Case studies
How might you use the GOALD toolkit?
To provide an example of how the
GOALD toolkit might be useful to developers, here are a selection of case studies from SMEs who have implemented recommendations from our toolkit to improve their current products.
AgeScotland have redeveloped their online activity platform, Body Boosting Bingo, in response to several toolkit recommendations, including removing barriers around accessibility, improving content, and making the product relatable to the target audience. The redevelopment has included adding subtitles to videos, alternative audio instructions in community languages, adding live action videos with older adults to act as representative demonstrators and ability modifications to exercises.
GoodBoost further developed their gamified exercise services based on the feedback to provide new exercise games that incorporate strength, balance and co-ordination as well as responding to suggestions on how to make experiences fun, and allow for reminiscence where possible. The feedback from the tool kit was also applied to the development of their new aquatic resistance exercise equipment for water-based exercises to ensure ease of use for their end-users.
Mature Movers noted the desire for filters within physical activity platforms to allow users to easily find exercise content suited to their needs and instructor preferences, including having older model demonstrators. The SME are currently working towards easier navigation of their website and training up older adults as instructors.
MOTUS VR identified from the toolkit that they needed to ensure a simplified set up process and support on how to use their product, particularly when considering a target market of care homes. To respond to this, they produced a package of training and support videos to help facilitate easy use.
Sentai AI worked to develop a new product that responded directly to many of the recommendations in the toolkit, including some key factors around ensuring technology accessibility to promote intergenerational connections through mobile apps and voice AI.
Weekday Wow created an application for Smart Speaker, to provide information on their activities, including visits people could attend, and reminiscence opportunities with summary information following such visits.
The GOALD Toolkit: Impacting design through research
More examples of how the GOALD toolkit has been used by developers, who share their views on its various applications and the impact it’s had on their product design.