Associate Professor, Head of UK Partnerships, Academic Partnerships, Plymouth University. This role is responsible for managing and developing existing collaborations and building new HE relationships in the UK. In addition support is provided to areas of internationalisation and quality.


1992 - 1993: Staff & Educational Development Association (SEDA), Teacher in Higher Education

1992 - 1993: University of Plymouth Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

1985 - 1987: University College, Cardiff: MSc. (Econ) in Employment Studies

1982 - 1985: Lancashire Polytechnic: B.A. (Hons) in Humanities (Major Economics, Minor Politics)

Professional membership

2011 Senior Fellow of the Staff & Educational Development Association [SFSEDA]

2000 Fellow of the Higher Education Academy [FHEA]

1992 Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development [CIPD]


Teaching interests

Teaching interests include: people management, leadership, information technology, e-business, e-commerce, student centred learning, interactive, reflective, and distance learning.


Research interests

Higher Education in Further Education Colleges - HE in FE


Supporting research and scholarly activity


Student progression and transfer

Knowledge management & Communities of practice

Other research

C o n f e r e n c e   &   E v e n t   P a p e r s,   W o r k s h o p s   a n d   P o s t e r s




Turner R., McKenzie L. & Stone M., The emerging professional identities of lecturers working within HE in FE colleges, British Educational Research Association (BERA) Conference, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh.



Stone M., HELP CETL Opportunities: supporting scholarly activity and making connections, South Devon College Development Day, 14th July.



Stone M., An educational entrepreneur’s guide to the new Teaching and Learning Strategy for practitioners and managers, UPC conference, 8th July.



Stone M. et al, HELP CETL & UPC Subject Forums workshop, 6th VC's Teaching and Learning Conference, University of Plymouth, 3rd July.



Eales-Reynolds L. & Stone M. et al, Transforming the Student Experience: CETL stories, Higher Education Academy Annual Conference: Transforming the student experience, Harrogate International Centre, 1st - 3rd July.



Stone M. & Dismore H., APEL in UPC: APEL issues and potential development ideas generated from HELP CETL HE in FE practitioner engagement, Accreditation of Prior Learning (AP[E]L), South West & Western Vocational Lifelong Learning Networks Workshop, Somerset College, 22nd May.



Turner R., Gray C., Swain J., McKenzie L. & Stone M., Developing a HE culture within a disparate HE in FE partnership, ESCalate conference: The Teaching - Research Interface: Implications for Practice in HE and FE, Stirling, 29th - 30th April.



Peters M., Stone M., Witt N. & McDermott A., Managing the Sustainability of Technology Introduced by the HELP-CETL, Annual CETL Network Conference: Impact, Evaluation, Dissemination and Sustainability, University of Leicester, 17th - 18th April.



Swain J., Gray C., Stone M. & Rose S., Strategies to develop sustainable Blended Learning across a collaborative partnership delivering Higher Education in Further Education, Plymouth e-Learning Conference, University of Plymouth 4th April.



Stone M. & Gray C., Continuing Professional Development for staff, FE-HE Collaborative Provision Annual Conference 2008: Developing Strategies for the Future, London, 6th March.



Stone M., Academic Dissemination: with a focus on HELP CETL Award Holders, HELP CETL Award Holders Development Event, University of Plymouth, 3rd - 4th January.



Turner R., McKenzie E., McDermott A., Witt N. & Stone M., Promoting The Capacity For Research And Scholarly Activity Within The Context of Higher Education In Further Education: issues of culture, Reshaping Higher Education SRHE Annual Conference, Brighton, 11th - 13th December.



Witt N., McDermott, A., Peters, M. and Stone, M. A Knowledge Management Approach to Developing Communities of Practice Amongst University and College Staff, ascilite conference: Providing choices for learners and learning, Centre for Educational Development, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2nd - 5th December.



Stone M., Weaver R., Lea S. & Dyer A., The University of Plymouth Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning [CETLs] Focus, Impact & Legacy, University of Plymouth Board of Governors, 5th December.



Stone M. & Rowe M., How did the University get 9,500 Foundation Degree Students with up to 85% progression? Vice Chancellor’s Learning and Teaching Conference, University of Plymouth, 28th June.



Stone M., HE in FE Research & Scholarly Activity: Identifying the Terrain, HE in FE Research & Scholarly Activity Mapping Event, University of Plymouth, 21st March.



Stone M. & Smart C. [Invited session]: CETL and Subject Centre collaboration, what now what next, Higher Education Academy, Annual CETL Networking Event, Warwick University, 19th March.



Stone M. & Soffe R., Generational Leadership; implications for the rural economy, Worshipful Company of Farmers: Challenge of Rural Leadership, Newton Abbot, Devon, 14th November.



Stone M., Collaborating and Sharing Electronic Resources, Collaboration through creativity: the 2006 HERDA-SW Annual Conference, The Imperial Hotel, Torquay, 9th - 10th November.



Stone M., Sharing, Collaborating & Community within UPC - what now, what next, UPC Winter Conference [3rd Birthday Celebration – Reflection, Review and Direction], 8th November



Witt N. & Stone M., Usability and Evaluation of the Knowledge Exchange, Tomoye BEST Knowledge Management & Communities of Practice Event, Washington D.C. 21st July.



Stone M., Research Development & Scholarly Activity across UPC and HELP CETL Fellowship & CPD Awards 2006-7. University of Plymouth Colleges Summer Conference, 4th July.



Walker T. & Stone M., HELP CETL Award Scheme. University of Plymouth Colleges Summer Conference, 4th July.



Walker T. & Stone M., HELP CETL Award Scheme projects 2005-6: The Student Learning Experience. University of Plymouth Colleges Summer Conference, 4th July.



Walker T. & Stone M., HELP CETL Award Scheme projects 2005-6: Curriculum and Teaching Enhancement. University of Plymouth Colleges Summer Conference, 4th July.



Walker T. & Stone M., HELP CETL Award Scheme projects 2005-6: Work Based Learning and Employer Engagement. University of Plymouth Colleges Summer Conference, 4th July.



Stone M., Building Capacity and Communities of Practice for HE in FE, HEA, History, Classics Archaeology Subject Centre - Supporting And Developing He In Fe Contexts, Institute of Historical Research, London, 27th June.



Stone M., Supporting the Development of Blended Learning; with a focus on Communities of Practice, Quality Network Day Elfordleigh Hotel, Plymouth 16th June.



Stone M., Supporting the Development of Communities of Practice; potential library contributions

University and Partner College Libraries Annual Seminar, University of Plymouth, 9th June.



Stone M., [Keynote paper]: HELP CETL Pedagogic Research & Development linked to the HLST Context,

HEA, Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Subject Centre - Pedagogic Research and Development Day, University College Worcester, 28th April.




Stone M. & Soffe R., Rural leadership education research: learning from the past - shaping the future, Rural futures Conference: The Rural Citizen: governance, culture and welfare in the 21st century, University of Plymouth, April 5-7.



Stone M., Experience from the Higher Education Learning Partnerships [HELP] CETL, HEA HLST: Supporting Staff and Students in Hospitality, Leisure Sport and Tourism Higher Education: Welsh Perspectives, [Conference by Video], University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, 30th March.



Stone M., HE in FE Partnerships: Case Study of Locally based HE in FE - University of Plymouth Colleges, HE Expansion and FE Delivery Conference, London,  29th November.



Stone M. & Soffe R., Generational Leadership; implications for the rural economy, Worshipful Company of Farmers: Challenge of Rural Leadership, Newton Abbot, Devon, 17th November.



Stone M., McDermott A., Palmer J. & Williams R., Guiding the Management of Information and Communications Technology supported learning in Higher Education: Results, insights and resources from an EU funded Minerva Project, ICODL 2005 – 3rd International Conference on Open and Distance Learning: 'Applications of Pedagogy and Technology' - Hellenic Network of Open & Distance Education, Hellenic Open University, Patra, Greece, 11-13 November.



Stone M., McDermott A., Palmer J. & Williams R., Results and Artefacts of an EU funded Minerva Project entitled ‘Guiding the Management of ICT supported learning in Higher Education’, 4th European Conference on e-learning - Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Sciences, Amsterdam, Netherlands 10-11 November [refereed paper].



Stone M. & Soffe R., Generational Leadership; implications for developing and guiding future leaders. NICS Command 2005: Preparing and Training Future Captains, University of Plymouth, 14-16 September.



Soffe R. & Stone M., Shaping the Millennium Generation; Leadership Education Research links to New Technology, 3rd International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications (EISTA 2005) jointly with the International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications (CITSA 2005) - Orlando, Florida, USA, 14-17 July.



Stone M., The HELP CETL an FDF Perspective, FDF National Conference - Foundation Degrees: Working in Practice, Foundation Degree Forward, University of Nottingham 12-13 July.



Stone M. & Witt N., Communities of Practice and you, University of Plymouth Colleges Summer Conference: Innovations in Higher Education, University of Plymouth, 5th July.



Stone M., Weaver R., et al. CETLs - Realising the Visions. Vice Chancellor’s Learning and Teaching Conference, University of Plymouth, 24th June.



Stone M., Soffe R., Keast S., Palmer J. & Kristensen A. Researching undergraduate leadership development: An emerging mental model. Vice Chancellor’s Learning and Teaching Conference, University of Plymouth, 24th June.



Stone M., McDermott A., Palmer J. & Williams R. Guiding the Management of ICT supported learning in HE: Outcomes from an EU funded Minerva Project. Vice Chancellor’s Learning and Teaching Conference, University of Plymouth, 24th June.



Stone M., Higher Education Learning Partnerships [HELP] Centre for Excellence in Teaching & Learning [CETL], CETL Network Day, Higher Education Academy, Millennium Conference Centre, London, 2nd March.



Stone M., Soffe R. & Col. Watters B. Leading Across Generations within UK Military and Public Services. 3rd International Studying Leadership Workshop, Centre for Leadership Studies, University of Exeter, December 15-16.



Stone M. Making Personal development planning work for Tourism Students, Staff and Departments. Critical Issues in Tourism Education, A joint international conference organised by: Association for Tourism in Higher Education; BCUC Leisure and Tourism Education Research Centre (LaTERC); LTSN Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Subject Centre & Association for Tourism and Leisure Education (ATLAS), Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College, December 1-3.



Stone M. [Keynote paper]: Combining and interweaving the development of generic and subject-specific competences; curriculum development experiences at the University of Plymouth with a focus on the implementation of Personal Development Planning, The 7th European Congress of Higher Agricultural Education: Rethinking higher education in the food chain and environment: Profiling graduates of the future, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University Denmark (KVL), Copenhagen, August 21-24.



Soffe, R. & Stone, M. Rural leadership education research: is ambiguity OK for students and business? The 7th European Congress of Higher Agricultural Education: Rethinking higher education in the food chain and environment: Profiling graduates of the future, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University Denmark (KVL), Copenhagen, August 21-24.



Stone, M. Progression and Transfer, 3rd Annual Design, Engineering & Computing Learning and Teaching Event. University of Bournemouth, 14th July.



Soffe, R. & Stone, M. Leadership education and development: is ambiguity OK for students and business? The 11th EDiNEB International Conference: The Changing Face of Globalization: It’s Impact on Educating Future Leaders, Maastricht, the Netherlands, June 16-18.



McDermott, M., Stone, M., Palmer, J. and Williams, R. An investigation into the management of Information and Communications Technology supported learning in Higher Education, Education Participation and Globalization Conference, Prague, May 20-22 (Conference paper and workshop).



Stone, M. The Student Progression And Transfer (SPAT) Project. Collaborative Partnerships Conference, Ballymena, The University of Ulster, 9th February.



Stone, M. & Gadd, D. The SPAT Project including how to use and customise SPAT materials for new users and how to disseminate and improve use of existing SPAT materials. Peer Assisted Learning and Progressing & Transferring Students Conference, Bournemouth University, 19th November.



Stone, M. & Carter, C. Transition from FE. FDTL (4) Student Transition and Retention (STAR) Project, Student Retention Conference, University of Ulster at Jordanstown, 14th November.



Stone, M. & Carter, C. Student Progression And Transfer (one-day workshop). Liverpool Hope University College, 12th November.



Stone, M. The SPAT Project and the Management of Partnerships. HEFCE Annual Meeting of Major Franchisers and Consortia, CBI Conference Centre, Centre point, London, 24th October.



Stone, M. Building Personal Development Planning (PDP) into a Degree Scheme. Promoting Successful Learning & Teaching, University Of Plymouth, 22nd October.



Stone, M. The Experience of Running an FDTL Project. FDTL 5 Briefing for Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism, Birmingham, 3rd October.



Stone, M. Student Progression and Transfer: the SPAT Project, Association of Librarians in Land-based Colleges and Universities (ALLCU) Annual Conference, University of Plymouth, July 17-18.



Stone, M. & Council, T. Student Progression and Transfer: the SPAT Project and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, HE in FE at Cornwall College, Newquay, 2nd July.



Stone, M., Student Progression and Transfer: the SPAT Project as a SoTL case study, 3rd Annual International Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), City University, London, June 19-20.



Stone, M. & Carter, C. SPAT Project: Partnerships and Transferability Workshop, Higher Education Learning Partnerships Conference, Universities UK, London, 7th April.



Stone, M. & Barkham, J. SPAT conference plenary keynote: Conference Themes and Future Agendas. National Student Progression and Transfer Conference, University of Plymouth, January 16-17.



Stone, M. Higher Education Levels: what is the difference? Higher Education staff development day, Duchy College, Rosewarne, 12th July.



Shobrook, S. & Stone, M. Working with Student Progression And Transfer (SPAT). University of Wolverhampton Teaching and Learning Week workshops at the Dudley, Telford, Walsall and Wolverhampton sites, May 23-24.



McDermott, A., Witt, N., Chudley, J. & Stone, M. Internet Based Learning for the delivery of Continuing Professional Development for Marine Engineers. Sea Australia 2000 Conference, Sydney, Australia, February 1-3.



Stone, M. & Witt, N. The Development and Use of a Managed Electronic Learning Environment for Agricultural Education and Training. 5th European Conference on Higher Agricultural Education, From Production Agriculture to Rural Development: Challenges for Higher Education in the New Millennium, University of Plymouth, September 10-13.



Stone, M. & Felton, T. The Interactive Footpath, an online Tool for the Land Based Professional. 5th European Conference on Higher Agricultural Education, From Production Agriculture to Rural Development: Challenges for Higher Education in the New Millennium, University of Plymouth, September 10-13.



Stone, M., Williams, R., Soffe, R. & Fisher, S. The Theoretical Underpinnings of Student Centred Learning - A case study based on business management teaching and learning for agriculture and related programmes of study at the Seale-Hayne Faculty, University of Plymouth, 5th European Conference on Higher Agricultural Education, From Production Agriculture to Rural Development: Challenges for Higher Education in the New Millennium, University of Plymouth, September 10-13.



Stone, M., Williams, R., Soffe, R. & Fisher, S. Student Centred Learning in Practice - A case study based on business management teaching and learning for agriculture and related programmes of study at the Seale-Hayne Faculty, University of Plymouth, 5th European Conference on Higher Agricultural Education, From Production Agriculture to Rural Development: Challenges for Higher Education in the New Millennium, University of Plymouth, September 10-13.



Stone, M., Williams, R., Soffe, R. & Fisher, S. Developing Student Centred Learning in the Information Age - A case study based on business management teaching and learning for agriculture and related programmes of study at the Seale-Hayne Faculty, University of Plymouth, 5th European Conference on Higher Agricultural Education, From Production Agriculture to Rural Development: Challenges for Higher Education in the New Millennium, University of Plymouth, September 10-13.



Stone, M., Williams, R., Soffe, R. & Fisher, S. Student Attitudes to Student Centred Learning - A case study based on business management teaching and learning for agriculture and related programmes of study at the Seale-Hayne Faculty, University of Plymouth, 5th European Conference on Higher Agricultural Education, From Production Agriculture to Rural Development: Challenges for Higher Education in the New Millennium, University of Plymouth, September 10-13.



Witt, N. & Stone, M. The future and role of a European Maritime Virtual University. AMRIE high level conference of Maritime Regional Interests in Europe, Brussels, November.



McDermott, A., Witt, N., Chudley, J. & Stone, M. Investigations into the application of Internet Based Learning for the delivery of Continuing Professional Development for Marine Engineers. 1st CCEE Conference on Life Long Learning for Engineers, Glasgow, Scotland, May 23 – 25.



Warren M., Stone M., & Soffe R. Patterns of use of New Communication Technologies in Family Farms in England: Implications for Effective Uptake of Distance Learning. 19th World Conference on Open and Distance Education, Vienna: The New Educational Frontier: Teaching and Training in a Networked World, June.



Warren M., Stone M., & Soffe R. Uptake of Internet Services by Farmers, RICS ROOTS Conference – Structural Changes in British Agriculture Beyond 2000, Harper Adams University College, 21st April.



Stone, M. & Witt, N. Technology in Organisational Learning, Paper presented to the Learning in Organisations - ADAPT CUCOL Conference, University of Plymouth, September, 2nd December.



Student Centred Learning Exhibition, Seale-Hayne Campus, University of Plymouth (May) – 40 x Posters authored and or edited


Student Centred Learning Exhibition, Seale-Hayne Campus, University of Plymouth (November) – 6 x Posters authored & edited


Witt, N. & Stone, M. The Electronic Delivery of Distance Learning Material for Marine Education and Training. The International Maritime Lecturers Association (IMLA) Conference, St. Johns, Newfoundland, September 7-11.



Warren, M., Stone, M. & Soffe, R. The Uptake of  New Communication Technologies In Farm Management in the UK. International Farm Management Association Congress, Calgary, Canada, 14-19/7/97.



Stone, M. & Witt, N. Electronic Library Services as part of Electronically Supported Distance Learning. The Open Learning Foundation, Librarians’ Special Interest Group Inaugural Conference, Open Learning Foundation, London, 24/3/97.



Witt, N. & Stone, M. Electronically Supported Distance Learning: From INDUCTT to PILL. The Integrating Learning Technology Conference, University of Plymouth, 30th January.



Errington, A. and Stone, M. Gaining Access to the Small Rural Business: The Use of New Technologies. The Lifelong Learning for the Land-based Industries Conference, Harper Adams, Newport, Shropshire, 16th May.



Stone, M. Using the Internet for Business. The Labour Market Information Network Conference, The Moorland Links Hotel, Yelverton, Devon, 25th April.



Vranch, A., Banwell, R., Willsteed, J., Westcott, D. & Stone, M. An Electronic Induction for Undergraduates at the University of Plymouth. Enabling Technologies for Teaching and Learning. National Perspectives and Futures - A Forum. University of Northumbria, Newcastle, England. July 19-21.


Grants & contracts


R e s e a r c h   A w a r d s,   G r a n t s    &   C o n t r a c t s



Witt, N., McDermott, A. and Stone, M. et al, University of Plymouth Colleges Repository, JISC Capital Programme [Repositories and Preservation Programme - Repository Start-Up and Enhancement Strand], £30,000.



Stone M. Higher Education Learning Partnerships [HELP] HEFCE Centre for Excellence in Teaching & Learning [CETL], Enhanced Capital Programme, £350,000.




Stone M. & Soffe R., Literature review and report: Strategic Leadership Development Strategies, Methodologies and Approaches, UK Defence Leadership & Management Centre, £10,000.



Stone M. & Soffe R., Literature review and report: Evaluation of Best Practice Leadership & Management Development Strategies, Methodologies and Approaches, UK Defence Leadership & Management Centre, £8,400.




Witt, N., Crust, G., McDermott, A.P. Croot, D. and Stone, M. SHELL-FISH 2: an online feedback management system for electronically submitted coursework. Awarded by the Joint Information Services Committee (JISC) E-learning Tools for Learners and Teachers Distributed E-learning Programme, £58,500.



Stone M., Burkill S., Tunbridge I. & Witt N., et al. Higher Education Learning Partnerships [HELP] HEFCE Centre for Excellence in Teaching & Learning [CETL], £4,500,000.



Witt N., McDermott A. & Stone M. et al, SHELL-FISH an e-personal learning environment (e-PLE) tool [plug-in] - proof of concept stage, Awarded by the Joint Information Services Committee (JISC), £101,140.



Soffe R. & Stone M., Postgraduate leadership education research [Leading Across Generations within UK Military and Public Services], UK Defence Academy - Defence Leadership Centre, £15,000.



Witt N. & Stone M., South West Regional Development Agency Proof of Concept Fund Grant to investigate using content management systems for the production of accessible web content. £5,000.



Stone M., Student Transfer and Progression, HEFCE Fund for the Development of Teaching and Learning [FDTL 3 Transferability Funding], £25,000.



Stone M., Project Extension: Integration of a PDP system at whole course level, University of Plymouth, Teaching and Learning Fund, £11,000.



Stone M. and Witt N., Department of Trade and Industry SMART Award: Technology Review for ICO3 Limited, £5,000.



EU Socrates, Minerva Project: Managerial Challenges if IT Based Learning, University of Plymouth, Czech University of Agriculture, and the universities of Thessalonica and Kosice, €116,000



Integration of a PDP system at whole course level, University of Plymouth, Teaching and Learning Fund, £5,000.



Redesign of the first year I.T. module to lay stronger foundations for Student Centred Learning, ELEN Initiative, University of Plymouth, £3,000.



Felton T. and Stone M. Electronic support for Rural Estate Management Teaching, a joint Faculty and SCL Development Initiative, University of Plymouth, £3,000.



Stone M., Guyer C., Jellings A. and Witt N., Student Transfer and Progression, HEFCE Fund for the Development of Teaching and Learning (FDTL 3), £250,000.



Witt N. and Stone M. (CoLT Research Group), subcontracted to the EU Safe EuroRoRo project - Design and delivery of maritime distance learning / information web site using content provided from other institutions, €7,000.



Witt N. and Stone M. (CoLT Research Group), subcontracted to the EU TAMAR project – Design and delivery of 2 maritime distance learning short courses/modules with web support using content provided from other institutions, €27,000.



Witt N. and Stone M. (CoLT Research Group), Joined the MARSK 2 programme by invitation, a European project supported by DG XXII to demonstrate novel techniques for delivering training within the maritime industries. Awarded €16,000 for the design and delivery of 4 maritime distance learning short courses/modules using content provided from four institutions and providing support and guidance to the electronically supported learning design and delivery process.



Stone M. and Witt N.  Implementation of Plymouth Internet Learning Lab. £60,000, funded by Continuing Vocational Education, HEFCE, 1998.



Seale-Hayne Faculty SCIL project II, SCIL Development Initiative, University of Plymouth. (Joint with A. Jellings). £10,900.



Seale-Hayne Faculty SCIL project I, SCIL Development Initiative, University of Plymouth. (Joint with A. Jellings). £8,000.



Developing SME Capabilities to Enhance Organisational Learning & Competitiveness (DO - CUCOL), European Social Fund, Adapt Initiative, Project Number: AO123, (Joint with B. Badger et al) £1,070,434.



Establishment of a Staff Development and Appraisal System In the Czech University of Agriculture Prague, TEMPUS project (Joint with M. F. Warren, A. Johns and J. Hron) £47,250.



Banjo Project, Louise Ryan Stowford Trust Royal Agriculture Society of England (RASE), (Joint with M. F. Warren and R. Soffe) £4000.



Measuring the uptake of new communication technologies, Louise Ryan Stowford Trust (RASE), (Joint with M. F. Warren and R. Soffe) £4000.



Internet Delivery of Updating CVE Teaching and Training (INDUCTT) Stage II, Continuous Vocational Education, University of Plymouth. (Joint with Marine Studies). £25,000.



Electronically Supported, Problem Based Distance Learning, Technology Supported Learning, University of Plymouth. (Joint with R. Soffe). £4,000



Internet Delivery of Updating CVE Teaching and Training (INDUCTT) Stage I, Continuous Vocational Education, University of Plymouth. (Joint with Marine Studies). £11,600.



Exploiting New Technologies for Updating and Training in Farm Management, Louise Ryan Stowford Trust, (Joint with M.F. Warren, R. J. Soffe and M. Walbank). £8000.



World Wide Web Server Development. Innovations Fund, University of Plymouth. £9,000.



Key publications

Key publications are highlighted

Turner R, Brown T, Edwards-Jones A, Hughes J, Banks A, Bardsley J, Bryan Y, Gray C, Isaac A & Mann J (2014) 'Narrative explorations into the professional development of lecturers teaching higher education in English further education colleges' Professional Development in Education 41, (3) 546-562 Author Site , DOI Open access
Dismore H, McDermott A, Witt N, Stillwell R, Neville S & Stone M (2011) 'Tension of APEL: perceptions of higher education in further education lecturers' Research in Post-Compulsory Education 16, (3) 315-331 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Turner R, McKenzie L & Stone M (2009) 'Square peg - round hole:the emerging professional identities of HE in FE lecturers working in a partner college network in the South West' Research in Post-compulsory education (4) 355-368
Turner R, McKenzie LM, McDermott A & Stone M (2009) 'Emerging HE cultures:Perspectives from CETL award holders in a partner college network' Journal of Further and Higher Education (3) 255-263 Open access
Turner R, Young P, Menon S & Stone M (2008) '‘In the sunshine’: a case study exploring the impact of a CETL award scheme' Journal of Further and Higher Education 32, (4) 441-448 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
Burkill S, Dyer SR & Stone M (2008) 'Lecturing in higher education in further education settings' Journal of Further and Higher Education 32, (4) 321-331 Publisher Site , DOI
Bhadra R, Wayment DG, Williams RK, Barman SN, Stone MB, Hughes JB & Shanks JV (2001) 'Studies on plant-mediated fate of the explosives RDX and HMX' Chemosphere 44, (5) 1259-1264 Publisher Site , DOI
Conference Papers
Witt N, McDermott A, Peters M & Stone M (2007) 'A knowledge management approach to developing communities of practice amongst university and college staff' 1099-1103
Stone M, McDermott A, Williams R & Palmer J (2005) 'Guiding the Management of ICT to support learning in Higher Education: Results of an EU funded Minerva Project' 121-126
Soffe R & Stone M (2005) 'Shaping the Millennium Generation - Leadership Education Research links to new technology' 270-275
Stone M, McDermott A, Williams R & Palmer J (2005) 'Results and artefacts of an EU funded minerva project entitled 'guiding the management of ICT supported learning in higher education'' 459-468


Conferences organised

C o n f e r e n c e s   &   E x h i b i t i o n s   O r g a n i s e d











UPC / HELP CETL Seminar Series 2009 - 10

The seminars offered CETL Development Activity leaders and Award Holders an opportunity to share their work and good practice with colleagues across the partnership.


Progression, City of Bristol College, 18th March.

Employer engagement / work based learning, Cornwall College Camborne, 22nd April. 

Blended learning, University of Plymouth, 20th May.

Supporting HE learners, South Devon College, 11th June. 

Destination of Foundation Degree graduates, Duchy College, Stoke Climsland, 17th February.

Accrediting Prior Experiential Learning, University of Plymouth, 4th March.

Undertaking collaborative research, Exeter College, 23rd April.

Technology in practice, South Devon College, 11th May.

Introducing Peer Review, Truro College, 14th June.

Managing HE in FE, City College Plymouth, 12th July.



HE in FE culture and experience: a partnership perspective, University of Warwick March 30th - 31st.

A collaborative conference organised by the HELP CETL, the University of Central Lancashire, Staffordshire University, the University of Huddersfield, Leeds Metropolitan University, the University of Bedfordshire and the University of Portsmouth.   Commissioning Editor for papers:

·         The creation, operation and future of HE in FE partnerships

·         The quality and style of HE in FE learning spaces and facilities

·         The HE in FE experience and culture for staff

·         The HE in FE experience and culture for students




HELP CETL Award Holders Writing retreat, Saw Mill Cove, Devon.

The event that led to the joint CETL / Escalate publication: Putting the I into Identity and Other Stories, Scholarly approaches to the professional identity and development of HE practitioners in FE Colleges


Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning National Student Network Conference, University of Plymouth, June 16-17th. - Principally organised by: (1) The HELP CETL & (2) The Experiential Learning CETL. | Student Participation and Involvement (Poster)


Increasing University of Plymouth Colleges Responsiveness to Employer Needs: Potential Solutions, Duke of Cornwall Hotel, Plymouth, June 8th - 9th. A University of Plymouth Colleges event organised by the HELP CETL.

·         Tunbridge I., Setting the Scene: Local University centres to meet community and business needs.

·         Robottom P., One College's Approach to Employer Engagement.

·         Smith B., Working with Employers: Developing the Curriculum.

·         Mills B. & Seligman J., Meeting the Needs of Micro Businesses and SMEs



Placements and Work Experience Conference, University of Plymouth, May 5th.  - Organised in partnership by: [1] the HELP CETL and [2] The Centre for Excellence in Professional Placement Learning (CEPPL) CETL.


Putting research into practice: supporting the future of Foundation Degrees in South West England, University of Plymouth, April 3rd. - Organised in partnership with FDF.


Collaborative Partnerships Conference, Ballymena, 9th February. - Organised by: (1) The FDTL [3] Student Progression And Transfer (SPAT) Project & (2) The University of Ulster.


Peer Assisted Learning & Progressing and Transferring Students Conference, Bournemouth University, November 19th. - Organised by the FDTL [3] projects (1) Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) & (2) Student Progression And Transfer (SPAT).


Student Retention Conference: to raise awareness of issues associated with student retention, University of Ulster at Jordanstown, November 14th. - Organised by: (1) The FDTL [4] Student Transition and Retention (STAR) Project and (2) The FDTL [3] Student Progression And Transfer (SPAT) Project.


HELP Conference, Higher Education Learning Partnerships to meet the needs of students and employers in the land based sector, Universities UK, London, April 7th. - Organised by: (1) The Real World Project; (2) The FDTL (3) Professional Scholarship Programme for the Land Based Industries; (3) The FDTL (3) Student Progression And Transfer (SPAT) Project.


National Student Progression and Transfer Conference, University of Plymouth, January 16th - 17th. - Organised by: The FDTL (3) Student Progression And Transfer (SPAT) Project.


STEPS Conference, Supporting Transition by Effective Progression Strategies, York 21 - 22 November. - Organised by: (1) The FDTL (3) Student Progression and Retention in Engineering (PROGRESS) Project and (2) The FDTL (3) Student Progression And Transfer (SPAT) Project.


2 x Student Centred Learning Exhibitions at the Seale-Hayne Campus, University of Plymouth, May and November 1999.

1997- 2000

Designed, managed and delivered online and face to face training ‘Using the Internet of Business’ for 1000+ individuals from SMEs as part of the ‘European Social Fund ADAPT - CUCOL Project: Developing SME Capabilities to Enhance Organisational Learning & Competitiveness.

Other academic activities

E l e c t r o n i c   O u t p u t

2009 - 2015

UPlaCe, The University of Plymouth Colleges (UPC)  Repository

2006 -

The University of Plymouth Colleges Knowledge Exchange Network (Community of Practice support and Knowledge Management System)

2005 -

The HELP CETL (Higher Education Learning Partnerships) website


The HEFCE FDTL (3) SPAT Project materials CD (Student Progression And Transfer)


Personal Development Planner (PDP) website

2001 -

ICO3 Limited, a University of Plymouth Spin Out Company developed from the Internet Co-op business unit:

2000 -

The HEFCE FDTL (3) SPAT Project website (Student Progression And Transfer)


The Internet Co-op, a joint commercial venture with PEP Ltd, the commercial arm of the University of Plymouth


CoLT Research Group (Communication & Learning Technology) website


The European Social Fund ADAPT – CUCOL Project website


The PILL (Plymouth Internet Learning Lab) website


The Seale-Hayne Faculty of Land Food & Leisure website