Child Nursing skills session. Nursing and midwifery facilities. 2 male nurses
Through evidence-informed theoretical study and a variety of clinical practice opportunities, our alumni have gained the skills, knowledge and experiences needed to succeed in the nursing profession. 

A change of direction

Having already completed a geography degree, Hugo felt he still needed direction, a career path that would help to focus his skills and ambitions, so he went back to university where, this time, he discovered his vocation. He now works as a children’s nurse in the Accident and Emergency Department at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children. 
"Plymouth could not have prepared me better for life as a Registered nurse."
Hugo Reade BSc (Hons) Nursing (Child Health) graduate takes time out to visit Dartmoor.

Teaching the nurses of the future

The role of being a children’s nurse is a diverse and challenging career. However, it offers so many rewards and opportunities across many different roles. It is by no means limited and with the right attitude and application, you can achieve great things and equally have an impact on the lives of those you meet along the way.

Matt CareyMatt Carey
Associate Professor in Child Health Nursing - Acute Care

I would never have thought that eight years after qualifying I would be teaching the nurses of the future, but I am and part of that is due to my three years of training.

Danielle Edge, Lecturer in Children's Nursing at London Southbank University

The importance of clinical experience

Elliott Tucker reflects on his career since graduating in child health nursing and the significance of learning and growing through new experiences
“I enjoy the fast and ever-changing pace of work, needing to deal with everything from simple ailments to critically ill children, where the skill of managing difficult situations is needed."
Elliott Tucker, BSc (Hons) Child Health Nursing graduate