Oliver Webb

Academic profile

Dr Oliver Webb

Educational Developer
Educational Development - Academic Development (Library and Academic Development)

About Oliver


Following my Bachelor’s and PhD studies at the University of Birmingham I lectured on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Sports Science and Public Health at the universities of Kingston and Loughborough. These multi-disciplinary courses provided experience of various educational approaches (e.g. lab classes, electronic assessment, fieldwork, and traditional lectures and seminars).

Having developed a keen interest in teaching and learning I joined the University of Exeter as Education Advisor (Programme Approval). This unique role combined two spheres of work. First, delivery of accredited training programmes for new teaching staff, and provision of one-to-one staff support around matters such as assessment design. Second, a quality assurance responsibility, in which I reviewed all new and heavily revised programmes and created institutional policies on programme structure.

I moved to the University of Plymouth in 2015. I support the University's 'Teaching Development Framework' - a scheme through which experienced educators can gain fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. I also teach on the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice; deliver bespoke training on a range of teaching and assessment matters; and serve as the designated educational developer for the Faculty of Health and Human Sciences. I maintain various research interests, with recent projects focussing on early withdrawal from higher education and the attainment gap for non-traditional students.

Contact Oliver

Room 117, 3 Endsleigh Place, Drake Circus, Plymouth, PL4 8AA
+44 1752 587615