AISHA: Resilient Refugee Women Project
This project addresses poverty alleviation and empowerment of women refugees in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, will be examining the impact of grassroots micro-entrepreneurship on the lives of the women and their families.
The project is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and Department for International Development (DfID) ESRC DFID GRANT Reference ES/N014405/1 Poverty Alleviation and Women Refugees in the Middle East: Empowerment through Grassroots Micro-Entrepreneurship.
The project is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and Department for International Development (DfID) ESRC DFID GRANT Reference ES/N014405/1 Poverty Alleviation and Women Refugees in the Middle East: Empowerment through Grassroots Micro-Entrepreneurship.
Contemporary political volatility, protest and civil war within the Middle East region has led to far reaching socio-economic upheaval and strife with a devastating impact generating mass displacement with ensuing poverty for refugees (UNHCR, 2014). Most often, women and children are the worst affected (Al Dajani and Marlow, 2013; Holmes, 2007) as they have limited power and bear the brunt of much of the devastation (Kuttab, 2008; Chatty, 2010).
Yet, they are largely absent from forums where solutions to the problems of displacement and poverty are deliberated. The proposed study encompasses a ‘bottom up’ approach to inform critical future policy and practice directions for the poverty alleviation of displaced and refugee populations in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey.