Image: Robotriks
Enterprise Solutions works with a variety of businesses in a number of sectors to address their needs. Find out more about some of the businesses we've helped.

R&D Solutions Fund case studies

The £200,000 fund, delivered in partnership between the University and Thomas Westcott Chartered Accountants, is designed to stimulate industrial collaborations and knowledge transfer opportunities between our researchers and businesses, aiming to solve specific ‘business problems’. It’s also designed to act as a catalyst for businesses to gain even greater access to the University’s facilities.
Cotton growing on a farmShutterstock 508062640

An intelligent advisory system for sustainable cotton crop production

The University of Plymouth and SAWiE Ltd aimed to develop a machine learning and AI-based solution for the early detection of major cotton crop diseases, especially cotton leaf curl disease in Pakistan, to positively act on crop management and employment.
“This support from the University of Plymouth has helped develop an intelligent monitoring system that will benefit millions of cotton farmers. It will also address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, improve income, end poverty, and address the climate crisis.” Ms Nosheen Ramzan, Co-founder of SAWiE. 
Silicon Wafers and Microcircuits - A wafer is a thin slice of semiconductor material, such as a crystalline silicon, used in electronics for the fabrication of integrated circuits.

Point-of-care medical diagnostic sensors for early coronary heart disease detection

Enterprise Solutions supported partnership development between Zimmer & Peacock and the University of Plymouth's Dr Shakil Awan to create proof-of-concept sensors for the detection of protein biomarkers of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). The aim of this technology is to lead to point-of-care diagnostic capabilities for the early detection of CHD. 
The purpose of this project was to start building a profitable product line for the early diagnosis of CVD, to improve care and outcomes for patients whilst reducing the impact on the UK economy. The funding allowed graphene sensor development to include the detection of higher concentration levels of Troponin I, to cover a range found in healthy and diseased patient samples.
Plant Factory with LED lights

Essential oils use in treating mantle cell lymphoma

An investigation of pharmaceutical plant species derivatives for use in Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL). Identifying components from Cornish Essential Oils that could show benefit for treating aggressive MCL to increase revenue for essential oil producers.
“It has been a fascinating journey following the work the research team has been doing with our essential oils. Having scientific proof that essential oils contain a range of medicinal properties will have a huge impact on our goal to add value to agriculture. In addition, the work has given us the opportunity to carry out further research and assess essential oils for antibacterial properties. This is at a time when hospitals are having to deal with so many resistant strains of bacteria.” Ian Sexton, Cornish Essential Oils.

The autonomous agricultural robotic platform

Enterprise Solutions provided funding to Robotriks Ltd in collaboration with University of Plymouth academics for the development of an autonomous agricultural robotic platform. The R&D Solutions Fund enabled the early stage part of this research and development for the Robotic Traction Unit (RTU) to move it towards commercial viability. This included a new design and hardware prototype, alongside research into autonomous navigation and uneven off-road terrain traversal, through testing and practical prototyping.
“Without the support of Enterprise Solutions and the R&D Solutions Fund, many of these achievements would not have been possible. This support allowed for rapid acceleration of development at a very critical time.” Jake Gibson Shaw-Sutton, Robotriks Limited.

Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) case studies

A KTP is a partnership between a university and a company to work on a challenging and innovative project which will transfer new knowledge/expertise into the business and extend research. 
We actively work with a wide range of individuals, businesses and community groups to drive innovation and achieve professional goals.
Oakmount Control Systems