Mr Julian True


Mr Julian True

Access & Participation Specialist

Planning & Analytics

Access and Participation Manager

University of Plymouth

In my role as the Access and Participation Manager I am responsible for overseeing the delivery and evaluation of the University's Access and Participation Plan (APP), working with others to achieve the objectives within it. Through the APP, the University will ensure that its students have equal opportunities to access higher education, to be successful while at university, and to progress into employment or postgraduate study. It demonstrates a clear and continued commitment to Access and Participation for all students from under-represented groups, across the student lifecycle.

My key responsibilities are to develop the University’s APP strategy and associated targets, the impact evaluation strategy and framework, and the preparation of plans and reports to meet external requirements from the Office for Students (OfS). I work within the policy framework of the Planning and Analytics Office (PAO) to influence the strategic direction of the APP and ensure that plans explicitly take account of the University’s APP strategy and that the impact of these plans is monitored, measured, recorded and evaluated across the university.

I liaise with colleagues across the University, in both Professional Service areas and faculties, to coordinate our APP activities, develop an effective and flexible Access and Participation provision and share best practice.


2009 PGCE Primary with French

1999 BA Hons International Business with French

Roles on external bodies

I am a member of the Centre for Transforming Access and Student Outcomes in Higher Education (TASO). This Sector Network brings together researchers, practitioners and evaluators with an interest in widening participation and student success. Members provide a 'voice of the sector' by addressing emerging issues on the ground and helping TASO influence policy and practice to drive greater equality of opportunity for students.