- Assessed Simulated Practice Placement (ASPP)
- Simulation Practice Placement (SPP)
- Self-Directed Practice Learning (SDPL)
Simulation placements and self-directed learning
Information for students in the School of Nursing and Midwifery

For more information about the ASPP please contactSuzi Robinson , Clinical Skills and Practice Simulation Lead.
Overall, this placement has been fantastic and such a mixture of learning opportunities and skills. I feel so much more confident in my skills, which I will take with me onto my next placements. I am grateful for the opportunity, as it has been a pilot placement for the university. I would recommend this placement to my peers, as it has been so beneficial to my learning.
I have really enjoyed this different type of placement, and I am glad I was given the opportunity to complete it. I feel that I have learned so much and I have developed my confidence and communication skills. I have really enjoyed working within our small groups and getting to know my peers.
During the start of this placement I was quite sceptical about how it would turn out as we were not enrolled in a clinical environment. But as days progressed, I began to thoroughly enjoy and learn quite a lot about various topics in depth. Having lectures provided by specialists in those fields provided with strong knowledge and evidence-based practice methods. Having set-up scenarios also provided with the scope to make mistakes and learn from them.
It’s been very informative I feel I have learnt more than I would … in a normal placement, highly suggest that all nursing students should have this as a placement.
For more information about the SPP please contactSuzi Robinson , Clinical Skills and Practice Simulation Lead.