Dr Jon Merrison

Dr Jon Merrison

Lecturer in Education

Plymouth Institute of Education - School of Society and Culture (Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business)



I am a Lecturer in Education with particular interests in  languages education, mathematics education, curriculum and the impact of gender on educational experiences and outcomes.


2006: PGCE (University of St Mark and St John, Plymouth) - Primary with French
2005: PhD (University of Exeter) - Mise en abyme in the works of Claude Simon
1998: Maitrise de lettres modernes (University of Provence) - Analyse du temps dans deux romans de Alain Robbe-Grillet
1996: BA (Hons) French and Politics (University of Sheffield)


Teaching interests

I teach on the BEd in Primary Education.I lead and teach on modules on the primary curriculum, maths, English and science education, and primary theory and practice.
I also take a lead on our languages provision.


Research interests

I am currently coordinating a research project in collaboration with a large local Multi-Academy Trust to study the impact on pupils and teachers of taking a coordinated approach to pedagogical and curricular progression in primary and secondary languages.


Reports & invited lectures

Merrison, J. (2024) 'How can we develop an effective model of practice for coordinating the experience of primary language learners and their transition to becoming secondary language learners?' [Workshop] Language World 2024: Languages - a unique ingredient of learning, Kenilworth, 8-9th March 2024.
Merrison, J. (2017) 'Are we allowed to choose what we write about?' [Presentation] Symposium: Group Creativity and Education, University of Plymouth, 26th January 2017. Abstract available at: https://cognovo.eu/events/group-creativity-and-education.php#2017-01-26T1200 

Other academic activities

Action research conducted as part of the Cambridge Primary Review: Alexander, R (2010) Children, their world, their education: final report and recommendations of the Cambridge Primary Review. London; New York: Routledge
Action research leading to the publication of Trundley, R., Burke, S., Wreghitt, C., Edginton, H. and Eversett, H. 'Hearing the whistle: how children can be supported to be active and influential participants in mathematics lessons through effective use of assigning competence and preteaching', in Golding, J., Bretscher, N., Crisan, C., Geraniou, E., Hodgen J. and C. Morgan (Eds). (2018) Research Proceedings of the 9th British Congress on Mathematics Education (3-6 April 2018, University of Warwick, UK). Available at: https://ueaeprints.uea.ac.uk/id/eprint/70961/1/BCME9_Research_Proceedings.pdf#page=184