Miss Laura Harris


Miss Laura Harris

Quality Assurance Officer

Academic Policy and Quality - Student Administration (Academic Registry)

My role as Quality Assurance Officer includes managing a number of programme approval events with the University's partners; these events are vital in underpinning the quality of the University's academic provision. My duties include the initial planning and organisation of the events, establishing a fair and balanced programme approval panel, being an active member of the panel, supporting the Chair, producing reports and ensuring that all conditions of approval have been met by the partner before sign-off.

I also manage a number of Periodic Review events across the University and its partners; this includes the initial planning and organisation of the review, being an active panel member through all stages, producing reports and ensuring that all follow-up processes have been undertaken.

I volunteer as Chair of the University Women's Network. As Chair I am responsible for providing guidance to the University, sitting on a number of committees and supporting our network members. With the voluntary support from an Advisory group we facilitate personal development training and run various events throughout the year, including International Women's Day.

I am also secretary to the University Quality and Standards Sub-Committee (QSSC), responsible for organising the meetings, setting the agenda, collating and disseminating papers and producing a thorough account of the meeting through extensive minutes.


MSc Social Research
MA International Relations - Global Security
BSc (Hons) International Relations with Geography