This research and dissemination agenda are closely aligned with the mission of the V&A Research Institute which will host the latest development of the work. The research output consists of a developmental sequence of four large-scale experimental artefacts exhibited internationally. These have been produced by working through an over-arching research question that investigates the creative potential of using 3D scanning and printing techniques (machine learning-IoT) not just to replicate/reproduce originals, but to transform scales and spaces and generate a new genre of (design and sculptural) artefact. The research has its roots in two award winning exhibitions in 2012 and 2014, where archives and objects were made available from the ‘Box’ Plymouth. The focus was how historical museum objects can be transformed for new audiences, developing new bodies of knowledge and interpretations of collections.
Developing new digital scanning and fabrication techniques, to re-imagine the innovation and cultures embodied in heritage artefacts
Research by Pete Davis