Aerial view of Tintagel castle, Cornwall.Shutterstock ID: 2161121421
The University of Plymouth is playing a key role in a major new initiative aiming to nurture a culture of business innovation and entrepreneurism across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
The Entrepreneurial Futures project aims to maximise the economic development, employment, skills and community benefits to Cornwall of its links with the region’s higher education and further education institutions.
The project is being supported through a £5.6million investment from the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Good Growth Programme, which is managed by Cornwall Council and funded by the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
The initiative will focus on research priorities in support of key sectors for the county’s economy, with the University leading strands centred around net zero, clean energy, agri-robotics, immersive technologies and coastal communities.
It will see leading experts from the University working with entrepreneurs and businesses across the region, providing them with access to advice, support and academic collaboration.
This, it is envisaged, will enable them to innovate new ideas, products and processes with the aim of improving productivity, reducing costs and reaching new UK and export markets.

We are proud to be involved in the Entrepreneurial Futures project, a cornerstone of regional development and innovation aimed at empowering businesses and communities.

By fostering transdisciplinary collaborations, we can harness diverse academic expertise to tackle the intricate challenges of entrepreneurship in rapidly evolving markets. 
Through practical applications and real-world impact, we will pave the way for local businesses to navigate and flourish in dynamic landscapes, ultimately benefiting both communities and industries. 

Will BlakeWill Blake
Director of the Sustainable Earth Institute at the University of Plymouth


Entrepreneurial Futures

The project is being led by the University of Exeter, with other partners including Falmouth University and Duchy College.
In addition to sector-focused initiatives, it will undertake specific research to identify barriers to entrepreneurialism, such as socio-economic factors, and provide advice to government and policy makers on creating an environment where it can flourish.
The project also includes research, development and innovation initiatives which, as well as showcasing the wider opportunities for collaboration between business and academia, have the potential to directly benefit key sectors in the local economy.  
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