What is Researchfish and how is it used?
Researchfish is an online system used by many major UK research funders (including UK Research Councils, National Institute for Health and Care Research, Cancer Research UK) to gather information on the outputs, outcomes and impacts of research that they have funded. Full information about Researchfish and the funders that use it can be found on the
Researchfish website.
Who has to use Researchfish?
Any Principal Investigator (PI) who holds a grant from a funder that uses Researchfish must report research outcomes annually through Researchfish. This includes fellowship holders and postgraduate research students. If you have never used Researchfish before, your funder will email you directly about joining Researchfish with a link to create your account and associate an award with it. You can also add a delegate to provide this information on your behalf.
It would be advantageous to link your Researchfish account to your ORCiD account, which will enable Researchfish to harvest information from that. You can either login with your ORCID account or once logged in to Researchfish, you can link your account by clicking on the ‘Connect to ORCiD’ option that appears under your name on the main dashboard and following the instructions thereafter.
PIs must continue to report on awards for five years after the award has ended.
If no outcomes have arisen from a grant during a year, the PI is still required to make a “null” submission in Researchfish during the reporting period.
If no further outcomes are expected on a particular award, this can be discussed directly with the funder and the award may be closed in Researchfish so that no further reports are expected.
Why is it important to use Researchfish?
Research funders gather data on the outcomes and impacts of research they have funded to define future funding strategy, better inform the public about the importance of research and present cases for continued funding of research.