Podiatry students training in Intercity Place

State-of-the-art facilities

Within the School of Health Professions, we are committed to shaping our students into the best health professionals they can be.
Our state-of-the-art facilities and equipment help students maximise their potential and develop their core skills, preparing them to embark on exciting and rewarding careers. 

Clinical skill simulation

Simulated practice requires a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills to keep our patients and service users safe. When learning skills, students need an understanding of why, when and how each action is best carried out – this is where our clinical skills labs come in. They enable students to: 
  • Learn skills at their own pace without the pressure of getting it right first time
  • Receive support from peers and lecturers
  • Practice in a safe environment
  • Develop professionalism ready to go out on placement.