Francis Drake residents

Useful pages

Halls of Residence addresses:

  • Francis Drake Hall of Residence, James Street, Plymouth, Devon PL4 6AP
  • Gilwell Hall of Residence, Tavistock Place, Plymouth, Devon PL4 8AP
  • Mary Newman Hall of Residence, Portland Square, Plymouth, Devon PL4 6DH
  • Pilgrim Hall of Residence, Gibbon Street, Plymouth, Devon PL4 8BT
  • Radnor Hall of Residence, 10 Gilwell Street, Plymouth, Devon PL4 8BX
  • Robbins Hall of Residence, Gibbon Street, Plymouth, Devon PL4 8BZ
Please note: when vacating your room at the end of your contract, please ensure you change your postal address.
A map showing the location of the University-managed Halls of Residence, updated September 2022
Halls of Residence map