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Calling University of Plymouth students!
Learn about opportunities open to you and advice on how to make the most of your summer including:
  • meeting a range of employers offering summer experiences
  • workshops to help learn about how to look for opportunities and apply for them
  • the chance to talk about your summer plans
  • learning about resources available to you
  • finding out about volunteering.
Employer in the Foyer is a chance for you to drop in and meet employers offering summer opportunities in an informal setting at their stand in the Student Hub Foyer.
So whether you are thinking of getting work experience over summer, planning your next steps, or just wanting to learn some new skills there is something for everyone in this week-long programme.
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Monday 3 March

Careers Service Micro Internships in the Foyer Drop In | 10:00–12:30, Student Hub Foyer

Micro internship – three to ten days internship opportunities with a range of internal and external organisations. A great way to boost your CV and employability skills. Come and have a chat with us about opportunities that are currently available.

" Register your place

Employer in the Foyer: Education First | 13:00–15:30, Student Hub Foyer

At EF we are looking for Activity Leaders (General or sport specific). EFL Teachers (Free TEFL), or a management position in our Residences or Activities and Event team, we would love to hear from you! This is your opportunity to make a positive impact while building your professional expertise!

" Register your place

Tuesday 4 March

Employer in the Foyer: UoP Alumni Team | 10:00–12:30, Student Hub Foyer

How could £1,000 change your summer? We’re excited to announce the return of our Brighter Futures Grants programme. We and our long-term partner Santander are committed to empowering all students to achieve their goals and we know that key to this is ensuring you can focus on what truly matters – your studies. The grants are designed to help lift some of the financial pressures that you might come across as a student.
We’re giving away £1,000 to ten of our students. The funds can be spent on rent, bills, study resources or anything else that will help create an environment where you can focus. Entries are open from 10 March – 15 May 2025; pop by our stand to find out more.

" Register your place

Employer in the Foyer: Verdant | 14:00–15:00, Student Hub Foyer

Join Verdanta in July of 2025 for an unforgettable summer school in Tanzania! Over 19 days, students will engage in various environmental projects, from forest ecology and habitat restoration to soil sampling and flora and fauna surveys.

" Register your place

Accelerate – How to Apply For Jobs With Little or No Experience Workshop | 14:00–15:00, Student Hub Room 3

In this workshop you will learn:
  • the value of transferable skills and experience
  • how to reflect on your academic experience and extra-curricular activities to evidence skills
  • how to evidence this effectively in a skills-based CV
  • alternative ways to gain experience and skills
  • how to approach employers with speculative cover letters and applications.

" Register your place

Wednesday 5 March

Accelerate – CVs and Cover Letters Workshop | 10:00–11:00, Student Hub Room 3

This session will walk you through the process of how to structure that all-important CV and how to target it towards the role you are applying for. We'll also provide guidance on writing a cover letter so you can find out what to include and how to get yourself noticed.

" Register your place

Employer in the Foyer: Education First | 10:00–12:30, Student Hub Foyer

At EF we are looking for Activity Leaders (general or sport specific). EFL Teachers (Free TEFL), or a management position in our Residences or Activities and Event team, we would love to hear from you! This is your opportunity to make a positive impact while building your professional expertise!

" Register your place

Employer in the Foyer: GVI | 13:00–15:30, Student Hub Foyer

GVI offers a range of award-winning programmes that boost career development in the conservation and community development sectors globally. GVI has programmes on five continents, varying from 1 to 24 weeks, including: internships (in person or online), professional apprenticeships (with a guaranteed three-month job placement), research fellowships (with academic supervision to finish your research) and online courses.

" Register your place

Accelerate – Looking for Part-time Jobs Workshop | 14:00–15:00, Student Hub Room 3

This session will walk you through your options for work at the University and in Plymouth, where to find these opportunities and how to apply. We will also give you a whistle stop guide through CVs, cover letters and the importance of tailoring these to the jobs you apply for.

" Register your place

Thursday 6 March

Employer in the Foyer: Operation Wallacea | 10:00–12:30, Student Hub Foyer

Operation Wallacea is a network of academics from European and North American universities who design and implement biodiversity and conservation management research expeditions. Research is supported by participants who join the programme to strengthen their CV/resume, gain skills they wish to acquire or expand upon.

" Register your place

Employer in the Foyer: Harbour Hotels | 13:00–15:30, Student Hub Foyer

We are lucky enough to have two amazing hotels in the Salcombe area of Devon with fantastic opportunities in our Restaurant Team and the Housekeeping Team, Come along for a chat!

" Register your place

Friday 7 March

Employer in the Foyer: UoP English Language Centre | 10:00–12:30, Student Hub Foyer

English is the international language of communication and is used across the world to conduct business, deliver education and facilitate dialogues and negotiations. Having a recognised English language teaching qualification can open up a wide range of short and long term career opportunities, both in the UK and abroad.

" Register your place

Summer Opportunities Drop In | 10:00–12:00, Student Hub

Are you unsure how to make the most of your summer break? This is an opportunity to drop in and speak to an adviser about how to make the most of the long summer break and how to find different opportunities and the best way to get the experience you're looking for.

" Register your place

Please note: The University of Plymouth is acting as host to the organisations and employees attending this event and is not officially endorsing them or any statements made by them. We would advise that all opportunities and job offers are checked with the employer before accepting. In the instance that an organisation is promoting a training course, or where a fee would be incurred, we encourage students to ensure they are fully aware of this before undertaking an opportunity and that students take the time to consider other providers.
Careers Service Rate My Placement Awards

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Please be aware that some of the University of Plymouth's public events (both online and offline) may be attended by University staff, photographers and videographers, for capturing content to be used in University online and offline marketing and promotional materials, for example webpages, brochures or leaflets. If you, or a member of your group, do not wish to be photographed or recorded, please let a member of staff know.