MSc(Distinction), University of Durham
PhD University of Durham
MSc(Distinction), University of Durham
PhD University of Durham
Roles on external bodies
Contributor and external reviewer for Local nature recovery strategies - POST (parliament.uk)
Guest Editor Land Special Issue: Using the Climate Smart Communities Approach to Achieve Resilient Communities and Landscapes Using the Climate Smart Communities Approach to Achieve Resilient Communities and Landscapes
Assistant Guest EditorSustainability | Special Issue : A European Perspective on Cultural Heritage as a Driver for Sustainable Development and Regional Resilience (mdpi.com)
Vice Chair of South Devon AONB Partnership Committee
Member of Tamar Valley AONB Partnership Committee
Member of Blackdown Hills Natural Futures Steering Group
Member of the International Conference on Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture Program Committee, Wuyishan City, China 18th - 20th August 2007.
Technical Program Committee Member of International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Pollution Technology(ICEEPT2015), Phuket Island, Thailand 01-03 October 2015.

The ‘landscape’ of landscape monitoring
Evidence summary for policymakers
Teaching interests
Taught Modules
ENV5208 Environmental Impact Assessment
ENV5209 Work Placement
SCI5301 Masters Research Project
Module leader for:
ENV 5111 Professional Practice for Environmental Consultants
ENV5208 Environmental Impact Assessment
ENV5209 Work Placement
SCI5301 Masters Research Project
Module leader for:
ENV 5111 Professional Practice for Environmental Consultants
Research interests
Landscape Character Assessment.Use of ubiquitous technologies in landscape management, protection and planning.
Green Spaces in Urban Planning
Seascape Assessment
The application of Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS) in Landscape Character Assessment.
Green Spaces in Urban Planning
Seascape Assessment
The application of Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS) in Landscape Character Assessment.
Research degrees awarded to supervised students
Current PhD Student
2019 - 2022 Zhang, L., Roots and Flowers: Rural and Urban Integration for mutual prosperity. Case study from Rural Reconstruction Movement in China,
2016- 2019 Guy, A. "An investigation into the 'value' of waterways" Director of studies
Completed Students
2018 Ahmed Hamdullah Alboabidallah, A. "The use of remote sensing data to automate the design of land use (ground surface) and ecosystem services" Director of studies
2012 Davey, F. "A Critical Review of the Application of Geospatial Techniques to Landscape Character Assessment in the Tamar Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty" HEIF 3 Studentship, Director of studies
2011 Bello-Dambatta, A. "Development of a Decision Support System for Sustainable Management of Contaminated Land" GWR Studentship, Second supervisor
2019 - 2022 Zhang, L., Roots and Flowers: Rural and Urban Integration for mutual prosperity. Case study from Rural Reconstruction Movement in China,
2016- 2019 Guy, A. "An investigation into the 'value' of waterways" Director of studies
Completed Students
2018 Ahmed Hamdullah Alboabidallah, A. "The use of remote sensing data to automate the design of land use (ground surface) and ecosystem services" Director of studies
2012 Davey, F. "A Critical Review of the Application of Geospatial Techniques to Landscape Character Assessment in the Tamar Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty" HEIF 3 Studentship, Director of studies
2011 Bello-Dambatta, A. "Development of a Decision Support System for Sustainable Management of Contaminated Land" GWR Studentship, Second supervisor
Grants & contracts
2020 - 2021 - Cultural Ecosystem Services and Big Data analysis: How does this relate with urban planning?
2018-2022 EU H2020 RURITAGE – Rural regeneration through systemic heritage-led strategiesproject (total value ca. €10m) (Plymouth work packages ca. £470k ), with Stewart, I., Rodwell,L., Pahl, S, led by the University of Bologna, Italy.
RURITAGE is a 4-year EU-funded project under the Horizon 2020 programme. Ruritage establishes a new heritage-led rural regeneration approach, transforming rural areas into laboratories for sustainable development, building on the enhancement of their unique Cultural and Natural Heritage potential.
2017 South Devon AONB, “WemburyCorridors & Connections Project”. Award £5,000
2016 Seale-Hayne Educational Trust, ‘Revealing,measuring, and communicating the ‘value’ of water quality to the viability ofagricultural landscapes and estuary seascapes of South Devon’, with Dr Katharine Willis. Award: £6,500
2016 HeritageLottery Fund (HLF), ' Blackdown Hills Natural Futures, (Development of GIStools)', led by Blackdown Hills AONB. Award: £85,000 (UOP £4,000)
2015 ESF CUC Funding, 'LandscapeConnections and Perceptions', with Fiona Fyfe
2015 Leverhulme - Artist in residence grant, 'Tagscape', Artist: Dominica Williamson
2015 Natural England, 'Development of an App for Cultural Ecosystem Services'.
2015 Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF), ' Blackdown Hills Natural Futures', led by Blackdown Hills AONB.
2014 Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF), ''Giants Quoit, led by The Sustainable Trust.
2014 Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF), 'Helping Hands for Heritage', £93,700, led by Tamar Valley AONB.
2014 South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, 'Plymouth Urban Fringe (Wembury area) Habitat and Landscape Opportunity Mapping', with Dr F Davey.
2013 Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, 'Cornwall AONB Landscape Monitoring Phase 2', with Land Use Consultants and Dr F Davey.
2013 Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, 'Wadebridge Biofuel Survey', with Silvanus Trust.
2013 Tamar Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, ' Landscape Monitoring', with Dr F Davey.
2012 South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, 'Creation of an App to capture landscape views perception' http://ratemyview.co.uk/ .
2012 Seale-Hayne Educational Trust, 'Ecosystem services in protected landscapes ', £4,527, with Mr William Dommett.
2011 Cornwall Council, 'Creation of a Toolkit to assess Seascape Character and Sensitivity to Offshore Developments', with Miss E Bowes.
2011 Tamar Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, ' State of the AONB Atlas', with Mrs F Davey.
2011 Blackdown Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, ' Establishing good practice guidelines for the use of GIS in AONB management', with Mrs F Davey.
2011 South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, ‘Digital Atlases for Devon's Outstanding Landscapes', with Mrs F Davey.
2010 RDA/ERDF Proof of Concept Fund, – “ Application of Geospatial Techniques to Landscape Character Assessment” , £12,100, with Mrs F Davey.
2010 Seale-Hayne Educational Trust, ' Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) through contemporary moving image practice', £4,300. PI: Heidi Morstang
2008 Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, ‘ Landscape Change in the Cornwall AONB ’, with Mrs F Davey.
2008 Seale-Hayne Educational Trust, ‘Monitoring Landscape Change in the Tamar Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty’, £4,950, with Mrs F Davey and Dr S Lavender.
2008 Vice-Chancellor's Community Research Award, ' Geo-environmental Assessment of Brentor Commons', £6,700, with Dr M Donkin.
2005 Tamar Valley AONB Service, 'Development of a Tamar Valley GIS', with Dr S Lavender.
2018-2022 EU H2020 RURITAGE – Rural regeneration through systemic heritage-led strategiesproject (total value ca. €10m) (Plymouth work packages ca. £470k ), with Stewart, I., Rodwell,L., Pahl, S, led by the University of Bologna, Italy.
RURITAGE is a 4-year EU-funded project under the Horizon 2020 programme. Ruritage establishes a new heritage-led rural regeneration approach, transforming rural areas into laboratories for sustainable development, building on the enhancement of their unique Cultural and Natural Heritage potential.
2017 South Devon AONB, “WemburyCorridors & Connections Project”. Award £5,000
2016 Seale-Hayne Educational Trust, ‘Revealing,measuring, and communicating the ‘value’ of water quality to the viability ofagricultural landscapes and estuary seascapes of South Devon’, with Dr Katharine Willis. Award: £6,500
2016 HeritageLottery Fund (HLF), ' Blackdown Hills Natural Futures, (Development of GIStools)', led by Blackdown Hills AONB. Award: £85,000 (UOP £4,000)
2015 ESF CUC Funding, 'LandscapeConnections and Perceptions', with Fiona Fyfe
2015 Leverhulme - Artist in residence grant, 'Tagscape', Artist: Dominica Williamson
2015 Natural England, 'Development of an App for Cultural Ecosystem Services'.
2015 Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF), ' Blackdown Hills Natural Futures', led by Blackdown Hills AONB.
2014 Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF), ''Giants Quoit, led by The Sustainable Trust.
2014 Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF), 'Helping Hands for Heritage', £93,700, led by Tamar Valley AONB.
2014 South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, 'Plymouth Urban Fringe (Wembury area) Habitat and Landscape Opportunity Mapping', with Dr F Davey.
2013 Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, 'Cornwall AONB Landscape Monitoring Phase 2', with Land Use Consultants and Dr F Davey.
2013 Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, 'Wadebridge Biofuel Survey', with Silvanus Trust.
2013 Tamar Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, ' Landscape Monitoring', with Dr F Davey.
2012 South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, 'Creation of an App to capture landscape views perception' http://ratemyview.co.uk/ .
2012 Seale-Hayne Educational Trust, 'Ecosystem services in protected landscapes ', £4,527, with Mr William Dommett.
2011 Cornwall Council, 'Creation of a Toolkit to assess Seascape Character and Sensitivity to Offshore Developments', with Miss E Bowes.
2011 Tamar Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, ' State of the AONB Atlas', with Mrs F Davey.
2011 Blackdown Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, ' Establishing good practice guidelines for the use of GIS in AONB management', with Mrs F Davey.
2011 South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, ‘Digital Atlases for Devon's Outstanding Landscapes', with Mrs F Davey.
2010 RDA/ERDF Proof of Concept Fund, – “ Application of Geospatial Techniques to Landscape Character Assessment” , £12,100, with Mrs F Davey.
2010 Seale-Hayne Educational Trust, ' Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) through contemporary moving image practice', £4,300. PI: Heidi Morstang
2008 Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, ‘ Landscape Change in the Cornwall AONB ’, with Mrs F Davey.
2008 Seale-Hayne Educational Trust, ‘Monitoring Landscape Change in the Tamar Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty’, £4,950, with Mrs F Davey and Dr S Lavender.
2008 Vice-Chancellor's Community Research Award, ' Geo-environmental Assessment of Brentor Commons', £6,700, with Dr M Donkin.
2005 Tamar Valley AONB Service, 'Development of a Tamar Valley GIS', with Dr S Lavender.
Key publications
Key publications are highlighted
JournalsLiang, X.; Lu, Y.; Martin, J. C. (2021) A review of the role of social media for the cultural heritage sustainability. Sustainability 2021, 13, 1055. DOI: 10.3390/su13031055
Horswill E., MartinJ.C, Guy J. A, Establishing a functional framework for monitoring protected landscapes; with a case study of English Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), Ecological Indicators 119 , DOI: /doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106806
Martin J.C.,Williamson D. and Putt R. (under review), Thinking Outside the Box: A Visual and Sensory Landscape Journey to Capture Perceptual Values, Landscape and Urban Planning
Shaw B, Draux H., Garcia M., Martin J.C.and Bieling C.,(2017), Contributions of Citizen Science to Landscape Democracy, Landscape Research. Vol. 42, Iss.8, pp. 831-844. DOI: 10.1080/01426397.2017.1385750.
Martin J.C., Waterworth M., English R.& Weise L.(2016), Development of ubiquitous technology tools to support awareness of protected landscapes, Proceedings of Landscape Characterisation: Methods & Applications in Landscape Ecology. IALE UK Conference, University of Reading, 7- 9 September 2016.
Alboabidallah A., Martin J.C., Lavender S. and Abbott V. (2017), Terrestrial laser scanning for biomass assessment and tree reconstruction: improved processing efficiency, Proceedings Volume 10444, Fifth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2017), Paphos, Cyprus, September 2017. DOI: 10.1117/122279130.
Alboabidallah A., Martin J.C., Lavender S. and Abbott V. (2017), Using Landsat-8 and Sentinel-1 data for Above Ground Biomass assessment in the Tamar valley and Dartmoor,Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images (MultiTemp), Brugge, Belgium, 27 – 29 June 2017.
Martin J.C., Waterworth M., English R. & Weise L.(2016), Development of ubiquitous technology tools to support awareness of protected landscapes, Proceedings of Landscape Characterisation: Methods & Applications in Landscape Ecology. IALE UK Conference, University of Reading, 7- 9 September 2016.
Fowler B.A., MartinJ.C. & English R. (2015), A toolkit to promote landscape scale spatial planning in relation to landscape capacity and sensitivity to onshore renewable energy installations,Proceedings of the Energy Landscapes:Perception, Planning, Participation, Power Conference, Dresden, Germany, 16 -18 September 2015.
Williamson D. & MartinJ.C. (2015), Landscape stories:collecting, visualising and communicating geo-located perceptual and natural data, Proceedings of the Energy Landscapes:Perception, Planning, Participation, Power Conference, Dresden, Germany, 16 -18 September 2015.
Martin J.C.and Cooper D., (2014), The Role of Landscape Character Assessment and the Managment Planning of Protected Landscapes in England.
Palmer H., Hughes V., Norris S and Martin J.C.(2010), The Illegal Tipping of Waste: Geoenvironmental Issues Facing Rural Areas, Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, New Delhi, India, 8 – 12 November, 2010.
Davey, F., Lavender, S., Martin, J.C.and Teverson R. (2008), A Critical Review of Geospatial Techniques for Landscape Character Assessment,Proceedings of the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society Conference, University of Exeter, 15th 17th September 2008.
Martin J.C., (In preparation), Representing Desk Study Data in the Context of XML/GML, Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering.
Martin J.C., Javadi A.A., and Bello-Dambatta A. (2008), A Framework for Decision Support System for Sustainable Management of Contaminated Land, Proceedings of the Challenge of Sustainability in the Geoenvironment, GeoCongress, New Orleans, 9th – 6th March 2008.
Javadi A.A., Martin J.C.and Bello-Dambatta A. (2008), Artificial Intelligence Systems for Geo-Environmental Engineering with Specific Reference to Contaminated Land Investigation, Proceedings of the 12th IACMAG Conference, Goa, 1st- 6th October, 2008.
Martin J.C.& Toll D.G. (2006), The Development of a Knowledge-Based System for the Preliminary Investigation of ContaminatedLand, Computers and Geotechnics, 33/2, pp. 93-107.
Martin J.C.& Tregaskis C. (abstract accepted 2006), Sustainable and Inclusive Development of Contaminated Land, Proceedings of the Environment: Survival and Sustainability International Conference, Nicosia, Northern Cyprus, 19th -24th February 2007.
Martin J.C.& Toll D.G. (2006), The Development of a Data Structure for the Storage of Preliminary Site Investigation Data, Proceedings of the IAEG 10th International Congress, Nottingham, 6th -10th September 2006.
Nasir-Habeeb R., Martin J.C., and Lavender S. (abstract accepted), The Use of GIS Techniques in the Landscape Character Assessment of an Area Contaminated by Historical Mining Activity, Proceedings of the Geo-Environment & Landscape Evolution International Conference, 6th – 8th June 2006.
Martin J.C., Hatipoglu B., Incecik M. and Toll D.G. (2003), Recent Integrated Knowledge Based Systems Developed for Geotechnical Engineering Purpose, Proceedings of the International Conference on New Developments in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Near East University, Lefkosa, Turkey, 29th -31st May 2003 pp. 119 - 126.
George I. and Martin J.C.(2001), Falmouth Harbour Feasibility Study, Report to Cornwall Enterprise and Regional Development Agency, March 2001.
Horswill E., MartinJ.C, Guy J. A, Establishing a functional framework for monitoring protected landscapes; with a case study of English Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), Ecological Indicators 119 , DOI: /doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106806
Martin J.C.,Williamson D. and Putt R. (under review), Thinking Outside the Box: A Visual and Sensory Landscape Journey to Capture Perceptual Values, Landscape and Urban Planning
Shaw B, Draux H., Garcia M., Martin J.C.and Bieling C.,(2017), Contributions of Citizen Science to Landscape Democracy, Landscape Research. Vol. 42, Iss.8, pp. 831-844. DOI: 10.1080/01426397.2017.1385750.
Martin J.C., Waterworth M., English R.& Weise L.(2016), Development of ubiquitous technology tools to support awareness of protected landscapes, Proceedings of Landscape Characterisation: Methods & Applications in Landscape Ecology. IALE UK Conference, University of Reading, 7- 9 September 2016.
Alboabidallah A., Martin J.C., Lavender S. and Abbott V. (2017), Terrestrial laser scanning for biomass assessment and tree reconstruction: improved processing efficiency, Proceedings Volume 10444, Fifth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2017), Paphos, Cyprus, September 2017. DOI: 10.1117/122279130.
Alboabidallah A., Martin J.C., Lavender S. and Abbott V. (2017), Using Landsat-8 and Sentinel-1 data for Above Ground Biomass assessment in the Tamar valley and Dartmoor,Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images (MultiTemp), Brugge, Belgium, 27 – 29 June 2017.
Martin J.C., Waterworth M., English R. & Weise L.(2016), Development of ubiquitous technology tools to support awareness of protected landscapes, Proceedings of Landscape Characterisation: Methods & Applications in Landscape Ecology. IALE UK Conference, University of Reading, 7- 9 September 2016.
Fowler B.A., MartinJ.C. & English R. (2015), A toolkit to promote landscape scale spatial planning in relation to landscape capacity and sensitivity to onshore renewable energy installations,Proceedings of the Energy Landscapes:Perception, Planning, Participation, Power Conference, Dresden, Germany, 16 -18 September 2015.
Williamson D. & MartinJ.C. (2015), Landscape stories:collecting, visualising and communicating geo-located perceptual and natural data, Proceedings of the Energy Landscapes:Perception, Planning, Participation, Power Conference, Dresden, Germany, 16 -18 September 2015.
Martin J.C.and Cooper D., (2014), The Role of Landscape Character Assessment and the Managment Planning of Protected Landscapes in England.
Palmer H., Hughes V., Norris S and Martin J.C.(2010), The Illegal Tipping of Waste: Geoenvironmental Issues Facing Rural Areas, Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, New Delhi, India, 8 – 12 November, 2010.
Davey, F., Lavender, S., Martin, J.C.and Teverson R. (2008), A Critical Review of Geospatial Techniques for Landscape Character Assessment,Proceedings of the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society Conference, University of Exeter, 15th 17th September 2008.
Martin J.C., (In preparation), Representing Desk Study Data in the Context of XML/GML, Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering.
Martin J.C., Javadi A.A., and Bello-Dambatta A. (2008), A Framework for Decision Support System for Sustainable Management of Contaminated Land, Proceedings of the Challenge of Sustainability in the Geoenvironment, GeoCongress, New Orleans, 9th – 6th March 2008.
Javadi A.A., Martin J.C.and Bello-Dambatta A. (2008), Artificial Intelligence Systems for Geo-Environmental Engineering with Specific Reference to Contaminated Land Investigation, Proceedings of the 12th IACMAG Conference, Goa, 1st- 6th October, 2008.
Martin J.C.& Toll D.G. (2006), The Development of a Knowledge-Based System for the Preliminary Investigation of ContaminatedLand, Computers and Geotechnics, 33/2, pp. 93-107.
Martin J.C.& Tregaskis C. (abstract accepted 2006), Sustainable and Inclusive Development of Contaminated Land, Proceedings of the Environment: Survival and Sustainability International Conference, Nicosia, Northern Cyprus, 19th -24th February 2007.
Martin J.C.& Toll D.G. (2006), The Development of a Data Structure for the Storage of Preliminary Site Investigation Data, Proceedings of the IAEG 10th International Congress, Nottingham, 6th -10th September 2006.
Nasir-Habeeb R., Martin J.C., and Lavender S. (abstract accepted), The Use of GIS Techniques in the Landscape Character Assessment of an Area Contaminated by Historical Mining Activity, Proceedings of the Geo-Environment & Landscape Evolution International Conference, 6th – 8th June 2006.
Martin J.C., Hatipoglu B., Incecik M. and Toll D.G. (2003), Recent Integrated Knowledge Based Systems Developed for Geotechnical Engineering Purpose, Proceedings of the International Conference on New Developments in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Near East University, Lefkosa, Turkey, 29th -31st May 2003 pp. 119 - 126.
George I. and Martin J.C.(2001), Falmouth Harbour Feasibility Study, Report to Cornwall Enterprise and Regional Development Agency, March 2001.
(2024) 'Perceptions of Stakeholders on the Threats and Impacts to the Seascape of Mauritius' Society & Natural Resources 1-25 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
(2023) 'Unravelling and understanding local perceptions of water quality in the Santa basin, Peru' Journal of Hydrology , DOI Open access
(2023) 'A Robust Monitoring Platform for Rural Cultural and Natural Heritage' Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 16, (2) 1-17 Publisher Site , DOI
(2022) 'The Role of Green Infrastructure in Pluvial Flood Management and the Legislation Surrounding It: A Case Study in Bristol, UK' Sustainability 14, (21) 14619-14619 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
(2022) 'A resources ecosystem for digital and heritage-led holistic knowledge in rural regeneration' Journal of Cultural Heritage 57, 265-275 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
(2022) 'Social Media as a Medium to Promote Local Perception Expression in China’s World Heritage Sites' Land 11, (6) 841-841 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
(2022) 'An Exploration of the Contribution of Embodied, Situated Research Strategies to Cultural Ecosystem Services and Landscape Assessment Frameworks: An Environmental Empathy Case Study' Avant 13, (1) , DOI Open access
(2022) 'Developing an integrated multilevel model of uncertainty in health care: a qualitative systematic review and thematic synthesis' BMJ Global Health 7, (5) , DOI Open access
(2022) 'Complex Social Value-Based Approach for Decision-Making and Valorization Process in Chinese World Cultural Heritage Site: The Case of Kulangsu (China)' Land 11, (5) 614-614 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
(2022) 'An Exploration of the Contribution of Embodied, Situated Research Strategies to Cultural Ecosystem Services and Landscape Assessment Frameworks: An Environmental Empathy Case Study' Avant 13, (1) , DOI Open access
(2021) 'Exploring Public Recognition and Perceived Cultural Value of the Special Qualities within English Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty' Sustainability 13, (21) 12178-12178 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
(2021) 'Development of the My Cult-Rural Toolkit' Sustainability 13, (13) 7128-7128 , DOI Open access
(2021) 'Computational methods and rural cultural & natural heritage: A review' Journal of Cultural Heritage 49, 250-259 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
(2021) 'A Review of the Role of Social Media for the Cultural Heritage Sustainability' Sustainability 13, (3) 1055-1055 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
(2020) 'Establishing a functional framework for monitoring protected landscapes; with a case study of English Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)' Ecological Indicators Open access
(2017) 'Contributions of citizen science to landscape democracy: potentials and challenges of current approaches' Landscape Research Open access
(2006) 'The development of a knowledge-based system for the preliminary investigation of contaminated land' Computers and Geotechnics 33, (2) 93-107 Publisher Site , DOI Open access
(2022) 'HERITAGE TRAILS: PATHWAYS TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS' Pathways: Exploring the Routes of a Movement Heritage White Horse Press 240-263 , DOI Open access
(2020) 'Ecosystem Services Integration into Local Policies and Strategies in the City of Bologna: Analysis of the State of the Art and Recommendations for Future Development' Cities and Nature Springer International Publishing 127-139 Publisher Site , DOI
Conference Papers
(2017) 'Terrestrial laser scanning for biomass assessment and tree reconstruction: improved processing efficiency' in Papadavid G; Hadjimitsis DG; Michaelides S; Ambrosia V; Themistocleous K; Schreier G Fifth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2017) 3-/-0/20173-/-0/2017SPIE Publisher Site , DOI
(2017) 'Using Landsat-8 and Sentinel-1 data for Above Ground Biomass assessment in the Tamar valley and Dartmoor' 2017 9th International Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images (MultiTemp) 6-/-0/20176-/-0/2017IEEE Publisher Site , DOI
(2008) 'Decision Support Systems for geo-environmental engineering with specific reference to contaminated land investigation' 1936-1942
(2008) 'A Framework for Decision Support System for Sustainable Management of Contaminated Land' GeoCongress 2008 American Society of Civil Engineers Publisher Site , DOI
Reed MS, Kenter JO, Hansda R, Martin J, Curtis T, Saxby H, Mills L, Post J, Garrod G, Proctor A, Collins O, Guy JA, Stewart G, Whittingham M (2020) Social barriers and opportunities to the implementation of the England Peat Strategy. Final Report to Natural England and Defra, Newcastle University.
Reports & invited lectures
Conference on Cognitive Innovation for Sustainable Development,UP Open University, Laguna, Philippines, 24th and 25th January 2020. (Keynote speaker)
International Summer School on LEARNING BY GAME CREATION: Cultural Heritage, Cities and Digital Humanitie, Politecnico di Torino, Castello del Valentino, Turin (Italy). 1st - 8th September 2019. Organized by a joint initiative by Politecnico di Torino(POLITO-Italy) and Department of Urban and Regional Studies and Planning - and University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA-US). (invited speaker).
The Mobile Apps in Research Summit, University of Birmingham, December 4th 2013. (invited speaker, panel member) www.appsinresearchsummit.com/
Representing Desk Study Data, Geo-Engineering Data: Representation and Standardisation Workshop, Joint Technical Committee of International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, University of Nottingham (invited speaker).
Geotechnical Databases, Meeting of Case Based Reasoning Systems for Landslides Project, University of Istanbul (invited speaker).
International Summer School on LEARNING BY GAME CREATION: Cultural Heritage, Cities and Digital Humanitie, Politecnico di Torino, Castello del Valentino, Turin (Italy). 1st - 8th September 2019. Organized by a joint initiative by Politecnico di Torino(POLITO-Italy) and Department of Urban and Regional Studies and Planning - and University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA-US). (invited speaker).
The Mobile Apps in Research Summit, University of Birmingham, December 4th 2013. (invited speaker, panel member) www.appsinresearchsummit.com/
Representing Desk Study Data, Geo-Engineering Data: Representation and Standardisation Workshop, Joint Technical Committee of International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, University of Nottingham (invited speaker).
Geotechnical Databases, Meeting of Case Based Reasoning Systems for Landslides Project, University of Istanbul (invited speaker).