Critical care

Critical care is a research group in the Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Clinical School

Current research studies

Family Member Perspectives of Safety in the Intensive Care Unit (SAFE-ICU) Funded by: Burdett Trust for Nursing.

INACTIC: International Nursing Advanced Competency-based Training for Intensive Care Funded by: European Union Erasmus Plus.

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Patients and students working together

Recent conference presentations

Impact of an education programme for novice nurses on staff work engagement in a UK ICU (Churchill K, Brook R, Hawkins K, Paver N) ESICM European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Milan 2016.

Outcomes from intensive care: what can we realistically expect in the 21st century?(Endacott R) Regional Critical Care Conference, Bendigo, Australia.

Latest publications

  • James A, Stenhouse E, Endacott R (2017) The use of a Delphi study to examine maternity high dependency care (MHDC) in Obstetric Units remote from tertiary referral centres. RCM Evidence Based Midwifery 15(3): 101-106.
  • Endacott R, Boyer C, Benbenishty J , Ben Nunn M, Ryan H, Chamberlain W, Boulanger C, Ganz FDK (2016) Perceptions of a good death: a qualitative study in intensive care units in England and Israel. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing 36: 8-16.
  • Endacott R, Jones C, Bloomer M, Boulanger C, Ben Nunn M, Iliopoulou K, Egerod I, Blot S (2015) The state of critical care nursing education in Europe - an international survey. Intensive Care Medicine 41(12): 2237-2240.
  • Ganz FDK, Endacott R, Benbenishty J, Ben Nunn M, Ryan H, Chamberlain W, Boulanger C, Spooner A, Chaboyer W. (2015) The quality of intensive care unit nurse handover related to end of life: a descriptive comparative international study. International Journal of Nursing Studies 52(1): 49-56.