Dr Sophie Winter


Dr Sophie Winter

Honorary University Fellow

Peninsula Medical School (Faculty of Health)

I am currently working as an Academic Clinical Fellow with the CAMERa research group at the University of Plymouth. This is alongside my core anaesthetic training. My research interests are in medical education and wellbeing.


MBChB (University of Birmingham)PGDip Medical Education (University of Birmingham)
Masters in Medical Education (University of Plymouth)

Professional membership

Core Anaesthetics trainee registered with the Royal College of Anaesthetists 


Teaching interests

As a previous Clinical Teaching Fellow and Simulation Fellow I have experience of both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, through a variety of teaching methods. 

Staff serving as external examiners

OSCE examiner for 3rd and 4th year undergraduate MBChB students at the University of Birmingham.


Winter, S. (2019). Lifelong learning on the move. BMJ Opinion.Available from URL: https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2019/11/08/sophie-winter-lifelong-learning-on-the-move/

Winter S, Jootun R (2017) Audit of morphine administration by east midlands ambulance service (EMAS)

BMJ Open. 7:doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-EMSabstracts.9

Winter, S., Mughal, A., Calthorpe, N., Weedon, S,. Jones, E., and Lee, J. (2022) Learning from excellence: a theatre efficiency quality improvement approach. BJA Open4(1). DOI: https://doi.org/10/1016/j.bjao.2022.100050

Presentations and posters
Oral presentationsEmergency theatre efficiency, Patient Safety in Perioperative Practice (National)

Enhanced peri-operative care, Patient Safety in Perioperative Practice (National)

Hold the bleep, National Foundation Doctors Presentation Day (National) - Awarded local quality improvement prize

Building Foundations in Induction, Health Education England conference) (Regional) - Awarded national prize

Poster presentations

Consent in obstetric anaesthesia, Obstetric Anaesthetists Association (National) ; Midlands Obstetric Anaesthesia Network (Regional)

Hyperglycaemia in covid-19, Anaesthesia 2021(National)


Other academic activities

Edward Jenner award