson S & Shankar R (2020) 'Creating Capable Communities for People with Intellectual Disabilities: Challenges and Opportunities' Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities 13, (3) 174-200 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
McCabe J, Wilcock M, Atkinson K, Laugharne R & Shankar R (2020) 'General practitioners’ and psychiatrists’ attitudes towards antidepressant withdrawal' BJPsych Open 6, (4) Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Allard J, Henley W, Snoeijen-Schouwenaars F, Ool J, Tan I, Jurgen Schelhaas H, Majoie MHJM, Hudson S, McLean B & Shankar R (2020) 'European perspective of perampanel response in people with Intellectual Disability' Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 142, (3) 255-259 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Sun JJ, Perera B, Henley W, Ashby S & Shankar R (2020) 'Seizure and Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) characteristics in an urban UK intellectual disability service' Seizure 80, 18-23 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Watkins L, O'Dwyer M, Oak K, Lawthom C, Maguire M, Thomas R & Shankar R (2020) 'The evidence for switching dibenzazepines in people with epilepsy' Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 142, (2) 121-130 , DOI Open access
Angus-Leppan H, Moghim MM, Cock H, Kinton L, Synnott Wells M & Shankar R (2020) 'Valproate risk form—Surveying 215 clinicians involving 4775 encounters' Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 141, (6) 483-490 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Smart C, Page G, Shankar R & Newman C (2020) 'Keep safe: The when, why and how of epilepsy risk communication' Seizure: European Journal of Epilepsy 78, 136-149 , DOI Open access
Allard J, Henley W, Mclean B, Sellers A, Hudson S, Rajakulendran S, Pace A, Pashley S, Maguire M & Mohan M (2020) 'Lacosamide in the general population and in people with intellectual disability: Similar responses?' Seizure 76, 161-166 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Sawhney I, Zia A, Yazdi B & Shankar R (2020) 'Awareness of bone health risks in people with epilepsy and intellectual disability' British Journal of Learning Disabilities 48, (3) 224-231 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Burrows L, Lennard S, Hudson S, McLean B, Jadav M, Henley W, Sander JW & Shankar R (2020) 'Exploring epilepsy attendance at the emergency department and interventions which may reduce unnecessary attendances: A scoping review' Seizure 76, 39-46 Publisher Site , DOI
Niven A, Gamman L, Webb A, Goodey R & Shankar R (2020) 'Transforming care in Cornwall: A review of the quality of the lives of people with learning disabilities a decade post‐discharge from hospital' British Journal of Learning Disabilities 48, (4) 315-322 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Watkins L, O’Dwyer M, Kerr M, Scheepers M, Courtenay K & Shankar R (2019) 'Quality improvement in the management of people with epilepsy and intellectual disability: the development of clinical guidance' Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 21, (2) 173-181 Publisher Site , DOI
Sharpe RA, Curry W, Brown R & Shankar R (2019) 'A public health approach to reducing health inequalities among adults with autism' British Journal of General Practice 69, (688) 534-535 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R, Ashby S, McLean B & Newman C (2019) 'Bridging the gap of risk communication and management using the SUDEP and Seizure Safety Checklist' Epilepsy &amp; Behavior 103, 106419-106419 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Newman C, Ashby S, McLean B & Shankar R (2019) 'Improving epilepsy management with EpSMon: A Templar to highlight the multifaceted challenges of incorporating digital technologies into routine clinical practice' Epilepsy &amp; Behavior 103, 106514-106514 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Cocksedge KA, Guliani J, Henley W, Anderson T, Roberts S, Reed L, Skinnard D, Fisher S, Chapman B & Willcox J (2019) 'Local radio to promote mental health awareness: a public health initiative' BJPsych Open 5, (4) Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Shankar R, Wilcock M, Deb S, Goodey R, Corson E, Pretorius C, Praed G, Pell A, Vujkovic D & Wilkinson E (2019) 'A structured programme to withdraw antipsychotics among adults with intellectual disabilities: The Cornwall experience' Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 32, (6) 1389-1400 Publisher Site , DOI
Jory C, Oak K, Organ C, Mclean B & Shankar R (2019) 'Head first – Review of epilepsy head injury risk and protection' Seizure 71, 66-79 Publisher Site , DOI
Nancarrow T, Rencher J, Wilcock M, Bonell S, Wolke T & Shankar R (2019) 'Bespoke STOMP training for learning disability teams—Does it work?' British Journal of Learning Disabilities 47, (3) 181-187 Publisher Site , DOI
Watkins L, O’Dwyer M & Shankar R (2019) 'New anti-seizure medication for elderly epileptic patients' Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 20, (13) 1601-1608 Publisher Site , DOI
Watkins L, O'Dwyer M & Shankar R (2019) 'New anti-seizure medication for elderly epileptic patients' Expert Opin Pharmacother 20, (13) 1601-1608 Author Site , DOI
Watkins LV, Cock HR, Angus-Leppan H & Shankar R (2019) 'Valproate and the Pregnancy Prevention Programme: exceptional circumstances' British Journal of General Practice 69, (681) 166-167 Publisher Site , DOI
Kinney MO, McCluskey G, Friedman D, Walker MC, Sander JW & Shankar R (2019) 'Investigative practice into sudden death in epilepsy: A global survey' Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 139, (5) 476-482 Publisher Site , DOI
Watkins L, Cock H, Angus-Leppan H, Morley K, Wilcock M & Shankar R (2019) 'Valproate MHRA Guidance: Limitations and Opportunities' Frontiers in Neurology 10, , DOI Open access
van Hoorn A, Carpenter T, Oak K, Laugharne R, Ring H & Shankar R (2019) 'Neuromodulation of autism spectrum disorders using vagal nerve stimulation' Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 63, 8-12 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R, Wilcock M, Oak K, McGowan P & Sheehan R (2018) 'Stopping, rationalising or optimising antipsychotic drug treatment in people with intellectual disability and/or autism' Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin 57, (1) 10-13 Publisher Site , DOI
Murphy V, Hallahan B, O’ Connell H, Wright B, Kelly BD, Gulati G & Shankar R (2018) 'The neurology–psychiatry interface in epilepsy' Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine 38, (1) 9-15 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Lines G, Henley W, Winterhalder R & Shankar R (2018) 'Awareness, attitudes, skills and training needs of psychiatrists working with adults with intellectual disability in managing epilepsy' Seizure 63, 105-112 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R & Wilcock M (2018) 'Improving knowledge of psychotropic prescribing in people with Intellectual Disability in primary care' PLOS ONE 13, (9) e0204178-e0204178 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Angus-Leppan H, Shankar R & Cock H (2018) 'Valproate, women, and exceptional circumstances' BMJ k3625-k3625 Publisher Site , DOI
Watkins L & Shankar R (2018) 'Reducing the Risk of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP)' Current Treatment Options in Neurology 20, (10) Publisher Site , DOI
Eustice S, Endacott R, Morris J, Shankar R & Kent B (2018) 'Women’s experiences of managing digitation: do we ask enough in primary care?' JRSM Open 9, (8) 205427041878361-205427041878361 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Rohracher A, Zimmermann G, Villanueva V, Garamendi I, Sander JW, Wehner T, Shankar R, Ben-Menachem E, Brodie MJ & Pensel MC (2018) 'Perampanel in routine clinical use across Europe: Pooled, multicenter, observational data' Epilepsia 59, (9) 1727-1739 Publisher Site , DOI
Laugharne R, Thompson M, Srivastava A, Marlow S & Shankar R (2018) 'Getting a balance between generalisation and specialisation in mental health services: a defence of general services' BJPsych Bulletin 42, (6) 229-232 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Young C, Shankar R, Henley W, Rose A, Cheatle K & Sander JW (2018) 'SUDEP and seizure safety communication: Assessing if people hear and act' Epilepsy &amp; Behavior 86, 200-203 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R, Rowe C, Van Hoorn A, Henley W, Laugharne R, Cox D, Pande R, Roy A & Sander JW (2018) 'Under representation of people with epilepsy and intellectual disability in research' PLOS ONE 13, (6) e0198261-e0198261 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Shankar R, Newman C, Gales A, McLean BN, Hanna J, Ashby S, Walker MC & Sander JW (2018) 'Has the Time Come to Stratify and Score SUDEP Risk to Inform People With Epilepsy of Their Changes in Safety?' Frontiers in Neurology 9, Author Site , DOI Open access
Saxena A, Jones L, Shankar R, McLean B, Newman CGJ & Hamandi K (2018) 'Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy in children: a focused review of incidence and risk factors' Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 89, (10) jnnp-2017-317702-jnnp-2017-317702 , DOI Open access
Shankar R, Henley W, Boland C, Laugharne R, McLean BN, Newman C, Hanna J, Ashby S, Walker MC & Sander JW (2018) 'Decreasing the risk of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy: structured communication of risk factors for premature mortality in people with epilepsy' European Journal of Neurology 25, (9) 1121-1127 Author Site , DOI Open access
Laugharne R, Eaves S, Mascas A, Psatha K, Dinnis G, Trower J & Shankar R (2018) 'Desperately seeking outcomes: quantifying the effectiveness of community mental healthcare using Health of the Nation Outcome Scales' BJPsych Open 4, (3) 91-94 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Page R, Shankar R, McLean BN, Hanna J & Newman C (2018) 'Digital Care in Epilepsy: A Conceptual Framework for Technological Therapies' Frontiers in Neurology 9, , DOI Open access
Watkins L, Shankar R & Sander JW (2018) 'Identifying and mitigating Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) risk factors' Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics 18, (4) 265-274 Publisher Site , DOI
Kerr MP, Watkins LV, Angus-Leppan H, Corp A, Goodwin M, Hanson C, Roy A & Shankar R (2018) 'The provision of care to adults with an intellectual disability in the UK. A Special report from the intellectual disability UK chapter ILAE' Seizure 56, 41-46 Publisher Site , DOI
Jalihal V, Shankar R, Henley W, Parrett M, Tittensor P, McLean BN, Ahmed A & Sander JW (2018) 'Eslicarbazepine acetate as a replacement for levetiracetam in people with epilepsy developing behavioral adverse events' Epilepsy &amp; Behavior 80, 365-369 Publisher Site , DOI
Niven A, Goodey R, Webb A & Shankar R (2017) 'The use of psychotropic medication for people with intellectual disabilities and behaviours that challenge in the context of a community multidisciplinary team approach' British Journal of Learning Disabilities 46, (1) 4-9 Publisher Site , DOI
Beck RW, Laugharne J, Laugharne R, Woldman W, McLean B, Mastropasqua C, Jorge R & Shankar R (2017) 'Abnormal cortical asymmetry as a target for neuromodulation in neuropsychiatric disorders: A narrative review and concept proposal' Neuroscience &amp; Biobehavioral Reviews 83, 21-31 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R (2017) 'Re: Reply to Drs. Joob and Wiwanikit' Epilepsy &amp; Behavior 75, 275-275 Publisher Site , DOI
Alexander RT, Shankar R, Cooper SA, Bhaumik S, Hastings R, Kapugama CL, Tromans SJ & Roy A (2017) 'Challenges and pitfalls of antipsychotic prescribing in people with learning disability' British Journal of General Practice 67, (661) 372-373 Publisher Site , DOI
Jory C, Shankar R, Oak K, Oates J & Wilcock M (2017) 'Going down the tubes! Impact on seizure control of antiepileptic medication given via percutaneous feeding tubes' Epilepsy &amp; Behavior 74, 114-118 Publisher Site , DOI
Wehner T, Mannan S, Turaga S, Vallabhaneni K, Yip HM, Wiggans C, Shankar R, Duncan JS & Sander JW (2017) 'Retention of perampanel in adults with pharmacoresistant epilepsy at a single tertiary care center' Epilepsy &amp; Behavior 73, 106-110 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R, Henley W, Wehner T, Wiggans C, McLean B, Pace A, Mohan M, Sadler M, Doran Z & Hudson S (2017) 'Perampanel in the general population and in people with intellectual disability: Differing responses' Seizure 49, 30-35 Publisher Site , DOI
Chester V, Brown AS, Devapriam J, Axby S, Hargreaves C & Shankar R (2017) 'Discharging inpatients with intellectual disability from secure to community services: risk assessment and management considerations' Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities 11, (3) 98-109 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R, Jory C, McLean B, Tittensor P & Walker M (2017) 'Epilepsy awareness and emergency rescue training: Ignorance is bliss!' Epilepsy &amp; Behavior 70, 212-216 Publisher Site , DOI
Corson E, Hargreaves C, Grimshaw S, Wiggans J, Mitchell S, Toon R, Palmer C, Cox D, Pretorius C & Wilkinson E (2017) 'An evidenced‐based strategy for timely delivery of clinical letters' Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry 21, (1) 11-14 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R, Donner EJ, McLean B, Nashef L & Tomson T (2017) 'Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP): what every neurologist should know' Epileptic Disorders 19, (1) 1-9 Publisher Site , DOI
R.W. Beck, Laugharne J, Laugharne R, Woldman W, McLean B, Mastropasqua C, Jorge R & Shankar R (2017) 'Abnormal cortical asymmetry as a target for neuromodulation in neuropsychiatric disorders: A conceptual proposal' Brain Stimulation 10, (2) 436-436 Publisher Site , DOI
Chapman B, Shankar R, Palmer J & Laugharne R (2017) 'Mental health professionals and media professionals: a survey of attitudes towards one another' Journal of Mental Health 26, (5) 464-470 Publisher Site , DOI
Allard J, Shankar R, Henley W, Brown A, McLean B, Jadav M, Parrett M, Laugharne R, Noble AJ & Ridsdale L (2017) 'Frequency and factors associated with emergency department attendance for people with epilepsy in a rural UK population' Epilepsy &amp; Behavior 68, 192-195 Publisher Site , DOI
Mclean B, Shankar R, Hanna J, Jory C & Newman C (2016) 'Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy: measures to reduce risk' Practical Neurology 17, (1) 13-20 , DOI Open access
Laugharne R, Branch M, Mitchell A, Parkin L, Confue P, Shankar R, Wilson-James D, Marshall M, Edgecombe M & Keaney B (2016) 'What happens when 55% of acute psychiatric beds are closed in six days: an unexpected naturalistic observational study' JRSM Open 7, (10) 205427041664928-205427041664928 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Wolfe K, Strydom A, Morrogh D, Carter J, Cutajar P, Eyeoyibo M, Hassiotis A, McCarthy J, Mukherjee R & Paschos D (2016) 'Chromosomal microarray testing in adults with intellectual disability presenting with comorbid psychiatric disorders' European Journal of Human Genetics 25, (1) 66-72 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Shankar R, Walker M, McLean B, Laugharne R, Ferrand F, Hanna J & Newman C (2016) 'Steps to prevent SUDEP: the validity of risk factors in the SUDEP and seizure safety checklist: a case control study' Journal of Neurology 263, (9) 1840-1846 , DOI Open access
Newman C, Shankar R, Hanna J, McLean B, Osland A, Milligan C, Ball A, Jory C & Walker M (2016) 'Developing an Evidence-Based Epilepsy Risk Assessment eHealth Solution: From Concept to Market' JMIR Research Protocols 5, (2) e82-e82 Publisher Site , DOI
Dimitrelis K & Shankar R (2016) 'Pharmacological treatment of schizophrenia - a review of progress' Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry 20, (3) 28-35 Publisher Site , DOI
Doran Z, Shankar R, Keezer MR, Dale C, McLean B, Kerr MP, Devapriam J, Craig J & Sander JW (2016) 'Managing anti‐epileptic drug treatment in adult patients with intellectual disability: a serious conundrum' European Journal of Neurology 23, (7) 1152-1157 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R, Bradley-Smith G, Brigham P, Devapriam J, Osborne A & Axby S (2016) 'Patient- and carer-held health records: can they improve annual health checks for patients with learning disability?' British Journal of General Practice 66, (645) 210-212 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R, Jones G, Devapriam J & Roy A (2016) 'Successful transfers to out-of-area placements' Learning Disability Practice 19, (1) 18-22 Publisher Site , DOI
Jory C, Shankar R, Coker D, McLean B, Hanna J & Newman C (2016) 'Safe and sound? A systematic literature review of seizure detection methods for personal use' Seizure 36, 4-15 Publisher Site , DOI
Cocksedge K, Shankar R & Simon C (2016) 'Depression and pain: the need for a new screening tool' Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry 20, (1) 26-32 Publisher Site , DOI
Scott D & Shankar R (2015) 'Mental health and CPD: could videoconferencing be a way forward?' Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry 19, (5) 25-26 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R, Newman C, McLean B, Anderson T & OBE JH (2015) 'Can technology help reduce risk of harm in patients with epilepsy?' British Journal of General Practice 65, (638) 448-449 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R, Olotu V, Axby S, Hargreaves C & Devapriam J (2015) 'Managing clients placed far away from their communities' Learning Disability Practice 18, (1) 29-34 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R, Jory C, ashton J, McLean B & Walker M (2015) 'Epilepsy emergency rescue training' BMJ Quality Improvement Reports 4, (1) u208167.w3566-u208167.w3566 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R, Newman C, Hanna J, ashton J, Jory C, McLean B, Anderson T, Walker M, cox D & Ewins L (2015) 'Keeping patients with epilepsy safe: a surmountable challenge?' BMJ Quality Improvement Reports 4, (1) u208167.w3252-u208167.w3252 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Young C, Shankar R, Palmer J, Craig J, Hargreaves C, McLean B, Cox D & Hillier R (2014) 'Does intellectual disability increase sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) risk?' Seizure 25, 112-116 Publisher Site , DOI
Cocksedge KA, Simon C & Shankar R (2014) 'A difficult combination: chronic physical illness, depression, and pain' British Journal of General Practice 64, (626) 440-441 Publisher Site , DOI
Jory CA, Shankar R, Taylor K, Martin J & Smee C (2014) 'At the touch of a button: collecting client feedback' Learning Disability Practice 17, (3) 36-38 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R, Jalihal V, Walker M, Laugharne R, McLean B, Carlyon E, Hanna J, Brown S, Jory C & Tripp M (2014) 'A community study in Cornwall UK of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) in a 9-year population sample' Seizure 23, (5) 382-385 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R, Bradley M, Jory C & Olotu V (2013) 'Consent to contraceptive treatment among clients with epilepsy' Learning Disability Practice 16, (10) 27-30 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R, Jory C, Tripp M, Cox D & Hagenow K (2013) 'Monitoring nocturnal seizure in vulnerable patients' Learning Disability Practice 16, (9) 36-38 Publisher Site , DOI
Woodberry MW, Shankar R, Cent A, Jerome KR & Kuypers J (2013) 'Comparison of the Simplexa FluA/B &amp; RSV Direct Assay and Laboratory-Developed Real-Time PCR Assays for Detection of Respiratory Virus' Journal of Clinical Microbiology 51, (11) 3883-3885 Publisher Site , DOI
Laugharne R, Shankar R, Dunkley R, Fisher S & Barnett J (2013) 'A radio phone‐in programme for mental health education and promotion' Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry 17, (5) 37-38 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R, Cox D, Jalihal V, Brown S, Hanna J & McLean B (2013) 'Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP): Development of a safety checklist' Seizure 22, (10) 812-817 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R, Smith K & Jalihal V (2013) 'Sensory processing in people with Asperger syndrome' Learning Disability Practice 16, (2) 22-27 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R, Olotu VO, Cole N, Sullivan H & Jory C (2013) 'Case report: Vagal nerve stimulation and late onset asystole' Seizure 22, (4) 312-314 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R, Laugharne R & Ferrars FD (2012) 'How to ensure people with multiple diagnoses make the right decisions' Learning Disability Practice 15, (2) 27-30 Publisher Site , DOI
Scally G, Imtiaz J, Bethune R, Young A, Ward W, Herzig H, Shankar R & Laugharne R (2012) 'Helping clinicians improve the health of their communities: The Beddoes Fellows Programme' Journal of Behavioral Health 1, (3) 167-167 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R & Laugharne R (2012) 'P-772 - A conceptual model of mental capacity mapping for a patient with concomitant learning disability, bipolar affective disorder and an emotionally unstable personality disorder' European Psychiatry 27, 1-1 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R, Laugharne R, Pritchard C, Joshi P & Dhar R (2011) 'Modified Attitudes to Psychiatry Scale Created Using Principal-Components Analysis' Academic Psychiatry 35, (6) Publisher Site , DOI
de Ferrars F & Shankar R (2010) 'Assessing Mental Capacity' InnovAiT: Education and inspiration for general practice 4, (2) 98-103 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R, Jalihal V, Walker M & Zeman A (2010) 'Pseudocataplexy and Transient Functional Paralysis: A Spectrum of Psychogenic Motor Disorder' Journal of Neuropsychiatry 22, (4) 445-450 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R, Jalihal V, Walker M & Zeman A (2010) 'Pseudocataplexy and Transient Functional Paralysis: A Spectrum of Psychogenic Motor Disorder' The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 22, (4) 445-450 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R, Mascas A, Laugharne R, Wilkinson E & O'Muirithe B (2010) 'A comparison of suicide and undetermined deaths in Cornwall across national and local agencies' Medicine, Science and the Law 50, (1) 19-21 Publisher Site , DOI
Laugharne R & Shankar R (2009) 'Quality standards for community mental health teams' Psychiatric Bulletin 33, (10) 387-389 Publisher Site , DOI
Brown S, Shankar R & Smith K (2009) 'Borderline personality disorder and sensory processing impairment' Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry 13, (4) 10-16 Publisher Site , DOI
Laugharne R, Appiah-Poku J, Laugharne J & Shankar R (2009) 'Attitudes Toward Psychiatry Among Final-Year Medical Students in Kumasi, Ghana' Academic Psychiatry 33, (1) 71-75 Publisher Site , DOI
O'Muirithe B & Shankar R (2008) 'An audit of the quality of reports to Mental Health Review Tribunals' Medicine, Science and the Law 48, (3) 221-224 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R (2008) 'A critique of NHS culture as applied to psychiatry' British Journal of Healthcare Management 14, (4) 147-152 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R 'Positive Behavioural Support in the UK: A State of the Nation Report' International Journal of Positive Behavioural Support Open access
DeGiorgio CM, Shankar R & Moseley BD (2022) Epilepsy Mortality: Leading Causes of Death, Co-morbidities, Cardiovascular Risk and Prevention. Frontiers Media SA Open access
Shankar R (2024) 'Neurodevelopmental disorders in people with intellectual disability' in Alexander R; Tromans S; Gangadharan S Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability Across Cultures Oxford University Press
Shankar R & Walker M (2020) 'Epilepsy in People with Intellectual Disabilities' in Bhaumik S; Alexander R Oxford Textbook of the Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability Oxford University Press, USA , DOI Open access
Shankar R & Walket M (2020) 'Epilepsy in people with intellectual disability' in Alexander R Oxford Textbook of the Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability Oxford University Press, USA
Shankar R, Watkins L & Brown S (2019) 'Intellectual Disability and Epilepsy' in Prasher V; Janicki M Physical Health of Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Springer 187-202 , DOI Open access
Shankar R, Watkins L & Brown S (2018) 'Intellectual Disability and Epilepsy' Physical Health of Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Springer International Publishing 187-202 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R, Doran Z & Kerr M (2016) 'The Use of Antiepileptic Medication in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A Serious Conundrum' in Prasher V; Kerr M Epilepsy and Intellectual Disabilities Springer 115-143 , DOI
Shankar R, Doran Z & Kerr M (2016) 'The Use of Antiepileptic Medication in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A Serious Conundrum' Epilepsy and Intellectual Disabilities Springer International Publishing 115-143 Publisher Site , DOI
Conference Papers
Khan N, Hafeez D, Goolamallee T, Arora A, Smith W, Shankar R & Dave S (2023) 'Racial Microaggressions in Healthcare Settings: A Scoping Review' Royal College of Psychiatrists S7-S8 Publisher Site , DOI
Gilkinson C, Olaniyan T, Shankar R & Mckinney M (2021) 'Mental health and epilepsy: A survey exploring perspectives of healthcare providers in Sub-Saharan Africa' Elsevier BV 119217-119217 Publisher Site , DOI
Gupta A, Varma S, Gulati R, Rishi N, Khan N, Shankar R & Dave S (2021) 'Differential attainment in undergraduate medical education: a systematic review' Royal College of Psychiatrists S27-S28 Publisher Site , DOI
Gil F, Shankar R, Yamamoto T, Montoya FJ, Trinka E, D'Souza W, Maeda T & Villanueva V (2021) 'Effectiveness, safety and tolerability of perampanel in adolescents with focal and generalised seizures: evidence from clinical practice' 149-149
Shankar R & Saumitra D (2021) 'Challenges to de-prescribe psychotropics in people with intellectual disability: The medical view' 1328-1328
Shankar R, Tromans S, Kinney M, Chester V, Alexander R & Roy A (2021) 'Priority concerns for people with developmental disabilities during the pandemic' 1296-1296
Shankar R, Salpekar J, Patten A, Malhotra M & Ngo LY (2021) 'Long- Term (1-Year) Evaluation of Adjunctive Perampanel on Mental Health in Pediatric Patients (Aged 4-&lt;12 Years) with Partial- Onset Seizures (POS) or Primary Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures (PGTCS) in Study 311'
McLean B, Shankar R, Newman C, Hanna J, Oxland A & Jory C (2017) 'PO048 Sudep and epilepsy risk – epsmon an e-health assessment tool' BMJ A24.3-A24 Publisher Site , DOI
Allard J, Shankar R, Henley W, Brown A, McLean B, Jadev M, Parrett M, Laugharne R, Noble A & Ridsdale L (2017) 'PO049 What drives ed attendance in people with epilepsy' BMJ A24.4-A25 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R, Quick C, Dawson J & Annal P (2017) 'A Simple Composite Dynamic Digital Tool to Communicate Complex Physical and Mental Health needs and Measure Outcomes: The Cornwall Health Radar' Cambridge University Press (CUP) S93-S94 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R & Ram S (2017) 'An evidenced based checklist to support anti-dementia medication withdrawal in people with down syndrome (DS), intellectual disability (Id) and dementia' Cambridge University Press (CUP) S599-S599 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R (2017) 'Does a Bespoke Intellectual Disability (ID) Epilepsy Service Reduce Mortality? A 11 Year Study of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) in Cornwall UK' Cambridge University Press (CUP) S161-S161 Publisher Site , DOI
Shankar R, Wilkinson E, Roberts S & Rebecca O (2017) 'Zero suicide southwest UK initiative – Steps to mitigate suicide risk in local populations using quality improvement methodology and a whole life approach' Cambridge University Press (CUP) S402-S402 Publisher Site , DOI
Rohracher A, Zimmermann G, Villanueva V, Garamendi I, Sander J, Shankar R, Ben-Menachem E, Brodie MJ, Pensel MC & Wehner T (2017) 'PERAMPANEL IN ROUTINE CLINICAL USE ACROSS EUROPE: POOLED OBSERVATIONAL STUDIES' S107-S108
Neuray C, Zimmermann G, Villanueva V, Garamendi I, Sander J, Shankar R, Ben-Menachem E, Brodie MJ, Pensel MC & Wehner T (2017) 'PERAMPANEL USE IN OLDER PEOPLE WITH EPILEPSY: POOLED DATA FROM EUROPEAN OBSERVATIONAL STUDIES' S169-S169
Shankar R, Doran Z, McLean BN, Walker MC, Sander LJ, Cox D, Hillier R, Sadler MJ, Mohan M & Parrett M (2015) 'A register for collecting and measuring outcomes of licensed anti-epileptic drugs in patients with epilepsy and intellectual disability and/or pervasive developmental disorders' 64-64
Doran Z, Shankar R, Sander LJ, Lee W, Dale C, Kerr M, Richard L, McLean BN, Devapriam J & Wilson K (2015) 'Prescribing for epilepsy in adult patients with an intellectual disability and/or pervasive developmental disorder: a systematic review' 389-389
Shankar R, Axby S, Bernal J & Goodrum W (2014) 'Analysis of quality of life of people with intellectual disability in community in Cornwall UK two and eight years post institutional abuse and mistreatment' 338-338
Shankar R, Cox D, McLean B, Hanna J, Jory C, Tripp M & Walker M (2014) 'Does an intellectual disability epilepsy service improve outcomes for patients with intellectual disability and epilepsy? A 9 year study of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy in the UK' 313-313
Bernall J & Shankar R (2014) 'Eight years later. Long-term follow-up of former inpatient survivors of institutional abuse' 392-392
Shankar R, Olotu V, Goodrum W, Axby S & Bernal J (2014) 'Sent away: 'export' of adults with ID to a rural county, the personal and economic costs' 332-332
Parrett MP, McLean BN, Shankar R & Cox D (2014) 'A SERVICE EVALUATION OF PERAMPANEL IN CORNWALL, UK' 110-111
Brown S, Shankar R, Cox D, M. McLean B & Jory C (2013) 'Clinical governance: risk assessment in SUDEP' Emerald 325-331 Publisher Site , DOI
Jalihal V, Joshi P, Charanya, Karim B & Shankar R (2013) 'Prevalence of depression in non-psychiatric geriatric inpatients in developing countries: A cross-sectional multicentre study' S59-S59
Shankar R, Jalihal V & Zeman A (2008) 'Pseudo-cataplexy' 973-973
Biswas A, Baldwin D, Courtenay K, Hiremath A, Jaydeokar S, Lovell M, McAlister H & Shankar R (2021) Stopping the overmedication of people with intellectual disability, autism or both (STOMP) and supporting treatment and appropriate medication in paediatrics (STAMP). Royal College of Psychiatrists Royal College of Psychiatrists Publisher Site Open access
Perera B, Korb L, Courtenay K & Shankar R (2021) Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults with intellectual disability. Royal College of Psychiatrists Royal College of Psychiatrists Author Site Open access
Shankar R, Scheepers M, Liew A, Cross H, McLean B, Tittensor P, Slowie D, Toker-Lester H, Pullen A & Walker M (2020) Step Together Integrating Care for People with Epilepsy and a Learning Disability. Open access
Shankar R, Haut F & Courtenay K (2020) Mental health services for adults with mild intellectual disability. Royal College of Psychiatrists Royal College of Psychiatrists Author Site Open access
Shankar R, Watkins L, Alexander R, Devapriam J, Dolman J, Hari A, Laugharne R, McLean B, Ring H & Sander L (2017) Prescribing anti-epileptic drugs for people with epilepsy and intellectual disability. Royal College of Psychiatrists United Kingdom Royal College of Psychiatrists Author Site Open access
Shankar R, Mogbeyiteren E, Scheepers M, Dolman J, Watkins L, Attavar R, Carmody E, Haut F, Alexander R & Devapriam J (2017) Management of epilepsy in adults with intellectual disability. Royal College of Psychiatrists United Kingdom Royal College of Psychiatrists Author Site Open access
Presentations and posters
Raspin C, Shankar R, Barion F, Pollit V, Murphy J, Sawyer L & Danielson V Raspin C, Shankar R, Barion F, Pollit V, Murphy J, Sawyer L & Danielson V 'POSC289 Cost-Effectiveness of Vagus Nerve Stimulation with Anti-Seizure Medication Versus Anti-Seizure Medication Alone in the Management of Drug Resistant Epilepsy in England' , DOI


Other academic activities

I am the lead for the SUDEP and Seizure Safety Checklist ( (2010 to present) to assess record and communicate SUDEP risk. The tool is used by epilepsy clinicians across UK and internationally ( It is converted to a self-empowerment mobile application – EpSMon ( Both tools have been evaluated across health & research communities. They have won the ILAE UK expert led poster 2015, patient safety awards 2016, Health Business Awards 2016, British Medical Journal awards 2016 (Neurology), 2017 * (Innovation) 2019 (Education) and US SUDEP Challenge award 2016 winner(83 applicants/25 countries). It is 1/7 projects selected by NHS England for the National Innovation accelerator programme 2017. A Cochrane review (2016 -CD011792) on SUDEP prevention singles out EpSMon. The RCGP has recommended EpSMon to all 70,000 GP practices through e-module training (2016)for epilepsy management & the BMJ commissioned a CPD module. Both Checklist & EpSMon are part of national epilepsy commissioning ( and NHS RightCare toolkits. A recent NIHR review of emerging epilepsy technology has given the highest rating for EpSMon (page61). Key recent publications of 15 – initiated, implemented and co-ordinate a monthly mental health phone in with BBC radio Cornwall (2010). It has run continuously for 9 years, delivered 105 episodes. The significant impact on local community is evidenced -
Overprescribing/polypharmacy has been recognised to be a significant UK wide problem in people with DD ( An evidence based systemic approach led by me to de-prescribing is being adopted nationally and internationally. Evidence of successes and challenges –
Do not flush your life away a public health campaign to reduce male suicides - care/public-health-cornwall/public-health-campaigns/dont-flush-your-life-away/
I have been the lead for various national projects aimed at a holistic approach for people with DD and epilepsy. This includes identifying and mitigating the national problems, challenges in work force, resources and competency of various stakeholders involved in the care of these complex individuals. These National reports are – reports/management-of-epilepsy-in-adults-with-intellectual-disability-cr203-may-2017 reports/prescribing-anti-epileptic-drugs-for-people-with-epilepsy-and-intellectual-disability-cr206-oct-2017
NHS RightCare national commissioning toolkit & NHS England national epilepsy pathway
Do not flush your life away - campaigns/dont-flush-your-life-away/ finalist for the BMJ Awards 2017.
The Purple Book - Book a tool for self-empowerment and monitoring on psychotropic and anticonvulsant medication for people with ID
I have developed a standardized 30 minute e-learning test to enable trainers across the UK to test their course attendees’ understanding of delivering good care and rescue Midazolam medication. The e-test includes videos to examine the candidate’s ability to identify the practical procedures required in Buccal Midazolam administration with the aim of ensuring the trainee has gained the necessary learning during training. The e- test was created in partnership and consultation with local, regional and national level epilepsy experts, service users, carers and charities. The website was tested for quality standards and is supported as a source to improve patient safety by our stakeholders including the JEC, the International League of Epilepsy UK chapter, SUDEP Action, Epilepsy Action, South West Epilepsy Nurses group, Peninsula Academic Health Science Network and two NHS Trusts. It was formally launched on the 17th September 2013 at the South –West Epilepsy Conference and was shortlisted for the HSJ awards 2014 and national patient safety awards 2015. This has now been adopted by Cornwall Council and reaches all Cornish registered organizations (16000 carers). This model is being looked to being adopted in other parts of the country. I am leading a collaborative of ILAE UK and ESNA to redevelop the National rescue epilepsy guidance.
I have developed a checklist to support safe transfer of patients with ID across regions to address and mitigate some of the concerns raised in the Winterbourne enquiry. This checklist has been approved by the RCPsych executive and is approved as good practice by the National LD senate.
I am a co-developer of the intervention ‘SMART CART’ which has been awarded the internationally acclaimed Medical Futures innovation award (14/06/07).
I helped conceptualize, arrange and organize the mock OSCE now CASC exam (13 continuous stations) for the Part 3 MRCPsych clinical entrants. The mock exam is bi annual and is well received. It caters to all examinees in the South-West region of UK. Places for candidates outside Cornwall are sold at nominal rates and funds generated through this help buffer the Trust CPD budget. This was awarded the Royal College of Psychiatrists (south west division) Innovation award for 2009.
I was successful in acquiring 2 separate £5000 grants from the Peninsula Deanery to help develop training DVDs. The projects have been completed successfully. The first project on CASC DVDs is a well-recognized part of the clinical exam preparation now with sales being nationally and internationally. The money from the sale of DVDs goes towards the Trust continued professional development funds for the Trust doctors. This was awarded the Royal College of Psychiatrists (south west division) Innovation award for 2011 and was ‘highly commended’ at the BMA book awards.
Our new quality of life and communication e- tool ‘Cornwall epilepsy radar’ is being piloted.
A New pathway for consent to assist GPs and easy read for female patients who have learning disability to foster informed choice and communication around oral contraceptive use and antiepileptic medication.
I have helped conceptualized mental health podcasts for GPs in Innovait (The RCGP training journal) which is now a regular monthly feature

Additional information

Awards and Notable Achievements –
1. 01/2018 – Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE)
2. 10/2020 – Winner - BMJ Awards – Mental Health Team of the Year
3. 04/2019 – Winner – BMJ Awards – Education Team of the Year
4. 08/2018 - Epileptic Disorders ILAE Educational Prize ( educational-prize)
5. 05/2018 – Finalist - BMJ Awards – Mental Health Category
6. 05/2017 – Highly Commended - BMJ Awards – Innovation Team of the Year
7. 05/2017 – Finalist - BMJ Awards – Mental Health Category
8. 11/2016 – Winner – Health Business Awards – Healthcare IT category
9. 11/2016 - EpSMon – peer r/w chosen by NHS England as 1 of 7 National Innovation Accelerator Fellowship
10. 11/2016 – Finalist (top 3) – South West NHS Leadership awards
11. 09/2016 - Finalist (top 3) – EHI national awards
12. 06/2016 – Winner- HSJ Patient Safety Awards - Education and Training in Patient Safety
13. 06/2016 – Winner - HSJ Patient Safety Awards – Patient Safety in Mental Health
14. 06/2016 – Finalist- HSJ Patient Safety Awards - Improving Safety in Primary Care
15. 06/2016 – Finalist- HSJ Patient Safety Awards - Managing Long-Term Conditions
16. 06/2016 – Finalist- HSJ Patient Safety Awards – Technology and IT to Improve Patient Safety
17. 05/2016 – Winner – BMJ Awards – Neurology Team of the Year
18. 04/2016 – research paper ‘safe and sound’ European Journal of Epilepsy editorial choice 03/2016
19. 03//2016 - Finalist- Health Service Journal (HSJ) Value Awards – General Medicine
20. 03/2016 – Finalist- Health Service Journal (HSJ) Value Awards –Specialist Care
21. 03/2016 - Finalist for Health service Journal (HSJ) Awards – Telehealth
22. 02/2016 – Winner – Epilepsy Foundation USA - SUDEP Challenge
23. 02/2016 - National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) commercial principal investigators Award
24. 11/2015 – Finalist – Health Service Journal (HSJ) Patient Safety
25. 11/2015 – Finalist – Health Service Journal (HSJ) – Efficiency with technology
26. 09/2015 - ILAE UK – 1st prize – expert led poster presentation
27. 07/2015 – Finalist- Health Service Journal (HSJ) Patient Safety Awards -Safety in Medicines Management
28. 11/2014 - Finalist for Health service Journal (HSJ) Awards – Improved Care with Technology
29. 08/2014 - Best Poster Award – Academic Psychiatry Conference Singapore
30. 03/2014 – European Journal of Epilepsy paper in the top 5 most downloaded papers for the quarter
31. 11/2013 - Finalist for Health service Journal (HSJ) Awards – innovation with Technology category
32. 11/2013 – Finalist Royal College of Psychiatrists – Public educator of the year
33. 11/2012 - Finalist for the Health service Journal (HSJ) Awards – mental health innovations category.
34. 11/2012 - The RCPsych (south west division) Innovation award runner’s up for monthly Radio.
35. 09/2012 – Runners up - CFT Staff Recognition awards (service user nominated category)
36. 04/2012 – Finalist in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) Awards Public Communicator Category
37. 11/2011 - The RCPsych (south west division) Innovation award for the Cornish CASC DVDs
38. 09/2011 – British Medical Association (BMA) book awards – ‘highly commended’ award
39. 05/2011 – 1st prize for audit poster at the RCGP southwest Tamar annual study day
40. 11/2009 - The RCPsych (south west division) Innovation award for the Cornish CASC Project
41. 06/2007 - Medical Futures innovation international award for SMART Cart