Are we included logo on a white background
'Are We Included?' is an inclusive mentorship programme run in partnership with Associate Professor Dr Suanne Gibson,  Professor Sonia Blandford from Plymouth Marjon University, and Plymouth City secondary schools. Project consultants and research assistants include Wendy Cason (OBE), Jen Shute (University of Plymouth), and George Munn (Plymouth Marjon). The project began with a psychometric study devised by Professor Umesh Sharma to assess local inclusive education practice from Plymouth pupils', parents', carers', and school senior leaders' perspectives. 
Contemporary challenges in education nationally and locally include: pupil attendance, attainment, achievement, and progression. Building on international research to improve outcomes for disadvantaged and underperforming students, the ‘Are We Included?’ mentoring programme works to address these challenges and their impact on inclusive practice in Plymouth schools. 
The principle aim of this project is to improve outcomes (attendance, attainment, achievement and impact of the pandemic) for underperforming students and establish a model of practice that will sustain effective inclusive practice in secondary schools. The same mentoring programme has been used for University of Plymouth students delivering the Opportunity Plymouth scheme; another model of best practice supporting inclusive education in the city. 
Pupils shared their thoughts each week under the theme that guided them through the 6 week mentoring programme.

Pupils' voices

1. Getting to know each other and positive role models

I just want to be me...

... helping younger ones

Hard working...

... confident... kind... intelligent


... courageous... unique

Takes care of people...

... a singer... a footballer...

2. Aspiration – the end goal, university, career

I'm aiming to be a good friend...

... I want to finish school then go to College

I want to be a hair stylist or an Olympic gymnast...

... a nail artist... chef... lawyer

I want to be a translator for the police force...

... to go to university to do a PGCE to be a teacher

I want to go to university so I can do a better job...

...scientist... engineer... dance teacher... swimming teacher... artists

3. Building confidence – your shield

I'm good at Maths...

... my art is really good

I can do leadership and strategy...

... I am really good at doing hair

Putting others before myself...

... I'm decent at gaming... putting others before myself

I'm funny...

... I am empathetic and caring

4. Attainment – 'Doing your best' and how you do that

To achieve the next level...

... to be proud of yourself

To be a good friend...

... makes me feel good... to achieve a goal

To succeed in life...

... to be safe (when doing sports)

To be unique...

... you won't regret your choices

More opportunities...

... It makes life a lot easier in the future... all the doors are still open!

5. Achievement and the importance of communication

Riding a bike no-handed...

... Audition for my show

Inventing something...

... getting better at literacy ... science test

Joining a hockey club...

... believe in yourself!

6. Celebration – what have we learnt and what next?

Lots of ideas...

... to help abandoned and lost pets

To get better at languages...

... do a show... learn to draw

Learn to play football and get on a team...

... skateboarding... go to Australia!

Staff comments

I saw a significant improvement in the confidence levels of 2 of our quieter pupils over the programme. It was really great to see them speaking out in groups and laughing with the mentors

Staff member from UTC Plymouth

This programme is a great tool to build aspirations in our young people and give them hope for the future

Member of staff from Notre Dame School

Mentor comments was remarkable and an eye opener to see changes in some pupils in such a short period of time. I remember fondly how one girl was able to speak more and more about her dreams as the weeks went by; a girl that seemed quiet and unengaged at the beginning of the programme

Mentor B, University of Plymouth 

The children I worked with took several sessions to lower their defences. Over the weeks as the children began to accept me and start to feel secure, I noticed they would come straight to me and share their experiences of the previous days since we'd last met

Mentor D, University of Plymouth

There was one girl in particular who exhibited the most change… Her pastoral teacher told me that they had noticed a new openness in her and that she had started working more effectively with the support systems

Mentor/Undergraduate student

School presentations

From the first session with Sonia and George for the 'Are We Included?' project we could see that the students who had been offered the opportunity would derive great benefit from it. The students were reassured straight away that their participation was key to the success of the project, and this gave them the confidence to see it through. To witness our students change from being so hesitant and wary at first, to becoming confident enough to share their opinions and outlook with peers and on the written page, was a joy. Sonia and George encouraged and motivated them every step of the way. Sharing in the experience for our students of being part of this ground-breaking project, has provided me with a valuable addition to my pastoral toolbox as I am able to encourage students to reflect on their involvement and participation in the project when they have approached me for support in times of anxiety or low confidence. Our students – and myself and my colleague – can honestly say we are proud to have been included!

Pastoral Support Manager for Year 8

Thank you so much for running the ‘Are We Included?’ programme with a number of our Year 8 students. We purposefully chose students who had relatively low self-esteem and confidence, and it was really lovely to see this grow in a number of them throughout the sessions. I feel providing them with the opportunity to talk and discuss in small groups was beneficial for them, and they all thoroughly enjoyed going to Plymouth University for a visit. Giving them the time to reflect on their own strengths and interests, will hopefully give them tools in the future when they are struggling.

Pastoral Support Manager for Pupil Premium

Research and evaluation

Alongside mentoring programmes, the 'Are We Included?' team of practitioners and researchers have recently completed a Department of Education funded evaluation study of Plymouth City’s Place-Based School Improvement Strategy 2018-2022. The team have delivered CPD for Plymouth school leaders, teachers, and TAs on inclusion, published 12 reports, 5 academic papers, 3 related blogs and a book, and presented 12 keynotes and workshops at national and international conferences.


Blandford, S., Casson, W., Gibson, S., Munn, G., and Shute, J. (8th-10th May 2023), Are We Included? A place-based approach to inclusion and professional teacher’s experiences in the Southwest of England, 1st International Conference: Teacher. Change-Development, Pedagogical University of Krakow, Poland
Blandford, S., Casson, W., Gibson, S., Munn, G., and Shute, J. (15th June 2023), ‘Are We Included?’ A study of ‘inclusion’ and planned interventions in Plymouth Secondary schools, Plymouth Institute of Education Inclusion Node research seminar.
Blandford, S., Casson, W., Gibson, S., Munn, G., and Shute, J. (14th July 2023), Are We Included? The Plymouth Child, Family, and Teacher: An international study of education and inclusion across Plymouth city secondary schools (2020/24), Royal Society of the Arts, South West coffeehouse seminar.
Blandford, S., Casson, W., Gibson, S., Munn, G., and Shute, J. (12th-14th Sept 2023), Are We Included? A place-based approach to inclusion in the Southwest of England to address the hidden post-pandemic exclusion issue, British Education Research Association annual conference, Aston University.
Achtaridou, E.; Blandford, S.; Gibson, S. and Sharma, U. (2022), A Framework for Inclusion, Teaching Times, Available from Teaching Times.
Bamsey, V., Blandford, S., Gibson, S., Traling, J. and  Vasello, T (2022), SEND Green paper 2022- Some Critical Insights, Teaching Times, Available from Teaching Times.
Bamsey, V. and Gibson, S. (2022), Inclusive Education during a pandemic: A collaboration between two countries, Inclusion Now 63, The Alliance for Inclusive Education, Available from
Blandford, S., & Burkey, S. (2023). Teaching and Learning to Unlock Social Mobility for Every Child: Building Learning Futures. Connecting Research with Practice in Special and Inclusive Education.
Blandford, S., Casson, W., Gibson, S., Munn, G., and Shute, J. (2023). Plymouth Place Based School Improvement Evaluation Report: Evaluation of the approach and impact of Plymouth’s Place-Based School Improvement work (September 2020 - August 2022) on 19 Plymouth Secondary schools and an Alternative Provision Provider. Plymouth Marjon University and Plymouth University, Plymouth.
Blandford, S., Casson, W., Gibson, S., Munn, G., and Shute, J. (2023). ‘Are We Included?’ – Study 3: Findings from the Autumn 2022 ‘Are We Included?’ Mutuality Coaching Programme. Plymouth Marjon University and University of Plymouth, Plymouth
Blandford, S., Casson, W., Gibson, S., Munn, G., and Shute, J. (2023). ‘Are We Included?’ – Study 3: Findings from the Spring 2023 ‘Are We Included?’ Mutuality Coaching Programme. Plymouth Marjon University and University of Plymouth, Plymouth. 
Blandford, S., Casson, W., Gibson, S., Munn, G., and Shute, J. (2023). ‘Are We Included?’ – Study 3: Findings from the Summer 2023 ‘Are We Included?’ Mutuality Coaching Programme. Plymouth Marjon University and University of Plymouth, Plymouth. 
 Blandford, S., Casson, W., Gibson, S., Munn, G., and Shute, J. (2023). Schools Collaborate To Make Inclusion Work. Teaching Times.