Plymouth Sunny Smiles Project. Logo on pop art background.

We want to hear what you have to say about looking after your teeth and going to the dentist.

We would like to talk to care experienced children and young people who: 
  • Are aged 5-17 years.
  • Are in the care of Plymouth City Council, Cornwall Council or Torbay Council.
We would also like to speak to care leavers who:
  • Are aged 18-25 years.
  • Live in England.

Good, bad or OK experience....we want to hear your story.

Teenager with dentist examining teeth
Teenage girl talking to a dentist
Teenage boy wearing braces on his teeth
Why we want to hear what you have to say: 
  • We know that not all young people have good oral health and that care experienced young people are more likely to have problems accessing dental care. 
  • We want to find out why that is and what we can do to improve the situation. 
  • By listening to young people this project will help us find out what is working well and what isn’t when it comes to supporting oral health.
  • By listening to care experienced children and young people, foster carers and health/social care professionals, we will find out what needs to change to improve the support and care that young people need for good oral health. 
  • By sharing these ideas with decision makers locally and nationally we will make real positive changes to the oral health of young people.
What does taking part involve? 
If you take part we will ask you to meet our researcher, Dr Jo Erwin either face-to-face or on-line.
Jo will meet with for about 20-60 minutes. She will talk to you about how you feel about looking after your teeth and going to the dentist and what your experiences have been like. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never been to the dentist we’d still like to hear your voice.
As a thank you for taking part you will be given a £15 Love to Shop voucher.
Jo will record your conversation with her. The recording will be kept in a secure place and not shared with anyone else.
The recording will then be typed up and your name or anything that can identify you removed so that what you say is anonymous.
I’m interested, what to do next?
If you are aged 5-15: 
Please speak to your foster parent or social worker and let them know you are interested in taking part in the project. Ask them to contact Jo at, mobile 07973 902024 for further information. 
If you are aged 16-25 
First, please read this information: 
Ages 16-17 
Care leavers 
Then, contact the researcher Jo at, mobile 07973 902024. Jo will talk to you about the project, answer any questions you have and explain how to complete the consent form.