BA (Hons) Music: Our professional development programme
This module provides students with the opportunity to develop a portfolio of professional work in an area of their choice in music. 
The body of work will allow learners to evidence the experience required to enter careers in the cultural, creative, and academic areas.

Opportunities include:

New Skills

The module encourages students to consider their professional aspirations and design a project which they can include in their professional portfolio. 
The experienced teaching staff will provide personalised feedback and guidance to help students achieve their professional goals and gain real-life experience.
Audio technician working on sound recording and editing equipment

What have our students gained from their involvement?

  • Large professional CVs
  • Insights into professional working practice which feeds into modular study and their professional outlook
  • Professional references
  • Assistance in further education application
  • Prestigious performances with valuable network opportunities
  • Professional etiquette
  • Professional advice from industry contacts
  • Professional confidence
  • Wages (Some students have earned a thousand pounds plus, because of their involvement with our opportunities)
  • Employment whilst studying, or upon leaving the University of Plymouth.
  • An advantage over many of their peers

Academic staff

This module is delivered by Dr Griselda Sanderson, an Associate Lecturer at the University of Plymouth.
Griselda is a performer and composer specialising in bowed strings. 
Her area of special interest is the oral tradition and cross-cultural collaboration.