Cancer care

Cancer care is a research group in the Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Current research studies

Evaluation of support services provided for people who visit FORCE Cancer Charity: a pilot study. Funded by: FORCE cancer charity

Mapping the UroOncology Specialist Nurse Workforce in the UK Funded by: Prostate Cancer UK

Helping hands.
Nursing and midwifery

Latest publications

Mitchell K, Delfont S, Bracey ML, Endacott R. (2018) Top ten concerns burdening people with cancer: perceptions of patients with cancer and the nurses caring for them. European Journal of Oncology Nursing 33: 102-106

Punshon G, Endacott R, et al (2017) The Experiences of Specialist Nurses Working Within the Uro-oncology Multidisciplinary Team in the United Kingdom. Clinical Nurse Specialist. 31(4):210-8.

Recent conference presentations

Top ten concerns burdening people with cancer: perceptions of patients with cancer and the nurses caring for them (Mitchell K, Delfont S, Bracey M, Endacott R) UKONS UK Oncology Nursing Society; 2016.

Implementing Urology Site Specific Health and Wellbeing Clinics (M Bracey) UKONS UK Oncology Nursing Society; 2016.

Community care worker joins an an elderly woman for a cup of tea while sitting at her kitchen table.