Miss Natasha Keates


Miss Natasha Keates

Honorary University Fellow

Peninsula Medical School (Faculty of Health)

NIHR Clinical Academic Fellow

ENT Specialist Registrar (ST4)


BMBS - Peninsula Medical School

PgDip Medical Education - Cardiff University

MSc Surgical Sciences - Edinburgh University

Professional membership

Honorary University Fellow - University Hospitals Plymouth

Member of the academy of Medical Educators

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Member of the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh

Roles on external bodies

Vice President - Association of Surgeons in Training


Staff serving as external examiners

Plymouth Medical School - ISCE Examiner


Research interests

ENT and Medical Education



  • Named collaborator: Epistaxis 2016: national audit of management, The Journal of Laryngology & Otology (Published 2017)
  • Named collaborator: Epistaxis and Mortality, The Journal of Laryngology & Otology (Published 2018)
  • Named collaborator: National prospective observational study of inpatient management of adults with epistaxis - a National Trainee Research Collaborative delivered investigation, Journal of Rhinology (Published 2019)
  • 2nd Author Case report: A florid paranasal sinus reaction from a systemic disease. European Annals of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Diseases (Published 2018)

Internet Publications

  • 1st Author Audit report: Complications for Intra-capsular Coblation Tonsillectomy vs Dissection Tonsillectomy: A local Hospital’s Experience, The Journal of Day Surgery (Published 2019)

Presentations and posters

  • Intra capsular tonsillectomy vs dissection tonsillectomy - Asit 2019 (International)
  • Introduction to ENT course: Does it prepare doctors for hospital at night cross-cover? 2018 NET Conference, (International)
  • A survival Guide: The ENT SHO On-Call June, 2017, London Royal Society of Medicine (National)


Conferences organised

Regional NIHR ENT Trainees Research Conference

ASiT Conference 21 - Plenary Chair

Other academic activities

ASiT Surgical Summit 20 - Plenary Chair