Under the theme of society and the sea, discover both the active and completed projects our researchers in the
Marine Conservation Research Group are working on.
Active projects
Deep-sea discovery - mining marine environments for novel biologics
Plankton science for supporting the implementation of marine ecosystem-based management and conservation
One Ocean Hub
Green Minds
FISH INTEL Interreg France (Channel) England
PISCES: a systems analysis approach to reduce plastic waste in Indonesian societies
Stronger Shores: Marine habitats protecting coastal communities
State of the Sound
Aquaculture potential over seabed within the Crown Estate jurisdiction
Transformative ocean governance and just transitions towards a sustainable blue economy
Completed projects
MARCONS – Advancing Marine Conservation in the European and contiguous seas
Fisheries and Conservation Partnerships
South West Partnership for Environment and Economic Prosperity (SWEEP)
Assessing and enhancing ecosystem services provided by diadromous fish in a climate change context (DiadES)
Preventing a LIONfish invasion in the MEDiterranean through early response and targeted REmoval (RELIONMED)
Blue Carbon Artist in Residence
Blue Biosphere Natural Capital Accelerator
Application of the natural capital approach to the marine environment to aid decision-making
A Natural Capital Plan for the North Devon Marine Pioneer
RETURN: Reserve Effects Tested and Understood to validate ReturN
The SCILL-E Project (Site Classification to Inform Sustainable Lives and Livelihoods for Fisheries and Ecosystems)