Offshore wind farm with sunset in background
Providing the foundation for a national centre for Floating Offshore Wind (FLOW) mooring and anchor dynamic subsea technologies.
The COMAC feasibility study is a detailed analysis that will consider all the critical aspects for the delivery phase of an accredited Celtic Offshore Mooring and Anchoring R&D Centre in Cornwall, a state-of-the-art future testing facility that could support businesses in the global FLOW industry. 
Floating wind turbine installed 4 km offshore of Agucadoura, Povoa de Varzim, Portugal in October 2011. Credit:AlbertoNovo, courtesy of Getty Images
The development of FLOW in Cornwall & Isles of Scilly (CIoS) relies heavily on technology and R&D infrastructure. Mooring and anchoring, along with dynamic subsea systems, are crucial components of any offshore project. Businesses that aim to make a significant contribution to the global FLOW industry will benefit from access to an industry-accredited testing facility. Such access will enable these businesses to demonstrate and certify reliable, competitive, and robust technologies from the outset, helping them satisfy investors, insurance companies, and regulators.
This study will demonstrate the need for the COMAC R&D facility and provide design requirements to support the FLOW sector. It will act as a crucial decision-making tool to assist stakeholders in evaluating the viability of the COMAC project as well as the environmental, financial, and social impact it would have in Cornwall.
Our project aims to:
  • engage various stakeholders, including site developers, supply chain, finance and insurance providers, regulatory bodies, local authorities, and sector specialists to explore the market demand for a COMAC in Cornwall;
  • analyse the potential ownership and operational models of COMAC, as well as its sustainability and long-term viability;
  • evaluate the environmental impact, present technical and resource elements, and explain how the facility will support local innovation-driven and highly specialised Cornwall and Isles of Scilly FLOW businesses in developing new products and technologies.

Project partners

Celtic Sea floating offshore wind
Centre for Decarbonisation and Offshore Renewable Energy

Centre for Decarbonisation and Offshore Renewable Energy 

In response to climate change imperatives, we are bringing together a critical mass of leading research and expertise from across the University of Plymouth. Through co-creation and collaboration with partners from business, government and key communities from across the globe, the Centre aims to be a beacon for the University’s whole-system transdisciplinary approach to solutions-oriented research, accelerating sustainable developments in decarbonisation and renewable energy.